🐟 chapter 11

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Jungkook was the first to be awake today. He had woken up early and went downstairs to the swimming pool. Making sure the water temperature was a bit close to seawater and it was perfectly clean.
It was a big swimming pool. Too big for one human person. So for Taehyung it should be okay in Jungkooks eyes. He didnt know how much space a merman would be needing. He will ask taehyung about that later.

"so, all done" jungkook said looking at the clean pool. He then turned around and left the hall. He was still in his sleepwear which was just a white shirt and black shorts. He will shower and all first before getting dressed, but he didnt want to wake the merman from his peacefull sleep so he decided to skip a shower and just go down like that.

Jungkook may look very casual but he got his classy one as well. When he wears his suits, mostly when attending business related things. His whole behaviour would change.
He didnt want to get his expensive suits to get dirty and can come off as rude or cold. Jungkook was a short tempered man after all. He got angry annoyed and angry easily.

But here in his home he forgot his struggles and could enjoy swimming like he used to do. And now he had the best company ever, a beautiful and cute Merman called Taehyung.

He forgot just everything that was bothering him daily before they met. His head only filled with the things he want to show Taehyung and with the merman himself.

"cute" Jungkook whispered when he entered the bedroom softly. He saw Taehyung still sleeping but the boy had grabbed Jungkook pillow and hugged it against his torso. Arms wrapped around the soft material.

Jungkook kneeled down in front of the boy and gently touched his hair stroking it. He didnt know how but from the first second he met this boy the merman found a way to make him soft. He felt like marshmallow for taehyung. Which he never had been before.

Maybe because the boy himself was a absolute sugar cube full of innocence.

Or something else,

Maybe even both....

"Tae.." he said trying to wake the other. But he halted when he realised what he said. "Taehyung.." he corrected himself even if the first didnt sound strange to him.

Slowly taehyung finally woke up and opened his eyes. At first his eyes looked around confused, just like the first morning. But then as soon they found Jungkook a soft warm smile appeared on Taehyungs face.

"good morning kind Human" he said

"morning beautiful merman"

"ah" taehyung blushed hiding his cheeks behind the pillow. "you handsome human"

Jungkook chuckled looking at the boy with soft eyes. He was getting way to soft this early in the morning.

"i prepaired the pool for you"

"swimming!" taehyung sat up excitedly. He wanted to swim already, he really missed the freedom of the sea. Being himself.

"but first we go eat breakfast"

"okay okay" taehyung didnt care what ever they will do before he got to swim. As long he got to swim he was good.


The two finished their breakfast together. It was a simple but good. Taehyung wanted Jungkook to make him rice so thats what Jungkook did.

And now they were heading down the stairs to the underground swimming pool hall.

"arent you getting lonely living in this big house?" taehyung asked carrying a towel.

"hm not really, Wel....Sometimes" jungkook said. He mever really felt alone here but since taehyung was here he realised that he may have been feeling lonely, but he was just used to it.
"so here it is" jungkook said before taehyung could speak up again.

Taehyungs eyes widen and he smiled hurrying to the edge of the pool.

"wooah!" he crouched down and carefully felt the water wich was not ice cold but also not too hot. "this is so cool!" he immediately wiped his hand dry using his, no wait, Jungkook's shirt.

"You can undress there or just put your clothes on the bench here" Jungkook pointed his hand.

"i will leave them here" Taehyung said and took off his shirt while walking to the bench. It was unexpected and jungkook stared at the boy's skin that was now visible.

"c-can you....Turn around?" taehyung asked getting shy and nervous by jungkook watching him undress.

"ah yes sorry" jungkook did as asked and turned around. It didnt take long for him to hear feet pat on the tiles and then a loud splash.

He turned around thinking taehyung tripped and fell but he saw the beautiful blue tail and a happy face of Taehyung who was laughing. He dissapeared under water and came back up.

Jungkook could see how much the boy liked swimming in the pool. It warmed his heart.

Jungkook smiled and sat down on the edge his legs in the water. Like that he just watched the merman swim around all happy.

He was starting to rethink the choise to let him go back to the sea, maybe he will just keep taehyung here. Not in a creepy way but he wished nothing bad to happen to the merman.


I love merman tae uwu

Thank you for reading see you soon!

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