chapter 21

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Every table sat in silence.

"WHERE IS HARRY POTTER," Dumbledore bellowed. Any student could tell you that he was no longer trying to hide his rage. 

Ginny didn't look half as horrified as I did, which was reassuring since it meant she had obviously lost some of her feelings for Harry throughout the last term. 

I tried to process that Cedric's life was literally put at risk for the next month. I wanted him to do what he wanted but I could not lose him.

Dumbledore had sent everyone back to their common rooms and was told nobody would be leaving until he instructed they could. I watched him disappear into the back room, wondering how Cedric was doing. 

When I reached my bed, I lay down, trying to control my breathing.

"Vi, it's going to be okay. He is a smart, strong, and quick boy. You don't have to worry. Krum will do fine he's strong and fast, Fleur is intelligent and sly. Harry has nothing. If anyone's going to get seriously injured it will be him," Adrianna said.

I nodded, trying to push down the growing lump in my throat. I couldn't cry over the possibility of losing Cedric, that was just pathetic.

Ginny walked in the door and gave me a hug. I was a bit taken aback, she was never too much of a surprise hugger.

"It's going to be okay, they will both do just fine," she whispered into my ear. 

I hated to admit that shivers went down my spine. She whispered like this when we used to be together, pulling the hair away from my ear and telling me she loved me.

Stop fantasizing Violetta, you're with Cedric now. You love him more than anything. Ginny probably won't ever have feelings for you again.

I stood there for a while, Ginny's arms around my shoulders. How long had it been since I had made physical contact with her? When she pulled away I felt a strange coldness. 

"I have to get back to my dorm and check on Harry. He's gonna get serious backlash these next couple of weeks. I'll see you around Violetta."

She left, and I sat back down on my bed to continue panicking about Cedric. Something was off. I noticed Pansy, Esmerelda, and Adrianna were all staring at me.

"What in merlin's beard was that! You two were practically rubbing against each other! Tell me you aren't back together behind Cedric's back, Vi.  I don't know if I can support you cheating twice," Esmerelda exclaimed.

"Ez, it's not like that. We are getting back to being friends, that's all."  I blushed, realizing they all didn't believe me. 

Eventually, when everyone fell asleep, I snuck off for Cedric's dorms. The first task was in a few days. I wanted to visit him while I could, even if that meant sneaking around the castle.

I crept up to the year 7 boys dormitory. He was wide awake, as I suspected.

"V, what are you doing here?" he whispered. 

"I came to visit... Cedric, I'm really worried. I don't want you to get hurt, this is a dangerous tournament. Do you know what the first task even is?" I said, sitting down next to him and putting my hand on his.

"No, but don't worry about me. I don't want you ending up in the hospital again. Just picture this. I'll win the Triwizard cup and use the winning money to build a beautiful house in the valley with a river and tall grass and flowers. I'll wait for you to turn 18 and graduate, and we'll start a life together. We can have a few kids, and live in peace and quiet. We could even start a farm, you and me."

I drifted off to sleep, my head on his shoulder. I felt him lay me down on his bed and pull the covers over me, as he laid next to me.

"Don't worry about me, everything will be okay. I will love you until the end of time, Violetta Black," he whispered softly. 

I woke up. It was pitch black outside. I figured it had to be around 4 in the morning. I was careful not to wake Cedric as I slowly snuck back to my dorm, and fell back asleep for the next few hours. If the girls had noticed I wasn't in bed last night, I would have been pestered to my grave. 

Classes for the next few weeks were boring. Most Hogwarts students wore badges degrading Potter. I found it sort of hilarious but felt bad at the same time, so didn't wear one. But it's not like I stopped people from taking one.

Ginny and I had started to bond over the fact that both of our guys were Triwizard champions. I'm pretty sure she and Harry were dating again and she just didn't want to tell me. It was nice to finally have someone to talk to besides George, who was cheerful and thought problems could be cured with laughs and jokes. Sometimes, I felt jealous he could live life so optimistically.

Tomorrow morning was the first task of the Triwizard tournament. Cedric had told me it was dragons, which he heard from Harry. Ginny and I spent hours helping him and Harry figure out ways to defeat whatever could happen in that pit. 

"Cedric, please try not to get hurt tomorrow," I said, pulling him in for a kiss.

"I'll do my very best for you, sunshine." His new nickname for me turned my cheeks bright pink. I felt like a human glow stick. 

"Those dragons won't have anything on me, for I am the great Cedric Diggory, representee of thy Hogwarts!" he shouted, scooping me into his arms as I screamed in laughter. 

I only hoped that the next month would be as easy as Cedric had convinced himself it would be.

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