🐟 chapter 50

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Taehyung was pouting as he played a game on Jungkooks laptop having the last big of his fruit bowl from earlier on the side. He was waiting for Mayan to leave so he could cuddle with Jungkook.

"i know right, thats so cool!" Mayan laughed and hit jungkooks arm playfully.
Taehyung frowned and chewed the melon fast in his mouth. He was jealous and sad. He didnt know which one it was.

"want something to drink?" Jungkook asked.

"yes please" Mayan smiled. When jungkook stood up to walk to the kitchen she quickly flipped her hair and staightened her shirt. Then she noticed that taehyung was watching her. Taehyung looked away and Mayan's smile faded watching the boy.

"What do you want?" the raven asked her from behind taehyung.

"anything is fine, just give me what you are getting" she replied.
Jungkook nodded and made two glasses with blueberry juice.

"Kook, does he need to be here? Its a bit strange having him listen to us" Mayan asked pointing to taehyung. The merman was sensitive and that pointing finger felt like a stab in his side.  He felt very uncomfortable, with her here it didnt feel like home. He didnt feel welcome anymore here.

"ah, well if he wants he can just stay here right?" Jungkook didnt have a problem with taehyung being here at all. This was their house after all, taehyung lived here now.

"hm, okay then" Mayan sighed and put on a smile again.

Taehyung closed the laptop and stood up, he clearly wasnt very welcome here so he just decided to leave the two and go to bed.

"im going to bed" taehyung said and quickly walked off.


It was a long night for him. He had waited a long time for jungkook to come upstairs, he could hear their voices for hours. Then when Jungkook joined him taehyung had already fallen asleep.

Now they sat at the dining table just finished breakfast. The two were silent. Taehyung havent said anything yet besides 'good morning'.


"Yes tae" the raven looked up glad the boy finnaly spoke up.

"why did you came to bed so late. I thought we were going to watch a movie or something...Together"

"ah, i forgot the time with Mayan. Im sorry, i will go watch a movie with you today if you want?"

"i want to do something with you now."

"get a ice cream?"

"yea, like that" taehyung spoke sofy while searching for words. He just wanted jungkook for today without Mayan there.

"then we will get a ice cream"

So said do they did. Now walking hand in hand towards the ice cream shop on the Boulevard. "you have decided which flavour you want?"


"nice, i will take banana" jungkook said and they entered hearing the soft bell rinkle when they did.
A older lady walked up from behund the counter with her kind smile.

"hello you two" she said.

"hey, we would like two ice cream, one with chocolate the other with babana." Jungkook ordered. The lady nodded and scooped the nice bowls putting them on the ice cone's.

"anything else?"


"€4 please" she smiled and took the money. "you two look cute together".

"well, he is the cute one, thats for sure" jungkook replied and exit the store.  Taehyung smiled and ate his ice cream. Jungkook as glad to see him smile again. See seemed very down the last couple days.

"how are you?" jungkook asked. Taehyung looked around a bit surprised who he was talking to.

"me?" the boy pointed to himself.

"yes of course you"

"i am fine...I think" taehyung whispered the last part. He was fine but he felt strange inside. What if Jungkook liked Mayan. And will break up with him? He didnt feel so sure and calm anymore. He was feeling worried, even if jungkook said not to worry. The raven seemed to forget him everytime.

"thats good" Jungkook held taehyungs hand again. The boy looked at their hands. He loved it but knowing Mayan also touched this hand bothered him. And the way she called him 'kook'.


"yes Tae"

"why is she with you so much?" he decided to ask. Feeling his heart bump fast and the question.

"you mean Mayan?" jungkook asked. The boy nodded. "well, since i havent seen her in so long and she is a friend i wanted to talk with her again. Catch up on her life."

"but why so long....I dont like her that much"

"dont be mean Tae. She is very kind and no need for you to hate her already" jungkook said his smile faded.
Taehyungs heart clenched seeing jungkook frown at him. He didnt want to make him angry.

"im sorry...." he pulled away his hand from jungkooks hold putting them in his pocket. taehyung kept his mouth shut all the way till they were almost home.

"i-i will go visit Jimin" taehyung said and walked towards the restaurant. Not giving the raven a chance to agree or disagree.
The racen sighed and hwaded home his house was just three minutes away from it. And it was Jimin, they were his friends so he didnt need to worry of taehyungs safety.

"hey Jimin" taehyung said and sat down at the counter looking at the blonde that was decorating a cappuccino

"hey tae! What a surprise" Jimin smiked and walked past him giving the man his coffee. Ge then walked back to the boy and leaned against the counter. "what brings you here alone?"

Taehyung shrugged. He didnt know exactly why he wanted to come here.

"is Jungkook with her again?"

"no, not now"

"i rhink jungkook is acting strange. Why is she even here out of nowhere?"

"she moved here for work.."

"oh. Like that....does it bother you?


"say it, jungkook needs to know. dont be sad" jimin said.
Taehyung thought of it. He didnt know if he could do that, he was in secure to say such thing.
When taehyung didnt answer jimin decided to change their conversation. "you want anything to drink?"

"no, sorry. In will go home. I have to talk to Jungkook" taehyung said and smiled a bit at the blonde. He should just explain to the human how he was feeling.


Taehyung was walking back home but when he neared the front door it was already open. He walked inside seeing Jungkook in the hallway..And Mayan. They were talking.

"oh Tae youre back" Jungkook said noticing the boy.

Mayan looked At taehyung then at Jungkook. She grabbed jungkooks hand and walked to the front door passed taehyung. Who watched them, he didnt like that she was here again. Why was she here. Why today, again?

"wow, what are you doing?" jungkook asked following her.

"i need to talk to you. In private" she asked. Jungkook nodded and followed her outside.


Decided to skip some ideas i had seeing i am already on chapter 50😳
So many chapters already!

Thank you for reading see you in the next update!

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