🐟 chapter 19

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"Kookie whats wrong?" Taehyung asked taking a step closer. He saw the expression of Jungkook, the human was thinking.

"i just....I really like you" Jungkook sighed after he said it.

"i like you too!" Taehyung said and smiled.

Jungkook rubbed his forehead. This was not the time. "i didnt mean it like that, Tae"


"i like you more than just like, i may be starting to love you" there, he said it. Jungkook let out a relieved breath, the relief made soon place for a tensed feeling of what will happen now.

He looked at Taehyung who's eyes were a bit wider and sparkling. He was silent for a moment before he blushed and smiled shyly looking down.

"i-i maybe like you like that too" he said poking his toes into the sand. He didnt know how to act.

"thats...Great" jungkook smiled, his heart was beating so fast knowing this didnt went bad. "so, do you want to go on a date?"

"i would like that" Taehyung looked up. "i-im not familiar with things like that, im not human but i try.." the merman said.

"i like you like you, dont change for me." jungkook said. He didnt want taehyung to be more human which the boy wasnt. But just be himself, he was a merman and that was who he was.

"thank you, im really happy" Taehyung smiled. He was glad that things went like this. It made him realise how much he liked Jungkook and wanted to stay here. Jungkook could be his new family.

"i am too, lets go back home"

"your house"

"you live there too, you can call it home if you want to" jungkook said. This time it was him who held Taehyungs hand. Feeling the soft delicate hand in his made him want to protect this boy even more.

He will take things slow, he dont want to rush anything on the other. He had to get used to it first and then slowly he will take a step further.


"this is a strawberry" Jungkook said. He pepaired a bowl with different kind of fruits as a little snack, and showing taehyung about the kind of fruits and their flavour.

"its pretty" taehyung said looking at the red fruit. He ate it, and he loved it. "wow!"

"is it good?"


"okay, this is a grape" the raven pointed to the ball shaped things.

"it looks weird"

"eat it"

"you eat it first" taehyung didnt trust the balls. He watched how Jungkook grabbed one grape with his fingers and ate it.

"see, you can eat it"

"hm" taehyung slowly got himself also a grape and put it in his mouth. After a little hesitation he bit it and then he tasted the sweetness of the fruit.
"oh, it isnt bad" he said surprised.

He finished the bowl with a few other fruits like pineapple and oranges. And came to the conclusion he liked fruit.

"about tomorrow" Jungkook started as he looked at taehyung.

"yes?" taehyung was already feeling bubbly inside thinking about it.

"do you have anywhere you want to go?"

"hm, not really. You show me!" taehyung smiled, he didnt have anywhere he wanted to go. He liked it when Jungkook showed him places.

"okay, then i will plan something for us"

"im excited" taehyung said but slowly his smile faded. Jungkook frowned at the sudden change. His eyes went worried.

"whats wrong?"

"i cant give you everything like a human can...How are you sure of this? Im not like you" taehyung said feeling insecure about it.

"hey, im not asking for anything. Just you. I dont care about anything else. Please dont be sad that we are different" Jungkook cupped Taehyungs face.


"no but Tae, these are my words and they are true"

Taehyung shut his mouth and nodded. He will believe Jungkook he will listen.

"good, now lets go to bed and tomorrow we will go on a date."


Taehyungs blue eyes looked into Jungkooks dark ones. But the attention got soon caught by his nose, the small scar, his hair and those lips. Those lips that spoke kind words and smiled at him. They had a pretty bow arch, taehyungs finger went up and touched jungkooks upper lip. It was soft.

Jungkook looked a bit confused but he let the boy do whatever he wanted. Feeling Taehyungs hand go through his raven black hair. It felt nice the way taehyung ran his fingers through the locks.
The merman then cupped Jungkooks cheeks as well and shuished them together. Making jungkooks lips go into a pout.

"squishy jungkookie" he said and Jungkooks heart melted.

"fuck you're dangerously cute" the human chuckled and stepped back removing taehyungs hands from his face.

"your are cute too"

"for time second time, no, i am not." Jungkook said crossing his arms
Taehyung crossed his arms as well standing the same as Jungkook. But he looked less intimidating than the raven.

"okay lets sleep" Jungkook gave up from the staring and walked to the stairs. He heard taehyung giggle behind him before the boy hurried after him up the stairs.


I uwu so hard writing this chapter.
Thank you for reading and again all the support i get so far. Im really happy you are enjoying this as much as i am(ღ˘ω˘ღ)

See you at the next chapter!

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