🐠 chapter 32

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Its been a few days and the progress on the aquarium was fast. They could start ordering the things to decorate ut annd then get it filled with water.

"i like the pink ones" taehyung said pointing to a coral decoraton. "and the yellow one is also pretty"

"why not get both?" jungkook asked adding it to their cart.

"and maybe starfish or shells too?"

"hm let me see if they have" jungkook searched for them luckily they had a few options on that. "are you okay with them not being real?" he asked. Becuase these were all fake objects for aquariums. What taehyung was used to were real ones in the sea. These were not like that.

"its okay, i dont mind"

"alright then"

They had spend their whole morning looking through pages and stored to collect the perfect look for taehyungs water. It was fun and expensive, but jungkook didnt mind. He didnt really need things himself so he happily spend it on the boy. In his years as a swimmer and model he earned and saved a lot of money.

"how about we order some food"

"can we invite Jimin?" taehyung asked.

"uh...sure" jungkook checked the date it was sunday so their restaurant today.


"but you call them. Here" Jungkook gave taehyung his phone while he stood up to get his card for the payment of all the things in their cart.

"uhm" taehyung looked at all the apps. He still wasnt very familiar with a phone. But he knew that the button with a cellphone was to speak to someone. So he pressed it and searched for the name 'jimin'
While he was scrolling he saw a button with 'mom and dad'
He began to wonder what jungkooks parents are like, he never spoke to him about them.

"did you find it?" jungkook asked sitting back down. He saw the contact of his parents in the list. "just...Type it here" he said and quickly went to a other menu. Taehyung looked at jungkook who was focussing on the screen typing the blonde's name.

"its ringing" he said and taehyung panicked he wasnt ready, he didnt know what to say.

"hey Jungkook, finally decided to call?" jimins voice sounded on the phone. The raven next to the merman glared at the phone and rolled his eyes before he turned back to the laptop.

"hi Jimin, uhm its Taehyung"

"oooh Tae, my bad i thought it was Jungkook" jimin said and greeted the boy.

"i had a question"

"sure what is it?"

"would you, and yoongi. Like to come eat with us, Kookie is ordering something"

"i would love to, i will bring yoongi with me. What time are you eating?"

"uhm, jungkook. He asks what time we are eating.." taehyung said to the raven.

"say now" the human replied.

"kookie says now" taehyung said to jimin.

"alright, we will leave in a bit. See you!"

"okay!"  taehyung then pressed the red button and placed the phone on the table smiling at jungkook. "i did it"

"i heard" jungkook chuckled.

"do you think anyone saw?" taehyubg suddenly asks looking at jungkooks hands that were typing on the keyboard.

"saw what?"

"when i turned, in the park"

Jungkook stopped typing. He remembered that day very good because he too had panicked when it happend. But he wasnt sure what to answer...He did see that there was somsone who looked at them nust when he lifted the merman off the ground. Ans he was most certain that he must have seen somthing.

"no" jungkook said after thinking for a bit. "no one saw"

"thats good, people cant know"

"why not?"

"human will hurt me, just like they do to fishies. They put them in those traps and they will die, i dont want to die kookie"

"you wont, at least not yet. Maybe when you are really old" jungkook said. But he began to feel that he did wrong not paying attention to that man. He just hoped he was wrong and the man didnt actually saw anything.

"will you get old too?"

"of course i will"

"will i still see you when you and i are old?" the boy asked.

"i hope so...I would like that" jungkook smiled thinking of it. He would like to get old with this boy and make many memories together.

"me too"

Jungkook smiled and looked at Taehyung, he wanted to ask him something. But he was a bit hesitant. Yes he was a confident person but when it came to Taehyung its like a different side of him came out, he was soft for this boy. Maybe it was becuase he really loved him.

"Tae.." he said.

"yes?" taehyung down at his hand. Jungkook gently held taehyungs hand which made the merman blush.

"do you.. want to be my boyfriend?"


Updatee, my heart is so squishy for these two. 😭💕

Thank you for reading again, i will see you in the next chapter!

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