🐠 chapter 26

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"Jungkook focus!"

The raven looked at the other he fixed his posture once again.
A few flashed went by and then stopped again.

"whats wrong with you today?" hoseok asked with a sigh. He stepped away from the screen and walked to the model.

"nothing, just...Lets finish this" jungkook said and shook his head.But something was bothering him and it kept him from doing his job well.  It was a kind Merman. He havent seen him yet. Its been almost two days now. Yes he visited him in the mornings but he didnt have lot of time because of work and other plans. Maybe also because he doesnt want to go there..He hoped not to see taehyung. Knowing the boy would be mad at him. And knowing himself who couldnt see him sad or hurt and want to take him back in his arms. Thats why he walked away before...He knw that if he stayed longer he would take Taehyung back home. And that would not be healthy for the boy.

It was better like this for now.

"i cant work with you when you're like this, lets stop for today"

"okay.." jungkook stood up and took off the jacket. He placed it on the table and watched the camera men leave the room as hoseok ordered them.
The older stopped him and lifted a brow.

"you're not leaving untill i know whats bothering you"

"there is this....Person"

"taehyung yes, go on"

"i did-"

"im right am i not?" hoseok asked woth a grin. Jungkook rolled his eyes and nodded.

"but this boy...Well Taehyung. Is gone...He went back to his home"

"oh....Thats unfortunate" hoseoks smile dissapeared.

"i know its better for him to be there. But i miss him a lot. I want to visit him but i dont want to see him..." jungkook said and frowned knowing his own words sounded strange.

"why not?"

"i know myself with him. I just want to take him back to my home. I really like him"

"tough jungkook going soft?"

"im still tough, dont get something in your head" Jungkook said and fliched Hoseoks head. The older frowned clearly disapproving of that move.

"but you cam visit him and go back home. What if you just stay there for a morning or whatever?" hoseok suggested deciding to forgive jungkook for what he just did.

"i can..Try"

"but you said you really like him. Tell me more" the older wiggled his brows. Jungkook chuckled and walked past him. Ignoring to answer the other.

"dont just leave!"

"whatever" jungkook dissapeared in the dressing room.


"hey what brings you here today?" Jimin said standing at the table. The raven looked up from the menu.

"to eat of course"

"what you want?"

"the beef please"

"not the fried fish?" jimin asked surpsised. "you always get that"

"not today" Jungkook replied. Maybe he had a new rule for himself. And maybe a special someone made him do that.

"well, beef it is then." jimin wrote it down.

"can you ask Yoongi to come out his cave for a bit?"

"tsk, why you like that" jimin chuckled. "but sure, i will ask him"

Jungkook waited. It took a while for the white haired male to appear and walk to his table. Sitting down in front of the raven.

"you called"

"not even a hello, how rude" jungkook said sarcastic.

"yea hea, just ask your question"
Yoongi said. The two were good friends but also act like two annoying brothers sometimes.

"do you know a pool company?"

"whats that for a question, i own a restaurant."

"i know, but you are in business you should know something"

"hm im not sure i know something from my head. But i could look for you"

"that would be great. I want a presonalized one"

"also that. Cant you do this yourself"

"nah, im buisy" jungkook said and leaned back. His steak got served by the blonde who gave Yoongi a loving smile.

"jimin, come to my office in your break" the white haired said. Jimin lifted a brow then grinned and walked away.

"why a- i dont even wanna know" Jungkook said and shook his head. Yoongi chuckled and crossed his arms.

"you shoukd get your own partner."

"i have"

"i mean a real partner. Not those short relations or hook ups"

"im working on it"

"really now?" yoongi lifted a brow not believing the other.



"you met him"

"is it that blue haired boy?"


"isnt he younger than you?" yoongi asked a bit surprised.

"he is 19 relax"

"you're 24"

"yes and im treating him with care and respect what do you think of me?" jungkook asked slighty getting angry.

"woah do need to get defensive, i just asked.. I didnt said something was wrong with it" yoongi said.

"hm" jungkook began eating.


It was dark. But someone couldn't sleep. His bed was to cold and big. His house too silent. He missed him.

Now there stood that same human on the docks. His bare feet on the wooden planks. The night breeze through his hair as he stared into the water.

Should he do it?

He didnt know...

He wanted to, but also not.

Jungkook hesitated, but his heart told him to do it. So he took a breath and calmed himself before he called for him.



I domt know but my emotions go all over the place when writing this story. It makes me so happy to see you are all enjoying it so far. Because i am too!
I wish i could update this one more :,)

Thank you for reading again, see you in the next chapter!

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