🐟 chapter 13

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Jungkook felt his heart sink whe he reslised the boy was gone. The door was left open making the soft breeze go inside.

"no..." he didnt want the merman to leave just yet. He wasnt ready to say goodbye. He wasnt ready to let go.
So he ran outside almost tripping over the steep stairs that lead down to the beach. He felt his heart hurt more and more when he only saw the waves hitting the shore softly. He didnt care of the sand that was getting in his shoes by running. He fell on his knees next to neatly folded clothes that were on the sand. Those were the ones Taehyung was wearing today.

"no no, dont be gone" jungkook said. He took off his shoes and ran to the docks. Nothing, he saw nothing.

"Taehyung?!" he called out. His face looking sadly at the sea. "Tae, please. Come back!"

He his postire weakened when he didnt get a response. It was silent. There was nothing in return. Only the sky going darker and darker, the night was starting.

And now Jungkook again...was alone.

He stayed there for a while longer but then decided to get back inside. The night air was cooling down.
Inside he looked at the ingredients he had brought with him. He wanted to let Taehyung taste soup bt his mothers recipe he would be making himself.

He wasnt hungry anymore.

Jungkook stared at the bag, but eventually he just turned around leaving it there to go upstairs.

He brushed his teeth. Everything suddenly felt so long. He sighed done brushing and he took off his chlothes to get to bed. Changing into something simple.

Even the bed felt big and cold. The room was dark and silent, too silent. He turned on his side as he laid in bed. What will he do now? Why did taehyung leave?

'Was it something i did?' Jungkook thought. He felt bad thinking he maybe have scared off the boy. What if he didnt want to come back ever again? Jungkook just hoped that wasnt true. He didnt get to say goodbye...


Jungkook couldnt sleep. The bed felt cold and empty. He had been used to being alone. But now it bothered him. He wanted Taehyung back. His cute smile and soothing voice. He missed it.

Jungkook sighed and sat up.
He will go back and wait for him. Maybe he will return now? He hoped for that. Slowly he got out of bed and walked downstairs. He stared outside the window.
The moon was up and reflecting on the soft waves. The sea was calm.

"this is stupid.." he mumbled but when he was about to turn around he noticed something on the beach....No,


Jungkooks eyes widen and he didnt hesitate to run outside his feet had to catch up to him quickly. He ran through the sand to the sitting figure. When he got close he saw who it was

He slowed down a meter or two away from him.

"Taehyung?...." he said. The boy turned his head seeing the human stand there. But he didnt say anything. He bit his lip looking down as he hugged his legs tighter.

"you left.."

"i-im here now. you....Y-you called me" taehyung said. His voice sounded shaky. His eyes were also red. He had been crying...

"are you crying?" jungkook asked taking a step closer. But taehyung moved away, well leaned away as he needed to cover himself. "i will not hurt you" jungkook said feeling hurt by the action of the other.

"i know t-thats not it" taehyung said and wiped his eyes. "i want to stay here. I really like it here and you....B-but but the sea...Its wants me to come back!" taehyung shouted frustrated and sad.  "i tried to leave, i tried to go back!"

Jungkook stayed silent letting the boy speak.

"but when he h-heard your voice call for me...I-i couldnt leave...I just cant i want to stay.." taehyung said. "but it hurts, i dont belong here"

"its okay, i understand" jungkook saidn kneeling down next to taehyung.

"can i stay with you. .Please?"

"but the sea-"

"please, show me more things. I want to stay with you" taehyung said looking at the other with his ocean blue eyes.
Jungkook was happy but he didnt want to force the other to do something. Taehyung indeed didnt belong on land. He needed the sea.

"of course you can, i would like that. But are you sure?"

"i am, i will be fine" taehyung said.

And Jungkook believed his words....

"then, take this and let me take you back" jungkook said taking off his shirt so taehyung had something to cover himself.


What happend to taehyung,or what did he do. Ohoh 👀

Thank you for reading see you at the next update!

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