chapter 2

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I put down the letter, feeling tears swell up in my eyes. 

Don't cry, just keep packing your stuff. 

I wiped my eyes with my shirt sleeve just as Ginny walked in. 

"What's wrong?" she asked, sitting on the floor next to me.

"Oh, it's nothing, just stuff with my mom. I found one of her old letters," I replied with a sniffle. I didn't want Ginny to see me cry. 

She scooched over and hugged me. Ginny acted really tough at school, but at home, she wasn't like that.

"Just cry it out. Get it all out of you before school. You don't need the stress," Ginny said, handing me a box of tissues.

Hours later, I had fallen asleep on the floor crying. Ginny carried me to my bed. 

Right there, as I was asleep, Ginny gently brushed her lips against my cheek. 

She didn't know that when she picked me up, I woke up. 

After Ginny had gone to her bed and fallen asleep, I turned with my back to her and thought.

Ginny just kissed me on the cheek. What does this mean? What about Harry?

I was up all night. I couldn't stop thinking about what this would mean. It would probably be kept a secret unless something else were to happen.

The next day went by in a blur. The Weasleys spent all day packing their trunks in chaos. Hermione and Harry had come over to help.

"Fred! George! Get those firecrackers away from Ron's books!" Mrs. Weasley shouted.

Fred looked over at George and whispered, "Come on Georgie, we can waste our valuable merchandise on something better."

"How about mum's underclothes?" George whispered back.

"Brilliant," they said in unison.

I giggled as the twins crept out of Ron's bedroom into Mrs. Weasley's.

Ginny crept up behind me and shouted, "BOO!"

I jumped and looked back at her. We both laughed and went to finish packing. I desperately wanted to talk to her about last night, but it was getting late and I didn't even know how to bring it up. How do you confront one of the people you love about something like that?

As I packed the rest of my stuff into my trunk, Mr. Weasley called us down. 

"Come down, all of you! Come on now, hurry down!"

Everyone came down the stairs.

"Your mother and I are going to dinner with some of my friends from the ministry. Fred, George, you're in charge. This house better be the same as we left it. And absolutely NO DRINKING." 

We all agreed, and headed back upstairs. Once Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had left, George came into the room. Hermione, Ginny, and I sat on the floor talking about our class schedules.

"Fred just found some rum in mum's hidden cabinet. You all care to join us? We will have it replaced before they come back."

"Sure, but I'm not drinking too much. I am not getting on your parent's bad sides tonight."  We got up and followed him to the kitchen. Ron poured us each a cup and we drank together. 

The taste of rum was honestly quite disgusting at first, but after a few minutes, you had the urge to drink more. Eventually, it tastes sweet. 

We all sat, drinking rum and talking. At one point, Harry started making out on the couch with Ginny. I suddenly felt pure jealousy. Why couldn't that be me snogging her?

Soon, Ron noticed the time.  "Bloody hell, mum and dad will be back soon. Quick, clean up, and go upstairs!" 

Everyone scurried around frantically. George pulled out a spare bottle of rum from thin air, and I grabbed all the cups and hid them in my bottom dresser drawer. 

When we were upstairs in our rooms and the Weasley parents were home, I fell asleep almost instantly. Somehow the way Ginny and Harry were together tonight made me overwhelmed with anger and jealousy. 

Was I catching feelings for Ginny?

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