chapter 13

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Since the yule ball was such a special occasion, Dumbledore had given students the following day off. I woke up, expecting Ginny at my side. But she wasn't there when I turned around. I got out of bed wrapped in a blanket and looked around the common room. I found her and Hermione laughing on the couch over something.

"Hey Vi, how did you sleep?" Hermione asked.

"Very well, thank you," I said, taking a seat.

"Ginny tells me about your special night. Oh how I wish I could participate in such romances, but with exams coming up I have to focus. Might as well head off to the library, goodbye you two."

I didn't quite know what to think about Ginny always telling Hermione about what we did. I understood they were close, but some things I would just rather keep private. Whatever, she was probably just excited and wanted to ramble to someone.

"I missed you this morning," I told her.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you," she replied without making eye contact. "Well, I better go get ready, I'll meet you at breakfast."  She got up and went to her dorm.

I went to the great hall and ate with Neville and Luna, but Ginny never showed.  I finished eating and decided that if she didn't come to breakfast it was probably for a good reason, so I went back to my dorms.

I walked into the bathroom to find Esmerelda doing her makeup in one of the vanities.

"Hey Ez, did you have a good time at the ball with Blaise?" I asked, taking out a hairbrush.

"Yes, we had his dorm room all to ourselves after the ball if you know what I mean."

"Damn, good for you! Oh, did Ginny come by here? She missed breakfast."

"No sign of her, but Harry did stop by with one of the Weasley twins. He mentioned the second-floor prefect bathroom. Right corridor, probably happening now," she said, finishing getting ready and leaving the room. Was she trying to signal me to go there?

I waited for her to leave, and snuck off to the second floor.

I approached the main corridor and heard loud voices coming from the right side.

"Fred, she is your sister! You have to push a little bit if you want this plan to work," said a voice that could only be Harry's.

"Harry, do you know how happy Ginny is with Violetta? I have never seen her like this. You know she has issues with stuff. I tried to be mean to them but I feel like an asshole even attempting to break them up for you. Trying to use Katie Bell to make her jealous? Using me to persuade Ginny to go back to you? I'm not doing this anymore Potter I am not a homophobe and I am certainly not your assistant in breaking up relationships," Fred replied angrily.

"I don't need you anyway. I'm going to kiss her tonight and see if she takes me back."

After that, footsteps rounded the corner. I jumped into an empty classroom seconds before Harry stormed by. When he was out of sight, I crept past the corner expecting to see Fred, but he was gone as well.

I went to go find Ginny. After running around Hogwarts, I spotted her walking with Hannah Abbott.

"Ginny!" I called. She turned around and waited for me to catch up.

"Thank gosh I found you. Can we talk somewhere private? Sorry, Hannah."

When we were in an emptier part of the hallway, I told her everything I had heard from the corridor.

"So let me get this straight. Harry is going to kiss me to try and win me back? Is this like a prank? April isn't for a few months, silly."

"Ginny I am not lying I heard them. Ask Fred yourself!"

"Vi, you seem paranoid about Harry. We are over, I don't have feelings for him anymore. We are just friends," Ginny said. "I think you should go get some sleep."

"You don't believe me, do you?" I said, my voice trembling.

Ginny paused, and an awkward silence hung in the air.

"Forget it. I'll see you later then."

I left, feeling a knot form in my stomach. The one person I have never kept a secret from didn't trust me as much as she did some famous wizard she dated for a couple of years.

The days passed quickly. Countless nights of wishing on the founders of Hogwarts that Ginny would talk to me again. I knew she had kissed Harry and couldn't accept that I was right.

One Saturday I was walking to lunch with Luna when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty broom cupboard. It wasn't until I saw her auburn hair that I realized it was Ginny.

"Hi," she said quietly.

Almost a week of silence and all I got was a simple hi. I looked into her eyes and didn't say a word. 

"Please stop ignoring me, Violetta." 

"I could say the same to you," I snapped back. 

"How was I supposed to explain you were right?  When Harry kissed me two days ago, I realized you were trying to warn me and I didn't listen. So I am truly sorry, I just want us to be together like we used to." 

"I shouldn't have been so stubborn. I'm sorry too," I said, taking her hand and pulling her in for a kiss. 

Late that night, I was in the Gryffindor common room, my head on Ginny's lap. She was explaining how the quidditch team wanted to kick off Cormac McLaggen because he wasn't as good as he used to be. I was just about to fall asleep when Ginny heard steps coming from the boys' dormitory stairs.

"Hide!" she whispered.  I crouched behind a chair in the corner of the common room watching as she tried to crouch down beside me but she was caught by the person on the stairs. 

"What are you doing up this late, Ginny," the voice said.  Was that... Harry? 

"It's none of your business. I can stay up if I want to, you aren't my boyfriend anymore."

"I could be. Why don't you understand how much I love you?" he whispered. 

"I thought we could be friends until I heard about what you planned with Fred. It's sick Harry. It's absolutely sick." 

"I will do whatever it takes to get you back Ginny. I will do anything, please," he begged. He began to step closer to her as she stood by the chair. Finally, he was a few inches from her, when he took her face in his hands and passionately kissed her. I watched her squirm, trying to push him away. Ginny was a strong girl, but when it came to being kissed by someone she was a helpless soft creature. 

"Back the fuck away from her Potter."

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