🐟 chapter 70 (end/epilogue)

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"Stay close to the shore where me and your Father can see you!" Taehyung said stern to the two kids who had jumped in the sea from the docks.

"they really are two hands full" Jungkook chuckled and laid back on his towel. A few years had passed and the kids grew fast. Munji was quite the feisty girl. She would point out if the didnt like something and whas she wanted, to her brother she would complain if he did something wrong.

Jungkook had explained to her that she was being rude, which he understood and apologized. Even if she speaks her mind she was a sweetheart. When someone was crying she would run over to comfort them with a hug.

Junghee was a more gentle kid, he was pretty silent but smiling most of the day. He did his best in every little task he did. Pouting when he didnt understand. He really got that behaviour from Taehyung. But the apperance of Jungkook. He got the raven's eyes and lips for sure.

"nooo put it back!" taehyung shouted and jumped up from his beach towel.
He saw Munji holding a sea star. "dont touch that like that!"

"its pretty!" munji said. "mom is pretty too"

"thats very kind of you, but put it back now okay" taehyung said.

"ahw....Okay" munji sighed and dropped the star back in the water with a pout. Junghee looked at it fall back to the sand bottom.

"what we eat tonight?" Junghee asked suddenly.

"im not sure, i think dad is going to cook something with chicken for us"

"i like chicken!" Junghee said and smiled. His golden tail shimmering below him.

"now then, come out and dry. You will help me set the table" taehyung said and kneeld down lifting his kids out of the water. Jungkook already approached him holding two towels and two sets of clothes.
"thanks kookie" taehyung said and got a soft peck from the human

"i will start on dinner" jungkook said and walked back to the house while taehyung helped the kids dry themselves and get dressed.

"all done?" the big merman asked looking at his kids. They nodded and then taehyung let them go, immediately Munji ran towards the house as fast she could. Junghee kept walking next to Taehyung.

"up up" he said making grabby hands at taehyung. The blue haired chuckled and lifted the little kid up carrying him back inside.

"Junghee lazy" Munji said pointing to her brother.

"no i am not!"

"yes you are!"





"Munji and Junghee stop" Jungkook said turning around with a frown. Immediately the two shut up. They didnt like it when Jungkook got angry. He was scary.

"go help your sister Junghee" taehyung said putting the boy back on his feet and rufle his hair.

"my hair" junghee pouted stroking it flat again. Then he ran to Munji and helped her set the table. Their little arms could just reach on the table if they stood on their toes.


Finnaly they could go to bed, the kids were to bed and sleeping. Now the couple had time for themselves.

"have i ever thanked you?" jungkook suddenly spoke up. Taehyung turned on his side and looked at the human.

"for what?"

"for saving my life that day"

"oh, there is no need to thank me" taehyung smiled.

"you are so pure, well....For the most part" jungkook smirked and taehyung gasped.

"lets not...Talk about that now" he blushed. Even after these years he still got shy talking about it. And jungkook liked that, he could tease the boy with things easily.

"no but seriously, thank you" jungkook said. Taehyung smiled warmly before rolling over jungkook so he was laying on top of the raven.

"no problem" the merman said and kissed the human. Jungkook couldn't help but smile in the kiss and wrap his arms around Taehyung's waist. He slowly rolled them over having taehyung under him laying between the merman's legs.

"i love you"

"i love you more"

"dont try me Taebear" jungkook said with a grin and lifted a brow.

"what if i do?"

"hmm, i like that" the raven said and bend back down kising the merman's neck. They were getting into the moment when suddenly they heard crying.
And ten seconds after that their bedroom door opened.

"mommy, Junghee is crying"  the little girl said as she rubbed her eyes holding the big teddybear. Clearly tired.

Jungkook sighed with a chuckle and lowered his head. "we gotta send them to yoongi and jimin again this weekend" he said. Taehyung agreed.

"i am coming sweetheart" Taehyung said and rolled out of bed walking after his daughter. Yes they had times where they would be angry or cry because it was hard. But they stick together and they knew that in the end it would be worth it. Both worked hard to get this happiness and they will enjoy it as much they can.

They didnt wish for anything else, they had a family and that is what matters to them. They had eachother from beginning to end.


T-....Thats it.......the end😭

I loved writing to so so much, i hope you all enjoyed it like i did. Thank you all so much for the support through the book, it really made me happy and excited to update for you all!🐤

Maybe i will update a extra chapter when i want to and have time, later. But i dont know yet, we will see.✨

Maybe i will see you in a other book. I thank you again, and maybe see you!

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