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[Shin y/n pov]

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[Shin y/n pov]

I'm super excited for my first day. Hyunjin wanted to fetch me but well Jisung insisted to send me there.

I arrived the company on time. Tzuyu greeted me. "Let's go y/n." she said. I'm following her from behind. She opened the door and i see a few models from senior teams and maybe some rookies. "Attention everyone." Tzuyu raised her voice.

They look at us. I mean they are looking at me. Some even checking me out. Creep.

"This is Shin y/n. She will join senior team. I hope you guys can get along well." Tzuyu introduced me. "y/n, this is Yoon Mira. She is the leader of senior team."Tzuyu pointed at a tall girl with cat eyes. (lmao i created my own company rules oky..i don't think models have senior team and stuff...)

She's so pretty. I smile and she smile back to me. But the smile she gave... was... creepy." So, you guys can continue what you are doing ." Tzuyu left us.

The leader step out and her team behind her. "So.. You are Shin y/n..." she is scanning me from toe to my head. "The girl who got accepted in the senior team without being in a rookie and junior team." she added. Is she mocking me? What?! This is literally my first day.

"I don't understand what's so special about Shin y/n until she can skipped rookie and junior team. Did she seduced the director or what?" one of them badmouthing me. They said it out loud purposely so that i can hear it. I feel hurt... But i plastered a smile on my face.

Hide it.

The pain.

"Mira-ssi i don't even know how i get in senior team without being in rookie and junior team. Maybe it because of my skills but I'm sure there's nothing to do with seducing." I'm trying to defend myself. "Tsk.. all of us had to be in rookie team for years to improve ourselves.. it took a long time for us to be in senior team. And you.. audition.. and got in senior team. Impossible." another girl mocked me.

I'm trying to be patient with them. It's my first day. I never show my weak side to anyone.

" Mira-ssi let's be professional in work. "i said calmly and ignored them.

I sit on a bench inside the room while watching those girls practicing runway. A girl approaching me." Hey.. Shin y/n? Am i right? " she asked. I nod my head. There's lot people know me since I'm new.
" Hi!! I'm Kyura." she stretched her arm to shake hand with me. "I'm from Japan." she added. "Oh hi, you are very fluent in Korean." i praised her.

"I live here for almost 10 years since I'm 15 years old." she sat beside me. I don't know how to make friends. Seriously. I just wait for people to come and greet me. It is hard for me to make friends.

"I hope you ignore what Mira said. She's just jealous. Are you sure you don't know how you are in senior team?" she asked. "Yeah..i don't. I don't even know there's rookie, junior abd senior." i confessed. I don't have idea what happened. Maybe i should ask Hyunjin. That's better. It just my first day but it seems like i got hate a lot.

"Should i tell you something? Well Mira's mom is Hyunjin's dad wife. So Mira is Hyunjin step sister." Kyura explained. I didn't know Hyunjin has a step-sis.. He never tells me. "Mira choosen as leader so it is easier for her to get those offers. Like of course some people will think leaders are the most potential one since they are leader. Well... Mira is a famous model here. But she misuse her power as leader." Kyura added.

Sigh. People like Mira does exist. She even rude to me. Since this is my first day, i will keep calm.

Third Person Pov

The day where y/n audition.

After y/n went home.

Tzuyu took a file with her and walk to director room with Hyunjin. She knocked the door. "What is it?" the director or Hyunjin's dad asked. "Did you guys finished with the new girl?" he asked again. "Yes we are. She is really skillful and potential to be one of those senior models. She just like her mom. Shin Kiyom."

The director nodding his head as he listened to Tzuyu. "Anyway dad, a big company will recruit one of our models. SG Entertainment." Hyunjin informed him. "Our senior team lack of skills. That's the problem. The best one always recruited by another company." The director scoffed. It was his mistake for letting go some talented models for money. The agreement was for 6 months but Mr Hwang is blind because of money. He let the other company take his models.

" We have y/n. " Tzuyu break the silence." What do you mean?She literally audition just now." Mr Hwang stands up from his seat. "Well y/n resembles his mom a lot. She will not dissapoint you. Trust me. Just get her in senior team and let SG Entertainment recruit her." Tzuyu trying to convince the director.

And it works.

"Alright. Put her name under Senior team and when SG Entertainment comes, Shin y/n will be the one who takes the offer." Mr Hwang stated. Hyunjin and Tzuyu nod in agreement with the statement. Hyunjin feels happy for his bestfriend.

A/n : Bruh.... What a bored chapter.. It's been a long time. A week i guess. Anyway I'll try update this frequently.

Tysm for reading ❤️

Tysm for reading ❤️

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