🐠 chapter 20

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"are you ready?" Jungkook asked leaning in the doorway of his bedroom. He looked at the open door of the bathroom where Taehyung was doing his hair. He didnt know really what he was doing but he did something he saw Jungkook doing this morning. Which was brushing it and use this sticky stuff.

"ew" taehyung didnt like the hair gel  and just washed it off his hands. No was he was putting that in his hair.
"yes im ready"

"beautiul" Jungkook said looking at the younger. He smiled, everytime he got amazed how beautiful Taehyung was.

(a/n: *faints* authors soul taking over, how is he so pretty?! Sorry, lets continue)

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(a/n: *faints* authors soul taking over, how is he so pretty?! Sorry, lets continue)


"where are we going?" Taehyung asked his hand immediately grabbing Jungkooks when they walked over the sidewalk. It was rather crowded and he didnt like that. He didnt trust anyone besides Jungkook.

"we will get a drink at Yoongi's cafe then i will take you on a walk to the restaurant." jungkook said and they entered the cafe. As soon they walked in Jimin noticed them and walked up to them.

"hey, welcome back!" he said happy. Taehyung was smiling from the good feelings he got from Jimin.

"hello Jiminie" he greeted the blonde.

"hi Taehyung, so what can i do for you two?"

"what do you want to drink?"

"hm, i want what you want"

"im taking coffee" jungkook said expecting taehyung to change his choice. But the other didnt.


"uhm one coffe other mocha" jungkook said. He was expecting taehyung to not like the coffee he would drink so ordered him a mocha.

"alright, i will be right back" jimin then walked off going to make their drinks.
The two sat down somewhere at the bar and looked at Jimin who was preparing their drinks.

"it looks fun to do" taehyung said.

"it isnt"

"it is fun, you just dont like it" Jimin said to Jungkook when he turned around with the drinks. Placing them in front of the two.
"so what brings you two here?"

"its been a while so i th-"

"we are on a date!" taehyung said interrupting jungkook.  The raven immediately shut up looking at the merman. Meanwhile jimins eyes widen looking at jungkook.

"wait for real?"

Taehyung nodded. Jungkook couldnt do else than sip his coffee looking away.

"thats so cute. Jeon is becoming a softie" Jimin teased.

"shut it Park" Jungkook said.

"thats mean kookie" Taehyung said and sipped his mocha coffee. He frowned at the taste.
"strange drink"

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