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[minho pov]

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[minho pov]

Jisung isn't at home.

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed. A dark brown wallet in my grips. I'm taking out a picture. A picture of a girl i love. "y/n......." i sighed. I didn't realise my tears are falling. It hurts. It really hurts to let go.


Third person pov

"I TOLD YOU RIGHT? DON'T HANG OUT WITH THAT GUY! I DON'T LIKE IT!" minho yelled at y/n. Y/n was in shocked. "IT'S NOT LIKE I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM!" y/n yelled back. They quarrelled almost everyday.

"Please... Minho.. I'm tired fighting with you. I don't like this..." y/n begged. She's handle too much from loving too much. "Tired?? If you are tired then you shouldn't hang out with that Hyunjin guy." y/n sighed in frustration. "I told you he is just my bestfriend! What's wrong with you????? Why are you controlling me?"

"I'm not controlling you. You are the one who always makes me angry." Minho said and then he left her home. Y/n stumbled and she fell on floor. Her tears keep streaming down her eyes. "I love you so much, but sometimes it's hard for me to be with you..." she sobbed.

Another day, y/n had a fever. Minho came to her home, to take care of her. "What are you doing here?" y/n asked Minho as she spotted him in her home. Minho didn't say anything. He took a bowl of hot water and a towel. Y/n laid on her bed, unable to stand.

Minho put the warm hot towel on her forehead. Seeing Minho acting sweet even they fought a lot made y/n burst into tears. "Hey... Why are you crying." he said softly. "Why are you acting like this....yet you seem hate our relationship and mad at me... Yet you are lovely and sweet towards me. Why..." Minho sighed when he heard y/n statement.

"I never hate our relationship. I love you. So much." he kissed her forehead.

End Flashback

[Minho pov]

I never hate you... I'm madly in love with you. I wanna be with you forever y/n... but... i can't.

I take a deep breathe and wipe my tears.

I hate flashback our sweet memories.





[Third person pov]

It's weekend and y/n is getting ready for the party. She smile when she's looking at her reflection on mirror. A yellow dress. Her wound about her ex, Minho...might not heal. But it will slowly recover as time goes on.

After the shopping day with Jisung. She can't forget when Jisung chose a matching outfit for them. When she thinks about it again, she start jumping in tiny and cringing over it.

It's almost 7pm and she is waiting for Hyunjin to fetch her. When Hyunjin arrived, Hyunjin couldn't hide his reaction when he sees y/n in that yellow dress. "Oh my god... Wow. Y/n... You look.... appealing!" he exclaimed. Y/n chuckles when she heard it.

y/n and Hyunjin chit chatting at his car while he is driving. "But.. Why did Changbin organise this party?" y/n asked. "Well... it's weekend. We have to celebrate weekend after restless days." Hyunjin replied. They arrived at the big mansion. Changbin saw them entering his house and he quickly walking to them. "Yooo Hyunjin." he greeted like a brother. "Whatsup, hyung." Hyunjin greeted back.

Meanwhile y/n is walking around Changbin's mansion. She sees everyone chatting and having fun. She doesn't have friends. When she walks around she meets someone she shouldn't meet. "y/n?" Minho furrowed when he saw y/n in this party. "What are you doing here?" he asked. He shocked, happy and feel guilty at the same time.

"Attending the party with Hyunjin." she doesn't even look at Minho's eyes.

That name again. Hyunjin again. Minho thought

"Why are you always going anywhere with him? Is he your boyfriend right now???" Minho feels unsatisfied when she said Hyunjin's name. "Why do you care? We don't have anything." y/n walked away.

She went to the toilet only to find a group of girl fixing their make up. "Oh look who's here." one of them said. "ew why is this poor girl in this party. I can't believe Changbin invited her." another mocked her. She is standing there looking down at her feet. "y/n.. Omo are you okay? Perhaps.. She came here to see her ex who dumped her. Oh.. Do i hurt you??" she mocked again.

Y/n is on the verge of crying. She quickly storming out from the toilet. She walks faster. She accidentally bump into someone and her wine spilling onto her yellow dress. She feels really unlucky today." I'm sorry.. I didn't me-"" It's okay" her tears fall and she walk away.

She went to Changbin's backyard where's there a pool. No one there because most of them focus on the big swimming pool at in front of Changbin's house. She's throwing away her heels and put her legs in the water.

"I know I'm poor......" she started to sob. "but you don't have to say it to me....".

[Jisung pov]

I'm walking around Changbin's home. It's been a long time i haven't sleep in this house. Probably my shirts still here. Yea, i used to live here when my parents still in Korea because i hate hearing them talking about my future.

There's a lot of people came to his party. Noisy. Music everywhere. Couple flirting. Feeling single.

I spotted someone at the pool. I walk closer to her.i realise.. It's y/n who is crying. "y/n?" she looks at me with her eyes red. She keep sobbing. "Jisung-ah..." she cried. I bend and look at her. "Hey, what's wrong? " i asked softly.

"I don't deserve world... I wanna die..." she said. I notice her dress is dirty. It smells wine. "Hey, come with me." i grab her wrist and she is following me.

We went to my old room. She sat on the bed, seems confused and still crying. I opened my closet. I started to rummaging it and found an oversized hoodie. I give it her. "What..." she is clueless. "Wear this. You aren't going anywhere with the yellow wine dress." i said. It breaks my heart too when I'm seeing an angel crying.

Everyone can see she is deeply hurt.

"I'm going outside, so you wear this." i bend in front her. I'm about to leave but she grab my wrist. "Don't leave......." soooo much uwu from her makes me feel butterflies everywhere in my stomach. Her eyes shining even she is crying.

I bend again and i tuck her hair which is covering her face. "I leave for a while, okay? You change your clothes first." i smile softly and leave.

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