chapter 18

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"Get out, I don't want you here." 

"Violetta I beg of you just let me stay for a minute," he pleaded. 

"Fine. You have 5 minutes before I have Madam Pomfrey make you leave," I said. I was weak but I could still make it noticeable I didn't want to see him. 

"Violetta you giving me that note and leaving is not going to change the way I feel about you. I will still have feelings for you, even if you don't for me. I am truly sorry I was the cause of your heartbreak and I just wanted to visit. I really hope you feel better." He set down a small box of chocolate frogs and walked away to leave but I stopped him. 

I knew I would regret this later. But Ginny and I weren't together anymore. 

"Can you stay with me?" 

He looked surprised, but his face lit up like the sun and he came to sit by me, holding my hand and telling me about how he hexed Harry's potion so he got in trouble.

Listening to his voice was relaxing, and when Madam Pomfrey passed I gave her a look telling her I wanted him to be my only visitor for now.

"I've missed seeing you in the halls. I know you're here now, but would you maybe like to reschedule that Hogsmeade date sometime?"

"I'd love to," I said. For some reason, it still felt wrong to go on a date so quickly after breaking up with Ginny. But I knew me and Ginny were long gone when Harry kissed her. It wasn't the same after that.

Almost two weeks later I was back in class after a long time of being put on anxiety medications and catching up on classes. A house elf had been assigned to my dorm to make sure I ate properly for the next month. Her name was Ellie and she had a strange obsession with cooking Italian foods. 

After class, I had my first date with Cedric. I wanted to look nice without making it too obvious. I put on mom jeans with a big white sweater. I styled my hair and went out into the courtyard to wait for him. 

"Surprise!" he said, coming out from behind me. I jumped and laughed with him. We walked to Hogsmeade together. I remembered how Ginny and I did this a few times. For some reason, I felt like I was on a proper date rather than on a trip with my friend. 

"Here, let me put this on you." I felt Cedric's hands pull a black cloth over my eyes, as he took my hand and guided me through Hogsmeade. When we stopped, he slowly pulled the blindfold off.

Madam Puddifoot's" read a small label on the front door. I had heard of this place, Hermione had gone with Ron and Harry one year for her birthday. 

Cedric brought me in and let me sit at a small booth in the corner. My stomach felt like there were little bubbles floating around inside. 

A frail old woman who I assumed was Madam Puddifoot came over to take our orders.

"I'll have a candy apple white tea with two pumpkin pasties and a cauldron cake please," Cedric asked the lady, and signaled I could order if I wanted.

"I will have an iced chai tea with a treacle tart and a toasted peanut and jam sandwich," I asked. She wrote down the orders and went to the kitchen. 

Once we were served, Cedric and I ate and chatted for what felt like hours. I didn't realize it was getting so late until Madam Puddifoot told us the shop was closing for the night and we better get back before we get in trouble.

We ran through the streets of Hogsmeade laughing like children as he held my hand. We crept through the castle and finally reached the Slytherin dorms. I didn't want to sleep alone but it was too early in the relationship to stay the night with him.

"Goodnight Cedric, I'll miss you. I truly had a wonderful night," I whispered, as he pulled me into his arms.

"I did too. Just come to my dorm at any time if you need something, okay?"

I nodded, and he kissed me under the dim candlelight of Hogwarts. His lips were warm and sweet like honey. After we broke apart, I smiled up at him and left to go to my room. Cedric's face was as red as a tomato. 

When I got to my room, all my friends were sitting on Adrianna's bed playing wizard cards. 

"Finally, you're back! Where on earth have you been so late?" 

"I was with Cedric in Hogsmeade. Oh my gosh, it was just brilliant. We talked and flirted for hours and he just kissed me goodnight."

Esmerelda squealed in excitement. I could tell it made them sort of sad to see me move on from Ginny. I had agreed to just stay close friends with her, but we rarely talked to each other during the day. She started sitting at the Gryffindor table more instead of with me Luna and Neville. It hurt that we grew apart so fast, but I felt good for the first time in weeks. Things were finally getting better.

We played cards until we all fell asleep on the bed. The next morning I woke up to Ellie holding a card and a bouquet of daisies with a bow wrapped around the stem. I rubbed my eyes and thanked her, taking the card and opening it. 

good morning sunshine, 

enjoy your flowers, hagrid helped me pick them. I would like to join you in the courtyard for breakfast this morning. only if you would like. I miss you.


I felt my face grow hot. I quickly got dressed and ready to go meet him. 

There he was, sitting on a picnic blanket in the courtyard, looking charming as always.

We talked and ate, the morning breeze blowing my hair away from my face. I didn't notice Ginny standing by the greenhouse, quietly watching.


Seeing Violetta with Cedric tore my heart into pieces. I thought she had left him.

Why couldn't I be the one surprising her with picnics and holding her hand?  I missed her touch so fucking much. She was the definition of beauty. She was a princess, is a princess. 

I was her princess, but now he is her prince.

1996 - ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now