🐠 chapter 65

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Jungkook woke up first. Taehyung was still sleeping. The raven was smiling as he had his head on taehyungs arm and his hand placed on the boy's belly.

Soon there will be a baby, soon he will see it. The thought of it made him smile even more. He caressed it then grabbed taehyungs hand to hold it.
"did we do it?" he asked softly. "i dont know.....I hope so, i really do"

The soft touches woke up the merman. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He felt jungkook against him and looked down. Smiling when he saw how cute jungkook looked.


"ah Tae, sorry i woke you" jungkook said and looked up.

"its okay, dont worry. What were you saying?"

"im just thinking if we did it? If we did okay? Will the baby come soon?"

"its just yesterday, i think we got to wait a bit."

"yea, i know. Im just excited"
There fell a silence. Which was broken by a soft sniffle. Jungkook sat up worried and looked at taehyung seeing the boy cry. "whats wrong?"

"i-i just miss my baby.....I dont want to l-lose one again"

"hey...baby, come here" jungkook pulled taehyung in his arms and wrapped the blanket back around them. "dont worry to much, im sure they will be healthy. There are no bad man anymore, just you and me. We got this"

"i-i love you" taehyung said and hugged jungkook so tight the raven couldnt move. His tears wetting the human.

"i love you too"

"can we go shower now?" the boy asked after a moment.

"yea, lets go"


The couple was having a great day. Both felt happy and were now laying down on the beach with a huge towel. Their feet in the hot sand while they stared at the blue sky.

"will you come with me one day?"

"to where?" jungkook asked and turned his head.

"the sea...I really want to show you the little home i made here before i met you"

"i would love to, but im not sure how i can sweetheart" jungkook chuckled. Taehyung pouted and sighed. He had been living here on land but couldnt jungkook his place. He didnt like that. "wait....Maybe..Namjoon got diving gear. I could use them?"

"those funny suits?"

"uh, i guess?"

"please do, i want to show you" taehyung smiled and sat up. "can we go now?"

"aish, tae. Patience. I dont have it here in my pocket. I got to call and ask him first." jungkook said and smiled. "shapp we just order pizza here and eat outside?"

"Yes! And watch the sunset together!"

"of course, we will make it our little private date"


"huh why not?" jungkook asled surprised.

"i want to take YOU on a date for once." the merman pouted.

"oh" jungkook grinned and flipped his imaginary hair. "well then prince, go ask me on a date"

"kind human will you go on a date with me?"  taehung asked with a smile.

"i will think about it"

"Yah! Thats fot fair!" taehyung complained and gave Jungkook a push.  The raven laughed and fell back in the sand. Taehyung crossed his arms glaring at the man.

"now lets go call some food"

"No! You have to say yes first. And stop laughing!" taehyung started smacking jungkooks shoulders and chest to make him stop. But it only ended up with jungkook laughing even more.

"you are a meanie" taehyung said and turned his back to jungkook with a frown. When he did that the laughter slowly died down.

"Tae come here"

The meam ignored the other.

"Taehyung dont mad" jungkook chuckled and wrapped his arms around the boy. Taehyung only turned his head away.
"Little prince im sorry...Please forvie your humble lover"

"dont do that" taehyung said hiding a smile.

"do what?"  the human gave soft kissed to taehyungs neck.

"just......Argh" taehyubg couldnt hide the smile when he felt the soft lips.

"im sorryy. Ask me again"

"you will be stupid again"

"i promise i wont"

"hm..." taehyung sighed and turned around. "will you go on a date with me?" he asked the raven once more.

"i would love to"

"now you can call" the merman said and smiled again.


So said so they did. They had the pizza delivered to their house and we now back on the beach where it started. A big extra large size pizza which they were sharing together.

"this is really good" Taehyung said chomping away the slice like he didnt eat for days.

"slow down, you will get stomach ache" jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

"oh look, the sun!" taehyung said suddenly seeing that the sin had hit the horizon. Jungkook looked up and saw it too. While it was setting he looked back at taehyung. The orange color made the merman looked so beautiful. It went well with the blue of his hair and soft shade of his skin.

"dont make me shy..." taehyung blushed noticing the raven was looking at him and not the sun.

"i like making you shy" the human grinned.

"k-kook" the boy whined and lowered his head to hide his red cheeks. "just wait. I will make you flustered too!"

"i know you will, love" jungkook already knew it wasnt that hard to taehyung. The merman already made him blush a couple times. And even loss for words.

"the sun goes fast"

They looked at the colored orb that was dissapearing behind the horizon. Their eyes waiting untill it was out of sight making space for the moon.

"lets finish and head back inside before it gets cold" jungkook said.



I want pizza now. But i already ate pizza yesterday.

I want more 👀

Also i got boxbraids now and my scalp is after a week already itchy. I need that itch removal, but i dont have it!!!!! REEEE

Thank you for reading and hope to see you in the next chapter!

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