chapter 35

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4 years later

June   2002

"Mama, look!" Rosemary shouted. She pointed to a small red ladybug on the tip of her tiny finger. 

"It's beautiful sweetie, but make sure you put it back in the grass with its family."

I was now 21 years old, almost 22. I moved far from Hogwarts, out in the wilderness near my mother's home. Ginny and I were married and had a kid. Her name was Rosemary, and she was 2 years old. She had my bright blue eyes and dark hair. She had Ginny's spirit and my sass. I adored her with my whole heart. 

Every now and then, she reminded me of Cedric. How happy and bubbly I remembered him to be. In the backyard, there were four trees. One for my step-father, one for my sister Nymphadora, one for Fred, and one for Cedric. Scattered around the trees were countless stones, engraved with the names of every loved one that died in the battle of Hogwarts or leading up to it.

"Rosemary, don't wander too far, I have to go speak with mummy!" 

Of course, she didn't look back at me and crouched down to find more creatures. 

I walked through the small wooden door to find Ginny in the kitchen stirring soup. She looked pretty, the glow of fading sunlight on her skin. Her eyes used to be drained of light. After Fred died, she lost herself for a while. We had moved away for a fresh start, to move on from the battle and leave behind our childhood at Hogwarts. We were adults now.

"Look at how cute she is, just running around," she said, beaming at me.

"She's absolutely perfect," I whispered back, leaning in to kiss my wife. 

When we broke apart, I stared into her eyes. I saw our future flash before my eyes. 

Picnics with my mother and Teddy. Rosemary's first day at Hogwarts. Sitting in the yard showing Rosemary different types of flowers. Reading stories to two little red-headed twins, Emerson and Freya. Looking at the stars with Ginny from a tall tower. The weddings of Luna and Neville, Ron and Hermione, Pansy and Adrianna. Harry remained alone, but the godfather and close family friend to our children. I saw a life full of adventure and joy. 

It brought me back to when I was just a teenager. When I wanted to end my life to be with someone I loved with my heart. Now, standing here finally happy, I'm glad I stayed. If I had died that day, this family wouldn't exist. So many things would be different. I would have chosen a life without my true soulmate, which I realized later on in life was Ginny. It always had been her.

Standing there, swirling hot soup with a wooden spoon, was the love of my life. She was everything that had led me here. My past, my present, and my future. 

Years ago, I had fallen in love. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I didn't. That year changed me, opened a door to a world of possibilities. 

That year was special. 

1996 was the year my life truly began. 

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