🐟 chapter 66

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Over a month passed and Jungkook was running around for him merman more than before. Running to the store, getting him to bath, making sure he swims every two days, making healthy meals. Knowing There was a baby coming he did everything to keep taehyung and their unborn baby healthy. The task of a father was coming closer and closer. even if Taehyung said it was fine that he could do things himself too Jungkook would go protective and help the boy. 

"Kook move, i will make dinner" Taehyung whined annoyed and pulled Jungkook away from the kitchen.


"you taught me how to cook, now go sit down and relax, you have work tonight" taehyung said and smiled. Jungkook sighed and listened to his boyfriend sitting down at the table. but his eyes kept watching taehyung. he was looking at the small bump that was taehyungs belly, it had grown over the weeks. it made him smile every morning when he saw it. It was real this time, the baby was healthy, they wil make it this time. he was sure of it.

"See i can do it too" taehyung said and walked back to the table after a while. the plates had some fried chicken and rice on the side, a simple quick meal for the day. Jungkook smiled back and looked at the delicious looking food.

"it loos great, thank you" 

"What time was the appointment again?" taehyung asked, they had been called by Namjoon that they could get their first ultrasound. (if i did my search right this is what its called.)

the two were very excited but also nervous, not knowing what they wil see exactly. but they ere more than ready for it.

"at two, in a hour, so we have to leave soon" Jungkook said checking his phone while he chewed the chicken wings.

"I really wonder what it will look like" taehyung said looking at his belly he placed a hand on it to feel the baby's presence. smiling when he felt it. "what do you think it will be, a girl or a boy?"

"i dont know. i will be happy with either. i already had been thinking of names"

"mee too! i thought of Junha or Munji for a girl and maybe Junghee for a boy" taehyung started talking excitedly. Jungkook smiled and nodded. 

"i like them too." taehyung had told him so many times about names so this wasnt any news for jungkook. "lets finish and visit Joon"


and so they did, now sitting in a room with Namjoon who was setting everything ready. Jungkook sat on a chair next to taehyung who was sitting on the bed waiting for instructions.

"Are you two curious?" Namjoon asked while he rolled his seat towards the bed smiling.

"very" jungkook said. taehyung nodded violently, his eyes happy. 

"now then, taehyung you can lay down and lift your shirt a bit for me" namjoon said. taehyung did as told and laid on his back pulling his shirt up to his chest so his belly was free. "it may feel a bit cold at first" He added and put a gell on the skin. "lets see"

the three waited. two not knowing what they waited for and Namjoon just looking at the screen pressing a button. then he smiled. "Ahh there it is" on the screen it went a grey color and then they saw something. "Look! here they are, this is the baby" namjoon said pointing to a bean shaped thing on the screen. 

"i-its the baby Kook" taehyung said and teared up. Jungkook stood up watching closer and then held taehyungs hand smiling so lovingly at the boy. 

"it really is there...." jungkook felt a intese joy inside of him. his heart warmed at the image and he bend down and placed a soft kiss on Taehyungs head. he noticed the boy was crying and gently wiped away the tears with his thumbs. "Tae love, why are you crying?"

"i-im just so happy" taehyung said and smiled.

"ahw baby i am too" jungkook chuckled and looked at Namjoon. 

"i cant tell the gender of the baby yet. if you want to know i can tell you on the next time?"

"do we want to know kook?" 

"shall we keep it a secret?"

"if you want we will do that" jungkook said and sat back down. now agreeing that it will be a secret.

"oh wait..." Namjoon said looking at the screen then at the couple. "it isnt just a baby" 

"what do you mean?" Jungkook asked getting slightly worried.

"There are two, they are twins" Namjoon smiled at them. at that taehyung started crying again making Namjoon shocked and look at him a bit concerned. 

"Tae baby" jungkook chuckled and caressed taehyungs hair and hand. 

"I-im so happy. thank you" taehyung said and wiped his eyes. he never expected this to feel like this. he didnt expect to cry like this getting all emotional. but here he was crying and smiling wide.

"I am happy for you two too, let me clean this away" namjoon said and used a towel to wipe away the gel.


"twins...they are twins Kook" taehyung said as they were in the car. he smiled while placing his hand on his belly. his other hand was already holding jungkook's hand.

"I cant wait." jungkook said and brought taehyungs hand to his lips placing a kiss on it. taehyung looked at the human with his sparkling ocean blue eyes and smiled.

 this human made him the happiest merman of the sea.


Uh so yea.... Baby's


I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading, see you in the next update!

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