chapter 14

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literally, most of this chapter is violetta beating up harry. enjoy

My wand was out. Harry had stopped kissing Ginny but still gripped her arms tightly. I pointed the tip of my wand at his neck. He was not getting away with this easily. 

"I said back the fuck away from her, or I will slit your throat with a flick of my wand," I said, tightening my grip. When he released her, she backed into my arms as he put his hands near his head. 

"Don't do this Violetta. It's a big mistake. You know it."  

"I will do what is necessary. Now go back up to your bed and never come near us again unless you want to apologize. Get some good rest, Harry, your sick twisted mind needs it." 

As he ran up the stairs, Ginny began to cry into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her safe. Potter would get karma for what he did to her, I would make sure.

Once Ginny was asleep in her bed, I quietly snuck off to the Slytherin dorms careful to stay clear of any hallways a teacher would be roaming in. As I fell asleep that night, I couldn't stop thinking about Ginny. Was she safe? Would Harry try to get into her dorm while I was gone? I didn't fall asleep until hours later. When I woke up, I got dressed as fast as possible and went to breakfast.

Ginny was sitting with Luna and Neville. I sighed in relief and sat down with them, grabbing a pumpkin pasty from the center of the table.  We chatted about the daily schedule and went off to our first classes. I had magical creatures with Gryffindor. Great, Harry would be there.

I walked down the hill to Hagrid's hut with Adrianna, Esmerelda, and Pansy. Draco, Blaise, and Theo walked behind us. Most Gryffindors feared my Slytherin friend group. We were all rich and descendants of powerful witches and wizards. Draco was a Malfoy, Adrianna was a Lestrange, and Esmerelda was a Greengrass. Everyone else just had well-known pureblood parents. I didn't like Draco too much but I recently bonded with him over our hatred for "the chosen one". 

As I approached the hut, I saw Ginny and stood by her side while waiting for Hagrid. Harry approached us.  Not this ass again.

"Need something Potter?"  I snarled.

"Yes, I came to talk to Ginny. Could you leave us alone for a second, please, or is that too much for you to do," Harry snapped back.

"Fine, but you put one hand on her and I'll beat your ass with or without my wand." I walked away to go talk to Hermione. I turned around, watching carefully. He squeezed Ginny's hand, and she dropped it quickly. I inhaled sharply through my mouth. He put his hand on her waist. 

I walked over there, spun Harry around, and hurled my fist into his face, making sure to grab the glasses before he fell to the ground. I tossed them to Pansy, who tossed them to Draco. When Harry tried to get back up, I punched him square in the face again, then kicked both his ankles so he fell again. Draco tossed me the glasses, and I tossed them next to Harry, who lay sprawled on the ground. 

"I warned you not to touch her." I spit at his feet and walked back over to Pansy. Ron and Hermione would have rushed to his aid, except they both knew what he had done to Ginny the night before. Almost everyone in our year had lost respect for the famous Harry Potter. 

Hagrid approached Harry as he got to his feet. "Oy, get off the ground, Harry. It's filthy. Don't wanna be lookin' all messy all day."  I smirked. Hagrid hadn't seen a thing. 

The day flew by. I tried to focus on my classes, but Harry's ugly bruised face was distracting practically everyone in the class. Finally, the bruises were so dark that Professor McGonagall sent him to the infirmary as soon as she noticed. I smiled sarcastically as he walked by. 

That night, I ate dinner at the Ravenclaw table with Hermione, Ron, the twins, Lavender, Luna, Neville, and Ginny. Harry entered and came to sit with us, and we all fell silent. Everyone knew about how he had manipulated Fred and forced Ginny to make out with him. Fred got up to leave, but before he could walk away the silence broke. 

"Wait, Fred sit down. All of you stay where you are," Harry said, dropping his fork. The twins reluctantly sat back at the table.

"I am so sorry for what I did to all of you. Especially you Ginny and Violetta. I was jealous and missed Ginny. I think after she stopped talking to me as a friend and focused more on you I craved our old relationships. I miss being friends with all of you, I miss talking and eating with you guys. Please just tell me what I can do."

"Why don't you start with apologizing to Katie, she was very upset yesterday. What a fool you are, using a girl for sex," Lavender hissed. 

"Yeah, and why don't you stock at the joke shop to make it up to Freddie," Ron chimed in. 

"I don't think I will forgive you, Harry. But I will try to be nicer and friendlier. I am certainly not sorry for beating your ass today," I said quietly.  He nodded and turned to look at Ginny.

She stayed quiet.  

"Just leave her alone for now Harry," Hermione said to him. Ginny got up and left. I knew she needed space, so I left her alone. The rest of dinner was quiet except for the sounds of chewing. 

That night, I was walking back to my dorm, when Cedric approached me in the hallway.

"Hey, Violetta, I never really got a chance to talk to you after you disappeared that night at the ball. I just wanted to know if I did something or if you were okay," he said.

"I'm so sorry. I completely forgot I had left you alone, a friend had called me over and we got carried away. I meant to come back and find you but it got late, you did nothing wrong. I actually had a splendid time, you're a great dancer you know." 

I felt my cheeks turn pink. Something about being around Cedric made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I felt like I was floating. This was a different type of feeling I had when I was younger.

"You're a great dance partner," he answered quietly. The hallways were empty. Everyone else was back in their dorms or at dinner. Cedric leaned down, but I stopped him before he could kiss me.

"Goodnight Cedric," I whispered, walking away. 

I felt his eyes staring at me as I strolled down the corridor to my dorm. Why did I feel butterflies in my stomach?

1996 - ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now