🐟 chapter 46

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The next morning was calm. Jungkook sat at the dining table with his laptop watching through the photos that have been taken at the fashion event. This was the final results and he was very unterested to see how it all came together.
He sipped his coffee and tapped the next image.


Suddenly his phone got a message. He put down the hot cup and grabbed his phone. If was Hoseok.

Look, i still got this. Forgot to send you them.

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Wow, thanks

Jungkooks heart was fluttering when he saw the pictures. Taehyung was just so beautiful, blue suited him good. Seeing these images, they look so unreal. But they were reality, this boy really existed. And right now sleeping upstairs in Jungkooks bed.

Jungkook saved the images and put them as his background smiling at the cute photos. He couldnt remove the smile from his face, not even when he went back to the fasion event photos.
He came across this women he worked with together before. Its been a while since he saw her he was surprised to see her in the shoot. She was pretty but in his mind Taehyung was more beautiful.

He was so lucky.

Minutes passed and after what seem like a hour soft pats were heard in the room. Before Jungkook could turn around he felt two arm wrap around his waist and a face against his back.
He knew immediately that it was Taehyung, he would always know it.

"hello petal" jungkook said and caressed taehyungs arms around his waist.

"m..sleepy" taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook chuckled and turned around he pulled taehyung on his lap letting him snuggle against him with his big blanket. Jungkook wanted to ask why he took the blanket with him but decided not to. The merman closed his eyes again enjoying being in Jungkooks arms again. He had missed him when he woke up.

The human went back to reviewing all the photos. His free hand wrapped around Taehyung so he wont fall off if he fell asleep.


"do you miss the sea still?" Jungkook asked as they sat on the beach with a sandwich.

"i do, but i enjoy it a lot here on land. I dont miss it that much anymore" taehyung said. "i would rather stay here with you"

Jungkook smiled. He was glad that taehyung liked him so much. It meant a lot to him.

"can we visit my house now?"

"well not now, i will have to ask Namjoon to lend me his diving supplies" jungkook said. He couldnt breathe under water like taehyung could so he would ask Namjoon to give him his stuff. The older didnt have much free time lately anyway.

"oh....Okay" taehyung pouted but nodded. "when is the aquarium finished?"

"i hope next week, they wil fill it with water this week and decorate it." jungkook thought for a moment. "yes that" he hoped that taehyung will like it. He couldnt make it much bigger. His house only allowed that much space. "shall we go swim a bit?"

"yes!" taehyung said and smiled.

"alright, i will get us some towels"

The human stood up and ran back to the house. Inside he hurried up the stairs to their bathroom. Yes it was now their bedroom, their bathroom, their bed. Taehyung belonged here too, he was more than welcome. And the boy could call it his home.

When in the bathroom he bend to get the towels. When he wanted to walk out he felt lightheaded and stumbled to the side. He tripped and fell.

"ah shit.." he mumbled and rubbed his head. He took a moment before slowly getting back up. Jungkook didnt know how he still would have this. He was eating the right amount as his doctor had told him.
He looked at his arm seeing he had scratched it at the wall. He sighed and wiped it away with a paper towel.

Taehyung sat on the sand watching the sun. It was a warm day, perfect to swim and be outside. He had already forgotten about that man.

"im back"

The merman turned around and smiled seeing Jungkook with two towels. He dropped them on the sand.

"thats that?" taehyung said pointing to the red scratch on the Human's arm.

"ah, its nothing. Just scratched"


Jungkook smiled and took off his shirt. Taehyung blushed staring at him. Memories of what they did before came back, something that they call, 'make love'.

"im all yours to see" jungkook said with a smirk walking up to the boy. Taehyung blushed even more seeing jungkook lower to his eyes level.

"are you getting shy?" jungkook chucked lifting taehyungs chin. The merman didnt respond but his shimmering ocean blue eyes told the hman enough.

Jungkook pressed their lips together. Feeling taehyung wrap his arms around his neck to hold the human closer. He never want to go away from here he felt so loved and happy. Jungkook was where he wants to be. Jungkook was his home.

But happiness doesnt always stay for long...


Tkookie69bambi IN SORRY BUT I UPDATED.  Dont be angry❤🐤

Thank you for reading, see you in the next update!

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