chapter 8

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this chapter includes a little more of violetta's family

The very next day, I woke up early and got ready. Mrs. Weasley made a pumpkin pie and some baked goods in a basket to bring to my family. I thanked her, took the basket, and walked the distance to the transportation platform. 

I got on the next trolly and sat in the far back. I bit my lip. This is the first time I've seen my mom in years. What do I say? Hi mom, I'm 15 now. I have a girlfriend. Nice to see you. Have a good day, bye.  I sounded foolish.

The trolly stopped. It was time to get off. Shaking, I got off. Now I had to walk.

Eventually, I approached a large castle-looking home. Beautiful wildflowers grew throughout the large yard. As I got closer to the house, I saw a young girl in the front yard. This would be my 3-year-old half-sister, Dahlia. I had only heard her name in the Christmas cards my mother sent once a year. One year, an extra name was added to Ted, Andromeda, and Nymphadora.  

The little girl stopped playing. She came up to me. 

"Hi. My name is Dahlia. I live here. Will you play with me?" she asked.

I smiled. "Hi Dahlia, can you take me to your mommy, please? Maybe we can play later."

She nodded and guided me inside. She was fast for such a small little girl. 

There, at the kitchen counter slicing fruit, was my mother. Andromeda Black-Tonks.

"Mommy, mommy! This girl said you knew her."

Andromeda quickly looked up. After seeing me her face relaxed. I figured she thought I was some sort of death eater or villain that had found her through my psycho aunt, Bellatrix.

"Hi, mom."


Andromeda stood there for quite a bit. I started to get worried and cleared my throat to break the silence. 

"Darling, why don't you go upstairs and play at the dollhouse," she said to Dahlia. The little girl shrieked in excitement.

As soon as she was upstairs, I was invited to sit.

"I'm sorry if I shocked you. I didn't mean any harm. I'm 15 now, I thought it was time to visit."

"I'm happy you came actually. I was going to write to you about how the first term was going. Year five was always difficult for me."

I smiled, trying to conceal my happiness that she was thinking about me.

After I caught up with Andromeda, she asked me what the real reason for the visit was.

This woman could read people like a book. I guess this is where I got it from.

"I miss you sometimes. I wanted to see you and your family. I also wanted to let you know I have a girlfriend. Ginny Weasley, I'm sure your other daughter Dora has seen her father at the ministry."

"Ahh yes, Arthur! Very sweet man. I appreciate you telling me, honey. Maybe one day I will meet her."

I smiled weakly. It was awkward talking to my mother in person after all the time that had passed. We talked for a bit more, then I said goodbye and quickly left. Thank goodness we were learning apparation a term early, I got out as fast as needed. 

The next morning, when I woke up, Ginny was not asleep across the room as she usually was. I walked downstairs. The burrow was dead silent. No Fred and George shooting firecrackers. No bacon sizzling on the pan as Mrs. Weasley made breakfast. No phone calls from the ministry or Hermione. I tried not to panic.

The door opened. Ron burst in. He was covered in... snow?

"Gosh, Vi you better come outside, we've been waiting!"

"For what?" I asked, still in awe that there was snow already.

"Didn't you hear? Last night a huge snowstorm came in. We've been outside all morning," Ron said, grabbing a muffin from the counter.

I beamed in delight and grabbed my snow clothes from last year. A bit small, but that was alright. I ran out and saw Ginny building a snowman with George.

She walked up to me, her hair covered in small snowflakes. "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?"

"It is. Not as beautiful as you of course." I kissed her cheek. 

We decided to have a snowball fight with the twins. Ginny Ron and I versus Fred and George. We figured it was fair since they had all kinds of tricks up their sleeves at all times. 

Snowballs flew back and forth. Ginny and I pelted them over the small wall we had made and crouched close together trying not to get hit.

All of a sudden I was on top of Ginny on the snowy ground. Standing above us, were the twins.

"Snowball fights are awesome when you're not snogging all the time," George said.

"Yeah get a room, you too. We don't have all day," Fred replied. 

"Gladly. C'mon Ginny, let's get some cocoa," I said, pulling her up from the snow.

We walked inside, and I sat down next to her on the couch, our mugs in hand.

I sat next to her for a while, sipping my hot cocoa quietly, occasionally telling her how pretty she looked at that moment.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" she asked, intertwining her fingers with mine. 

"Of course." We snuck past the kitchen window, careful not to draw attention from the snowball war going on outside. Sadly, it didn't work. Fred saw us and came in.

"Where do you think you two are going?"

"I was going to go make out with your sister. Would you prefer I not?" I said, crossing my arms.

"I most certainly would prefer you not. Go back outside and get your hands off of my sister."

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