🐟 chapter 15

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"so, did you like it?" Jungkook asked while they left the building. Taehyung walked close at his side.

"yes! It was fun"

"good to hear" Jungkook said he checked the time on his watch and hummed a bit, thinking. "do you want to visit a restaurant?"

"okay okay"

"what would you like to eat?"

"whatever you want to, i dont know everything" taehyung said and looked up at the raven. "im happy when im with you so dont worry about that"

"so cute" jungkook said looking at Taehyungs blue eyes. "then lets eat something different like. Lasagna or spaghetti"

"sounds good"

The two walked to Jungkooks car and got inside. Taehyung was still trying to figure out how to properly wear a seatbelt and how to get it in the socket. But Jungkook helped him which made the merman blush. Jungkooks face would get so close to his.

The raven drove the two to the parking lot in the city and guided the beautiful and cute merman through the city to the Italian Restaurant.
They got a seat and Jungkook had ordered spaghetti, taehyung thought it looked funny.

"how do i eat this?" he asked confused trying to poke the spaghetti. He frowned at it not working.

"you need to scoop it or twist" jungkook chuckled and gabe the other a example. Easily he got the spaghetti on his fork by twisting it. Making it circle around the fork.

"woah" taehyung said and tried it himself. But he couldnt get a proper amount. He pouted. "noo i wanna eat." he complained at the fork thinking it woukd magically come to life and listen to him.

"here" Jungkook chuckled and twisted more then extending his arm towards Taehyung.  "now you can eat"

Taehyung smiled with a blush, accepting the offer. He wrapped his lips around the fork and ate the spagetti. Humming at the good taste.

"i like this!"

"and i like you"


"huh?" jungkook said and looked away.

"i said i liked this food"

"thats good" jungkook smiled and continued eating his plate, metally slapping himself. Meanwhile he was teaching Taehyung how to eat the spaghetti. He learned quick and soon enough was eating one bite after another.


"i liked the food a lot, thank you" taehyung smiled. He was happy to be learning more and more of this land. He hoped to discover more new things. And go on a airplane. To fly with the birds.

"no problem"

The walled through the dark streets. Not a lot of people were on the streets anymore. Most heading home or were inside restaurants eating.

Taehyung went close to Jungkook. Walking almost against him. He wasnt feeling safe.
And sadly his feelings were true. While Jungkook and him turned a corner into the parkinglot two men appeared from behind a pilar.

"well well, a rich guy and a pretty boy" one said with a grin.
Jungkook halted in his steps. He could feel Taehyung grab his hand and hide behind him.

"what do you want?" jungkook asked he sounded unbothered by the two men.

"money...And maybe him too, he's cute"

This compliment didnt make Taehyung feel comfortable he didnt like these humans. They scared him.

"i cant do that"

"if you wont to it willingly. We will use force" the first mam charged forward to attack Jungkook. The raven was fast and stuck out his leg the man tripped.

"fuck! You will pay for that!" the man shouted and got up. He charged again at Jungkook but the raven stepped aside and dodged the attack.

Taehyung noticed jungkook looked. Calm.....Too calm for a situation like this.
He himself was scared and hid himself behind the pilar.

"got you" a voice said and taehyung yelped when the other man was next to him and grabbed his arm.
Immediately Jungkook's eyes went to the merman and he now.. looked angry. He walked forward and caught the man by surprise hitting his chin. So hard that he passed out.

"you!" the other said and pointed at jungkook in shock. But when jungkook took a step forward his face changed and he ran away.

"hey, they are gone. Its okay now" jungkook said and pulled taehyungs hands away that were covering his eyes. When he did he saw the boy was crying. "ahw dont cry, you are safe with me" he gently wiped the tears away.

"mean people" taehyung said. "im scared"

"i know, lets go home. I will make you hot chocolate"

"kookie kind Human. I like kookie" Taehyung said. He held Jungkook's hand letting the raven guide him back to the car.


Taehyung was now drinking the chocolate milk jungkook made for him while sitting on the couch with a blanket. The raven was doing the dishes of this morning.

"are you done?" Taehyung asked softly. He wanted to have the other at his side. He was still thinking of what happend this evening. And he knew once again that humans cant all be trusted, they arent all kind.

But he trusts Jungkook.

"i am, give me a minute" Jungkook dried his hands. His kind self was back. He then walked. To the couch and sat down next to Taehyung with a sigh.

"here" Taehyung said and wrapped the other half of the blanket over Jungkooks shoulders. "you warm too"

"thank you" Jungkook said and felt taehyung snuggle up against him. Jungkooks heart was making a backflip and stomach tingled.

"kookie, you protected me. Thank you"

"always. it was no big deal" jungkook shrugged. Taehyung decided not to question it for now. He put the empty cup away and went back to lean against Jungkook's side hugging the ravens arm.

Jungkook didnt dare to move, he was liking this. He didnt want taehyung to feel that he didnt like this. He wanted him to stay like that. It was heart warming.


I gotta be careful, im feeling like im goimg to have a cold soon. Im staying home as much i can and go to school tomorrow since its important. And then see how i feel after.

I really dont plan on getting sick now. :(

And my tooth still hurt from growing. My eating it so difficult lol. 😤

Thank you for reading see you at thet next update!

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