chapter 4

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The rest of the night went by quickly. The sorting ceremony and feast took place, but everyone from the compartment that drank the pumpkin juice was just about asleep. 

That night, Pansy ended up having to drag me into my dorm because I was passed out on the common room floor. Pansy was my best friend in Slytherin, and for once I was happy that she was there to spare me the foolishness of being caught drunk on the first night at Hogwarts.

"Violetta Black, let me just say I have never felt such second-hand embarrassment in my life."

I couldn't even open my mouth to fight back. I was too exhausted.

I woke up the next morning with a roaring headache, and all the events from the train ride came back to me.

Holy shit. I kissed Ginny and Cedric. Oh shit, bloody hell. 

And then the realization struck. Harry.

I pulled on my robes and ran to the great hall. I saw Ginny and Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table with Ron, Hermione, and Neville. I awkwardly approached them. 

"Erm... Harry and Ginny?"    They looked up from their breakfast.

"I don't really know what happened on the train yesterday, but I wanted to apologize. From what I remember, there was stuff that happened... erm.. with Ginny."

Harry looked up at me with a smile, "It's okay, you really meant no harm. Fred and George slipped alcohol in the pumpkin juice. It wasn't your fault."

I sighed in relief and ended up talking to Cedric after potions class. He apologized back, and we separated to walk back to our common rooms. 

Before I entered the Slytherin common rooms, Ginny quickly came up to me with a note. She shoved it in my hand, put a finger to her lips, signaling me to not show anyone, and ran off.

When I reached my dorm, I unfolded the note.


I am not sorry for what happened on that train. I can't quite remember it, but it was one of the best kisses I have ever had. I really hope you feel the same way. If you do, meet me on the east grounds. I'll be waiting on a bench.


I stood there for a while, re-reading the note over and over. Was this real? Was it a prank? Was Ginny the one that just handed me that note or one of the twins? Well, I guess I better go find out anyway.

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