"im sick, why am i sick" taehyung asked with a frown and a whiny voice. He followed Jungkook towards the hospital entrance.
"i dont know, let the doctor tell us" Jungkook waited for taehyung to catch up to him and held his hand as they entered. Immediately taehyung felt uncomfortable. Everything was so white and it made him feel weird.
He didnt like this place, yup. He wants to go home.
"im here for Dr.Kim Namjoon" jungkook said and placed the paper he got from the officer on the counter. The desk lady checked it and nodded.
"he is free now, i will send him to room 404. He will meet you there" the lady smiled and then jungkook and taehyung had to fill in a short document before they were allowed to walk away.
The two were sitting in a big room. A desk with a computer and a bed in the corner with some things in the corner. Taehyung was looking around curiously while they waited. So this is a hospital......
"hey kook, didnt expect to see you two here" namjoon entered the room with a smile and closed the door behind him.
"ah its Joonie!" taehyung said his mood got to a happy level when he saw the person he knows.
Namjoon chuckled and sat down.
"so whats the problem, what can i help you with?""its Taehyung"
"aha and what is wrong?" namjoon looked at the boy.
"we just got him out of some..Problem" jungkook noticed the questioning eyes of his half brother. "i will explain the details later" the raven added before continuing. "he had thrown up a few times and he said he is feeling sick"
"i see, what do you feel, can you describe the feeling for me?" Namjoon asked as he looked at taehyung.
"it feels weird here" taehyung pointed to his belly. "and i feel dizzy, and....Hm...And im hungry, maybe thats why im sick" he mumbled the last part like he just solved the whole mystery.
"oh" Namjoon stood up. "Jungkook could you give me a moment with him. I will do some check ups and see if i can find anything"
Jungkook was waiting in the waiting room of the Hospita. He really disliked being here. All the coughing people around him some looked tired. It was a mess. He stepped out of the room and decided to wait in the hallway.
"Hey kook" someone said jungkook turned around seeing Hoseok walk up to him. He didnt expect to see the older here.
"i thought you went home?"
"i wanted to see if he was okay" hoseok stood now next to Jungkook. Both drawing attention from their odd outfits and strange place to talk. But the people just looked away. The desk lady didnt pay much attention to it as she knew Jungkook was here for the other boy.
"he seemed fine, but Namjoon is doing a few checks to see why he was feeling so sick. I doubt it is the wound on his side, it didnt look infected at all"
"hm strange. Well can i wait with you?"
"sure do whatever you want." jungkook shrugged he didnt mind the company right now.
They waited a long time by now they were sitting on the ground leaning against the wall as they waited. Its been almost two hours, jungkook wondered why it was taking so damn long.
When he was about to ask how long it will take someone walked by. Well more like, namjoon.
"Kook, can i...Talk to you for a moment?" Namjoon said his face serious. Jungkook jumped on his feet and wiped his pants clean.
"yea of course"
"i will wait here"
"thank you" namjoon said to the other male, inside wondering why hoseok was even here but he didnt question it now. Jungkook followed the doctor through the hallways to a different room than before. When they went inside he could see Taehyung in a seat hugging his knees. His eyes were teary. Immediately he looked at Namjoon.
"why is he crying?" he asked.
"i will tell you, please sit down"
Jungkook walked to the seat next to taehyung and looked at him. He patted taehyungs head looking at him with concerning eyes, what was wrong? Why was he crying?
"Tae, whats wrong?" he asked but the boy just shook his head looking away.
"so i have good news, and other news"
"start with the good news first" jungkook said before namjoon could ask the question.
"ah, well the good news is. He is fine, his wound was badly stitched and i removed them giving it a better treatment, it isnt infected." Namjoon said as he gave a small smile. "the other news is...I found something about him"
"you did?" Jungkook looked with a small frown at the docter. Namjoons smike faded a bit.
"he isnt really like human, which made him have some differences than male people on land" namjoon was thinking what was the best way to explain. "he can create life.."
"Joon, what are you talking about?" jungkook got serious too. Was this really what he was thinking. He glanced at taehyung who still didnt want to look at him.
What Namjoon said next made the world around the raven stop for a moment...
"Jungkook, he's pregnant"
So we gonna have little baby bean?
Let me know what you would like, a kid? No kid? Twins?I thank you again for reading, and i will see you soon in the next update!
🌼🌼🌼(Imma fail my economics exam today lmao 🤡 )

FanfictionJungkook a wealthy model and ex professional swimmer went out to enjoy the sea again. But when his sickness strikes unexpectedly it made him end up almost drowning. If it wasnt for this 'being' to save him. And Jungkook was sure that he saw a beauti...