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Shin y/n pov

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Shin y/n pov

*at workplace *

I'm checking my outfits with my designer for next photoshoot. Then i heard sounds of people greeting. I saw Nari is walking to my way. I stand up and bow politely. "y/n... Let have a talk, shall we?" she asked. I furrowed. Why is she looking for me?

Am i being rude to her, yesterday.. At the party.. uhm...

"Sure." i agreed.

We arrived at a cafe. It must be something important. We sat down on the chair. She didn't say anything from the start. I'm a little bit confused. "So.. Shin y/n." she called my name. I look at her, waiting for her to continue her words.

"You were Minho's girlfriend." she paused and waited for my agreement. I nodded. "Do you know.. The real reason why did you guys broke up?" she asked. God.. Why i never thought of it... I never knew the reason. "I.. I don't know. I never know." i sighed. "I'm so sorry that you are really in love with him but he has to let you go because of his mom." she admitted.

I'm really confused. What? His mom? Mrs Lee? Why? She doesn't like me? But Minho never introduce me to his mom when we were together.

"It was because of me too. I admit.. That i like Minho but i never force him to love me back. Never. When i almost got raped by my ex boyfriend and Minho saved me. That's why i like him. When Minho in Korea and his parents in Japan, his mom fell sick. I took care of her for a long time. Everyday with her and she's like... obsess with me. She always said she wanted to marry me with Minho. " Nari paused again. It seems like she's holding her tears. I patted her shoulder.

" I was happy but not after Minho mad at me after he knew i like him. I swear i try to explain that i never force him to like me back. One thing you have to believe me, y/n. Minho.. He is madly in love with you." Nari said. My heart aches. He really loves me.

When we were together, he really does care about me but he doesn't know how to show it.

" Nari, you love him right? " i asked. She looks confused." Yea... I do. " she smile a bit." Chase him. You deserve him. I'm not the right person for him." i patted her shoulder again and leave her.

*the next day *

I'm at the lobby. Waiting for Jisung to fetch me since we made a promise to eat together. "Hey y/n." Minho greeted me. I just gave him a smile and look away. "Let's go grab lunch, shall we?" he smiles. "My treat." he holds my wrist. I flinched and move my hand. "No thanks." i rejected.

"Y/n... I noticed...why are you keep avoiding me? Do i make any mistakes?" he frowned. I want to go far away from him but he grab my wrist and pull me. It made me facing him. "Minho?!" i hissed. What's wrong with this man. Why is he trying so hard... Geez. Annoying brat.

"Y/n can you listen to me.. I'm-"
"Minho. This is my workplace, anything you do to me here will make my reputation bad." i said sternly. Honestly i don't care if i fight with him here. My reputation is just an excuse. But it makes sense tho. Imagine newbie created a big fight. Lmao.

Suddenly someone pull my hand too." She's. Coming. With. Me. " Jisung said sternly while his eyes glare at Minho. My wrist starts to aching because both of them holding it too tight. "No. Why would she's coming with you." Minho mocked him. "We made a promise and she is going with me. Let her go." Jisung said.
"You let her go first." Minho retorted.

"Guys.." my wrist start to hurt. Oh my God.. When will this two stop. "Let her go, hyung.. You are not her boyfriend." Jisung still glaring at him. This is like.. Staring contest while holding tightly my wrist...
"So you too Han. You aren't her boyfriend too."

"Guys... my wrist-" "What happened here?" Hwang Hyunjin come. Oh my.. He is my saviour. "Let her go brats." he pull me away from Jisung and Minho. "Fight outside bro. Not here. And y/n is coming with me. Let's go y/n." Hyunjin took me with him.

third person pov

Jisung and Minho left there. Minho glared at Jisung and Jisung glared at him too. "What's wrong with you, hyung? You hurted her, now you want her back. Don't you think about her feelings. You are crazy." Jisung left Minho. He is frustrated. Minho just ruined their lunch.

Jisung pull his brake when the lamp shows red. He sighed again in frustration." ARGHHH. " he hit the steering wheel.

Shin y/n pov

I sigh in relief." Thank God, Hyunjin. You saved me. I love youuu." i said in cute voice. He pushed me. "YAH" i shouted. "That's not cute at all. Stop it." he chuckled. "What's wrong with them...i don't get Minho. You guys over. He should do this when he's with you. Not after you guys broke up. Crazy."

Minho ruined my date with my Jisung.


My jisung?!?!?!?

I'm uhh

A/n : sorry for late update or short chapter. I'll try to make more longer.

Thank youu

Thank youu

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