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Shin y/n pov

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Shin y/n pov

Today is my first time doing runway. I feel so nervous but at the same time I'm happy and excited. I'm done with my makeup and wait for outfit. "Hey, y/n." Hyunjin greeted me. "Oh hi." i replied. "How do you feel?Feeling great? Nervous.. Or something else?" he giggled. Well i don't even know. Mix feelings.

"Nervous." i laughed awkwardly. "Well my bestie... You should be. Haha. I know you well, y/n. I trust you. You can do better than you expected." he patted my shoulder and left.

Third person pov

Runaway has begun 5 minutes ago. Jisung and Minho are attending the runway but they sit far away. Jisung is sitting at the front section while Minho is sitting at left section.

Hyunjin came from somewhere and sit beside Jisung. "Hey bro." he greeted. "You stole my y/n yesterday." Hyunjin laughed and says, "Sorry man. I saved her." Jisung only nod his head. Well... What Hyunjin did yesterday was absolutely correct. Gratefully Hyunjin appeared before Jisung and Minho start punching each other.

Finally it's your turn. Jisung just couldn't take his eyes off from you

How in the world she's looking absolutely gorgeous.

He amazed by your skill. The way you show your long beautiful legs. The way your hair flipping.

While Minho, also taken aback. He didn't expect you are gonna slay the runway. Making it looks like your own runway and you are the spotlight.

"I can't lie that your girlfriend is so pretty." Hyunjin whispered to Jisung. Jisung chuckled.

Your stage ruined by the light. The light went off and on again. Jisung quickly alert. While you, you feel very weak. You are starting to flashback those dark memories." No... "you fell on the floor. The light still on and off. You shut your eyes tightly.

" Jisung, go get her.. I'll check the electricity. " Hyunjin told Jisung. Jisung didn't waste any time. He quickly take off his jacket while he is on his way to you. When he knee down and he pulled you closer. Then he cover your head with his jacket. Make sure you aren't seeing any light.

At the same time, Minho about to save you too. But he was late. He late a second. He stop in front of the stage after seeing Jisung came first.

Shin y/n pov

The light were on and off when i was performing my runway. I was scared. But something is covering my head. It feels like a jacket. I didn't waste time to look who's doing it. But someone slowly supporting my arms so i can get up. My legs both are weak.

"It's okay y/n.. It's me.." when i heard Jisung voice. I couldn't help but tears fell down on my cheek. We walked to backstage. No one was there. He took off the jacket from me. I opened my eyes only to find Jisung in front of me with concern in his eyes.

" I'm....." my hands still trembling.Jisung noticed it. He hold my hands and rub it. "I'm... Scare..." i whispered. "I know, but don't be. I'm here." his hand slowly caressed my hair and then he pulled me into his warm hug. "I'm here." he whispered.

I feel much better with him.

Hwang Hyunjin pov.

Fuck it. It always those sabotage thing. I went outside but then i saw Kyura and Mira enjoy playing with with the switch. Both of them stop when they saw me. "Both of you should go to my office tomorrow at 8am. If you late I'll kick you out from senior team." i said sternly. I am really mad but i try my best to hold it.

"What you gonna do about us, huh? Like Director will follow what you say." Mira scoffed. "Don't dare me, Mira. I can do it." i warned them and then left.

No matter what happens, i will convince my dad to kick them off if i want. I can do that. It's not that hard. I hate how her mom married with my dad. She raised a brat. Just like her mother. I might sound harsh.. But she deserves the title.

But i can't believe how Kyura was with her. She seems enjoying it too. I heard that Kyura is close with y/n. What the hell?

Shin y/n pov

The next day, i went to Mrs Lee office. "Sit down." she ordered. I sit in front her. "I want to apologise for ruining your runway,Mrs Lee." i stand up and bowed. She sighed. "Forget it. It wasn't your mistake." she said.

I didn't know Mrs Lee can act nice... Or she just want the best for her son that's why she warned me to avoid Minho. "We will re-do the runway in two weeks from now. I asked the director of your company earlier. Take a rest." she said. I am confuse. Take a rest.. What? I have to work today.

"Pardon?" she is looking at me. "Take a rest for a week. Only a week. No more than that. You have done a good job in avoiding Minho. I just want you to keep on doing that." she continues stare at her work book.

I feel very happy. I keep smiling. "Why are you still here?" she glanced. "Oh.. Sorry." i stand up slowly and bowed to her.

I got text from Hyunjin. He asked me to come to his office. When i arrived, i saw Kyura and Mira. "Kyura." i called. "This two girls sabotaged you yesterday." Hyunjin said. I am taken aback. Kyura??? Why is it her?? I get it if it was Mira... But Kyura???

"Kyura...." she smirked. "I'll never like you anyway. I saw you were scared of the light at the storage room." she explained. I feel hurt. She betrays me. No one likes me anyway...

I'm hiding my sad face. "Thanks by the way. It wasn't enough to ruin my day." i smiled and left.

a/n : bruh eng is not my first language. So forgive me if there's mistake and.. please point out my mistake~

 please point out my mistake~

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