🐠 chapter: 53

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Jungkook stood inside the cafe the unknown mad had asked him to meet up. He stood at the bar with a glass waiting for the man to show up, even if he didnt know who it was he could guess that it was the man he and tae had seen before.

He drank the last bit of his water when the familiar figure entered the cafe. He turned on his stool and looked at him. Yup, this was the man.

The blonde-greyish haired man nudged him to a table and waited for Jungkook there. The raven placed down his empty glass and out a few dollars on the table before walking over to the table. Eyeing quickly around the room for anyother suspicious people. He found one. Near the exit, pretending to read the menu.

"hm" jungkook sat down and looked at the man that who he will make suffer when he got taehyung back and gets his hands on him.

"call me Khan" the man said before looking at the raven directly "Jeon...Jungkook isnt it?"


"swimmer...Model and even the right hand of the darkrose"

"im just a model now, no need to bring up the past here" Jungkook said it felt like he was back in his other work. His dark work.
He never had expected to be having to do this again...
But he did, checking with his fingers to his belt and feeling the handle of his gun.
Just to make sure.

"where is Taehyung" jungkook asked before the man could speak up.

"nicely in my fishbowl looking pretty."

"he isnt a fish, he is a merman and got a life just like us"

"not really, but besides that. I will have to leave, i need to feed my fish"

"i will not let you get away with this. And dont you dare hurt him again, i will find you and i will make you pay"

"whatever you say Kid" the older man said and stood up.
Jungkook was angry at the man, they couldnt start shouting here in a public area. He doesnt want to get in trouble with the police again. He doesnt know how far he can go.

So he stayed seated in silence and watched the man leave the cafe without giving him another glance.


Taehyung wasnt going to stay here. He had found the opening in the glass on the top. Pushing open the lid he looked around the room. There was no one. He swam down and then up to make a little jump and get his hands on the edge. He pulled himself up out of the aquarium ignoring the pain in his side. Rolling his wet self on the top of the aquarium. He saw the water below him slowly turn red, his wound had reopened but he didnt want to pay attention to it now. He crawled over the floor as far he could, he didnt know what he will do now. But he knew that maybe hiding was the best option for now.

Taehyung saw a closet between the booksheleves and made his way towards it. His scales began to hurt from pulling himself over the dry wooden floor. But he made it, pullig himself up to the handle and opening the door. There was a space below the jew jackets and shoes on the bottom.
He got inside and curled up placing a hand tightly against his wound to stop the bleeding. He began to think that this was a bad idea, he just wanted to get away so badly that he forgot to think this through.


The man called Khan walked inside his house. Straight towards his office. He had thought of what to do with this merman. He could get great money from it, or just keep it for himself. Maybe they can somehow make more or get the boy to tell them where to find more of his kind. They can be useful.

Opening the doors of his office he looked at the aquarium. To his dislike the water was empty. He frowned and walked towards it. The merman was gone.

"shit" the man cursed and turned around when he stepped he heard a wet noise. Khan looked down at his feet and noticed the ground had a big wet spot. To the merman really got out. He saw the water soread in a line. Then it was dry. But something left a stain. Khan bend down to inspect it, it was blood.

He chuckled and flollowed the red smears. They stopped at a closet.

"i know you are in here" he said and opened the doors. "found you" he said seeing the merman sit in the closet trying to hide in the corner. He grabbed the boys arm and pulled him out of the closet.

"ah!" taehyung yelped from the force his tail scaping over the dry floor again. He had dried halfway and his sclaes were sensitive like this.

"trying to run huh?" Khan said dragging the boy back to the aquarium. He pulled him over the stairs back to the top.

"i-im sorry!" taehyung tried to say something to get the man calm down.

"you will stay here and dont try anything funny" the man hissed and dropped the boy on the floor next to the opening to the aquarium. Taehyung pulled his tail up away from the man, but Khan noticed and stepped with his foot on the thin end of his tail.

Taehyung looked at him with scared eyes. The man walked stood the tail with one feet. The other he gave the poor boy a kick.
Taehyung coughed and curled up.

"now as we are buisy here, tell me where do the others of your kind live?" Khan asked lifting taehyungs head up at his blue hair.

"i-i dont k-know" taehyung said one hand trying to hold himself up the other holding his side.

"tell me!"

"i-i really d-dont k-know, i-im alone" taehyung stuttered out shutting his eyes. He feared for another hit by the man. But it didnt came. The man scoffed annoyed and dropped the boy again. He walked to a shelf and grabbed somthing that sounded like metal.

He returned with a chain taehyung crawled back but the man pulled him back wrapping the chain around his tail tightly.

"ow ow! D-dont" taehyung said trying to stop the man. Khan didnt listen and closed the end with a lock.

"now don't think of running again, im not done with you yet" khan said and pushed taehyung back into the aquarium the heavy chains making him sink to the rocky bottom.


Im trying to chose between two scenarios to continue the story. My brain is cracking on which is best hehe.🐤

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

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