Namjoon was silent for a while. Just staring at jungkook in front of him. But then he laughed and waved the other off walking to the kitchen.
"you must be dreaming, no way mermaids merman or whatever exist"
"you don't know that. Yes, the media says so, but I saw what I saw. I don't believe they aren't real. I really saw one!" jungkook said, getting annoyed that the other didn't believe him.
"then tell me. What did he look like?" namjoon grabbed a glass and filled it with orange juice that was in the fridge.
He always treated this like his own home as jungkook was his half brother. And he came around often, just barging in without invite. When he was free from work then.
"he had blue hair, a beautiful face. And his tail was also blue. His skin was light. That's all I saw. I passed out after that"
"so what you are saying is that. A merman....Like a real living merman save you?"
"that's exactly what i'm telling you. Are you stupid?!"
"I gotta see it beforel I believe it, Kook. You know me" namjoon said and sipped his drink. Jungkook groaned annoyed and grabbed the pans. He had enough of explaining himself, so he decided to start cooking dinner.
It took awhile for the food to be ready and the sun had already set making room for a bright moon. Giving the room a beautiful blue-ish light through the glass wall.
He had an open kitchen with a living area a small step lower but in the same room. And the walls that were viewed on the sea were completely glass. With two doors which he had always opened in daytime so he could hear the waves and birds outside.
"this is really good. You are a great cook, you know" namjoon said as they were eating.
"hm i'm just average" Jungkook shrugged as he tried to get the tomato that kept rolling away.
"why dont you become a chef?"
"hell no, i got enough money. I'm just gonna chill here. This is my place Joon"
"hm, alright then.."
"you know what my job was, and i still earn lots of money from it. I'm not even doing anything anymore."
"what if it will come back?"
"it wont, i have stopped. They let me leave so i'm good now"
"i'm just worried" namjoon sighed and sat back. He had finished his food.
"i know, but you don't have to. Its in the past"
"okay, well thanks for the food. It was nice seeing you again. I got to go home because i have a long shift tomorrow"
"leaving so soon?"
"yea. You were the one late, not me"
Jungkook groaned and pouted his lips a bit but then sighed standing up. "alright, see you around"
"bye" jungkook then went to clean the dishes and the kitchen while Namjoon left the house driving back to his home. While he was busy doing that. He began to think.
The merman...
He was beautiful, but he was real....right?
Jungkook wasn't imagining things was he?
Jungkook turned off the water and dried his hands. Frowning. He wasn't crazy, he just wasn't. He knew what he had seen.
"I got to know," Jungkook said and threw the towel in the corner of the counter. He ran to the glass door and grabbed the keys from the table near the couch.
He went down the stairs that lead to the beach fast. Almost tripping on his way. He ran all the way until he was on his smaller boat. Turning the engine on. He went to the same spot he was earlier today.
He stopped and hopped down to the back getting on his knees. He stared into the water.
Then he checked the other side. And he kept going. But it ended up with nothing.
"Its not like the swim on the surface, you dumb ass " he said to himself and sighed leaning against the side. He decided to wait. Maybe he can see something when he stayed quiet.
Is he sleeping?
He moved closer. His blue eyes staring through the water at the human on the boat. He had his hand almost in the water that was slowly falling from his lap.
He moved closer, a bit hesitant. But then poked his head out of the water. His wet hair hanging almost over his eyes. But he could see so he didn't care. Underwater he didn't have any trouble with his hair. Here in the air it was different...He noticed.
Slowly he moved even closer observing the human on the boat.
He is here everyday...such an interesting human.
Handsome too..
He smiled and raised his hand poking the man's leg. He jolted back in the water oy his eyes poking above it as he waited for a reaction.
When he didn't get one he went back up. Now sure the other was sleeping.
Jungkook slightly was taken from his sleep when he heard water. And then a lot of water drops falling down.
He frowned.
Then he felt something touch his hair. His eyes shot open and he looked at the first thing he saw.
"ah!" the boy in front of him was shocked.
But it wasn't just a boy. His hair was blue, his eyes were like a deep ocean, and then there was it...The blue tail at his lower body that was halfway in the sea.
The boy was leaning on his arms holding himself out of the water. But when it came to him that Jungkook had woken up his eyes widened and he dropped himself back in the water.
"wait!" Jungkook shouted and crawled on his knees quickly to the end of the boot looking down in the water.
"come back!"
"please...I want to thank you"
"I won't hurt you, I don't have weapons. Don't be afraid" jungkook said his voice getting more gentle.
But then he saw something in the water below. He saw the boy's face. He was looking at Jungkook.
Slowly the boy poked his head back out looking hesitant and a bit scared.
"It's okay, I won't harm you, I promise." Jungkook distanced himself a bit, giving the merman space. He gave the boy a kind smile.
The boy then grabbed the end of the boat and pushed himself up again. The shiny yet sparkly scales of his tail visible.
Also on his face and arms were slightly blue scales mixed in his skin. It was very pretty.
And when Jungkook saw the boy again. He was sure. The merman was real, and he was right here.
I love writing this story too much. I get so lost in it. 😭💕
Im so happy you all liked the first chapter. I really appreciate the support!❤🙏🏻
I thank you for reading, and hope to see you at the next update!

FanfictionJungkook a wealthy model and ex professional swimmer went out to enjoy the sea again. But when his sickness strikes unexpectedly it made him end up almost drowning. If it wasnt for this 'being' to save him. And Jungkook was sure that he saw a beauti...