🐟 chapter 25

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The next morning jungkook was the first to wake up. He looked at taehyung.

Gently he caressed the boy's blue hair. Taehyung woke up. He smiled immediately when he noticed it was Jungkook. It wamred the human's heart seeing him smile.

He only wants to see him happy.

Now he looked at taehyung more closely he noticed his eyes were grey-ish and his hair lost the bright color. He looked exhausted.....

"goodmorning" he said.

"morning kind human" taehyung said jungkook chuckled.

"how are you feeling?"

"im alright...My legs dont hurt anymore" taehyung said to Jungkook it was a bit strange. Because yesterday they were painful and now its gone.

"thats good, lets get dressed. I can make you some tea or anything you want"

"thats nice" taehyung said.
He watched jungkook get up out of bed dissapearing into the bathroom.
There Jungkook brushed his teeth and did his hair. He was getting dressed when he noticed how long it took for Taehyung to get up.

Did he fall asleep again?

He grabbed the vest that was over the edge of the bath to wear it.


Jungkook heard the boy's voice from the bedroom. He noticed something was wrong the way taehyung's voice trembled. He left the bathroom not even fully dressed and looked at the younger who was still in the same place as before. But now his face fully with worry and stress.

"whats wrong?" he asked him.

"i-i cant feel my legs"

And as soon taehyung said that jungkooks heart clenched. He dropped the vest he was holding and rushed to the boy.

"you are going to the sea right now" jungkook said scooping the boy carefully in his arms. His heart hurted even more seeing the legs exposed from the blankets. They looked bruised and red. Not healthy at all.

His body was exhausted from keeping him alive on land....

"no! I dont want to!" taehyung protested and olpushed jungkooks chest. But the raven was strong and ignored it. He left the bedroom and walked down the stairs.

"put me down!" taehyung said his voice sounded hoarse, like he was out of breath.

"no way, you need to go back. I cant keep you here. You could die!" jungkook said back it made taehyung shut up for a moment. Realising that he indeed could die like this.

"let me stay"

Jungkook ignored his words and walked out of the house going to the beach. As soon taehyung heard the waves his eyes widen and he shook his head.


"tae its better like this" jungkook walked over the docks passing his boat. He walked all the way to the end. The deepest part of the water he could get to by foot.

"no no dont, i dont want to! Please" taehyung said and clung onto Jungkook feeling his grip loosen.

"tae.." jungkook said softly and looked down. Taehyung was holding hin tightly amd he knew that he wouldnt let go like this. So he kissed him. Connecting their lips. Knowing it would make taehyung relax.

And he did, taehyung closed his eyes and lossed his tight hold. He loved it. He felt his heart skip a beat. He doesnt want to be away from this human. He wanted to be in his arms and have more kisses.

When Jungkook felt taehyung was relaxed he dropped the merman. Making him fall into the water of the sea. He heard taehyung yelp and then a splash.

It took a few seconds for taehyungs head to come above water. His whole expression was pained. He held the edge of the docks trying to pull himself out.

"it hurts! It hurts!" he said.

"stay" Jungkook pushed the boy back.

"let me out! Please, dont do this!" taehyung said while crying. As much it broke jungkooks heart to do this to the boy. He knew that it was needed.

"i dont like this" taehyung said and tried again only to be pushed back by the human.

"stop it!" he shouted and frowned.

"you need to stay in the sea. Get better"


"taehyung! You have to. I cant let you die here" Jungkook shouted and stood up looking down on the merman in the water. "you are staying here"

"dont go" taehyung said seeing Jungkook walk away. He doesnt want to be left alone.
"come back!"

The human didnt listen walking over the sand back to the mansion taehyung wished to go back to.
He doesnt want to move, the seawater burned his scales. But he knew it was better for him. He belonged in the sea.

So taehyung dissapeared underwater. It was only a minute and the water ready felt empty and cold.

There was no one here besides him..


I may have been continued writing all the time untill he woke up hehehe. So now just publishing it as a second update today.

Thank you for reading, see you at the next chapter!

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