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Han Jisung pov

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Han Jisung pov

I wake up and check on the sleeping beauty beside me. I tuck her hair behind her ear and smile softly.

Why would Lino hyung hurt a precious girl like her?

I got up from the bed. I pull the white curtain, allowing sunlight into the room. y/n finally awake because of the sunlight dazzled her eyes. She is rubbing her eyes and then our eyes meet. Her small lips curve an angelic smile.

Yesterday, i was really mad after found out that Lino hyung the one who hurt her.

I waited from y/n in her room.

She came...But my mouth unable to speak about how mad i am. My eyes soften whenever it meets hers. She never told me about her relationship too. They were together for 3years and i did even notice it when I'm with Lino-hyung since we were kids.

I was frustrated and went to my room yesterday.

I stared at ceiling. Wondering about y/n.

I thought... I should make her mine. I wouldn't let anything hurt her anymore. I want her to be mine.

And that's how i ended up sleeping with y/n.

Shin y/n pov

* at company *

Hyunjin greeted me as soon he saw me. I greeted him back. "So anything happen yesterday?" He asked like he knows Jisung slept with me. "Uh nothing special happen yesterday accept for my first day as a model" i lied about nothing special when it was such a beautiful night. We didn't do anything but.. it was just beautiful.

"You have to meet someone today." Hyunjin informed. I have no idea who is it but i just follow Hyunjin from behind. We entered Tzuyu's office.

I saw a lady and a girl around age like me in this room. I'm greeting them politely and introduce my name too." Shin y/n... What a pretty name. I am Lee Yunah." the lady shake her hand with me. "I'm Son Nari." followed by a girl named Nari.

"So, they are from SG Entertainment. One of those big companies." Tzuyu stated. I gasp as i shock the fact that i know the company. "Is she the model that you recommended to us?" Miss Lee asked Tzuyu. "Yes, she is really talented like her mom, Shin Kiyom." when Tzuyu mentioned my mom's name,i feel honoured.

This industry never forget mom.

I feel proud as a daughter.. And here i am following her steps.

"We are recruiting you for our summer runway and also a model for magazine June and July series." Nari explained. I am speechless. I literally here for a day-

I feel unfair for those in senior team. But this is for me too it's my chance. "I'm sorry but.. Are you sure? Today is my second day here..." i told them. "Second day?" Miss Lee furrowed.

"But that doesn't matter. We want you." Nari remarked. "So do you accept this offer?" She asked me. Without any hesitation i nod my head. "Yes." i answered.

They give me a file and ask me to sign it. I read it carefully and then sign it. Both of them left after i signed the file. "Good luck for your upcoming runway. It will be your first runway." Tzuyu smile to me.

Hyunjin quickly give me a hug. "I'm so proud of you, bestie." he murmured. "Thanks for always there.. Supporting me." i said and break the hug.

Third person pov

Minho went to a cafe to meet his mom. His mom who is also owned SG Entertainment. Minho arrived and took a seat opposite to Nari and Miss Lee Yunah."Oh hi my son. Have you done what i asked you to do before?"Miss Lee smile at her son. Minho sigh and says," As you wish. "

"I'll order drinks for us. What would you like to drink, mom?" Nari asked Miss Lee. "Just iced coffee." she answered.

"Minho?" Minho looks uninterested and just shake his head. While Nari ordering drinks, Miss Lee start a conversation with Minho. "Did you broke up with that y/n girl?" her mom wanted to make sure he did. "I did as what you wanted." everyone who heard it will know, how annoyed he is with his own mom.

"So what are we waiting for. You can marry Nari quickly. I want her to be your wife." Minho furrows as he couldn't believe he eventually marry her. "This is not how our deal work, mom. You told me if i break up with y/n i don't have to marry Nari." Miss Lee just smirking. She thinks she knows what's the best for her son.

"I am your mom, Minho. Whatever my decision is.. You have to follow. Plus, you aren't with anyone-" Minho cut her mom, "Mom, If this is how it going to work.. I better be with y/n forever and we wouldn't have to break up. I love y/n and i never have any feelings for Nari." Minho is pissed. How can his mom control his life.

No one wants to be controlled in this life.

" Listen, Minho. y/n is now under our company for two months. If you are going back to her i will do something.. to y/n. I won't touch her if you stay away from y/n." Miss Lee is trying to threat her son. She stands up and pick up her purple handbag. "Where are you going mom?" Nari asked. "I have something important to do. Ask Minho to send you home, okay." Miss Lee hold Nari's hand and then she slowly let it go.

"Minho... How are you?" Nari started the conversation. Her voice low yet soft. "Listen, i won't marry with you. Never. My love is for y/n. And because of YOU. We had to break up and i hurted her." Minho stand and Nari follow him too. She is blocking his way.

"Move." Minho sighed. "I never force you to love me.. It just mom force us. I-"
Nari tears fall and Minho doesn't give a fuck about it. "It's my mom. Not yours. Why does she let you call her mom. Both of you should get out of my way." Minho is pushing Nari and leaving her in the cafe.

It's true that Nari never force Minho to like her back. She is really in love with Minho. Plus, she has a really strong relationship with Minho's mom which is makes Miss Lee really want Nari as Minho's wife.




A/n : I just started to use 'chapter one two and bla bla bla' because I'm too lazy to think about the subtopic~ lmao

Nari is a good girl dw unlike Miss Lee. Oof-


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