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Third person pov

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Third person pov

Jisung is wandering around while waiting for doctor to come out from the ward. "Dude sit down." Minho said but Jisung ignored him. Minho sighed and turned his attention to Nari.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Nari just give him a reassuring smile. "I didn't know you are a good fighter." just think of it.. Her move was really cool."I learnt Taekwondo." Nari replied. Nari looks down on her feet. "Thanks." she turned to Minho. "For what?" she asked. "For saving y/n. For your bravery. I admire you." Minho give Nari a smile which is Nari rarely see especially when Minho with her.

"You are smiling." she noticed. "Haha i.. Hm.." it is a little bit awkward for Minho to tell the truth. "What is it?" Nari asked. "Well, I'm sorry for acting cool toward you and ignoring you. I think i made a wrong assumption about you." Minho apologised. "It's okay. It isn't that bad."

Doctor finally came out and Jisung look at the doctor, hoping for good news. "y/n is in good condition. She just fainted because of fatigue. She will wake up soon. For now, she needs rest." the doctor explained and left.

Jisung sigh in relief. "Thank God." he sit beside y/n who's laying on the bed. His hand slowly make a way to her head and caressing. "It's my fault bcs I didn't look for you. I'm sorry." Jisung held his tears.






y/n is caressing Jisung's hair and play with it while Jisung is still deep in sleep. The face y/n misses, the face y/n adores and the face who always in y/n's mind." It's not your fault anyway. " y/n whispered softly.

Shin y/n pov

I noticed Jisung move a little bit. Did i wake him up? He look up and rub his eyes like a baby. Aww cute. Then our eyes meet. "Good Morning, boyfie." i greeted softly. "y/n?" his face brighten and instantly, he gave me a tight and warm hug. "I miss you." he said. I couldn't help but smile.

How much i miss his hugs and cuddles.





Three months later,

Since the incident, Mira got jailed. Kyura quit from modelling. Surprisingly Minho's mom offered me to join runway at Italy. I would love that.

It's my birthday today, i wonder if they know it or not. I walk into the house. While on my way to my room, i saw Jisung in the kitchen. I am really curious, so i went peek. The man is decorating a cake. I bet there will be a birthday suprise lol. Let's pretend like i never saw it.

Quietly i walked away.

"Hey." i glanced at my door. It's Nari. She is crossing her arms and furrow. "What?" i asked. "I thought we have a promise?" i palm my forehead. I forgot that Nari wants to treat me everything on my birthday. Is she the only one who remember my birthday?

We went shopping until it's 7pm. So we went home. "Why is it really dark? There's no electricity or wHaT?" keep pretending y/n.

"oh y/n, are you home?" Minho appeared with flash on his phone. "There's no electricity haha" Minho said. I try to switch on the light and well.. They are right. There's no electricity. "Where's Jisung?" i asked. "He went check on something. The neighbours also don't have electricity." I nodded my head.

"Today is y/n birthday." Nari told Minho. Wait, it supposed to be a suprise right? " Oh yea, Happy Birthday y/n.I'm sorry i forgot so where do you want to celebrate it? " he smiled.

Wait... there's no birthday suprise? For me? For real? "Hey baby" Jisung greeted me with the flash on his phone too. "Hey." i am upset because MY BOYFRIEND DOESN'T REMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY.

"How was the shopping ?" he put his hand on my waist. "Great." i replied. Seriously,why does he even decorated a cake? "I saw you decorated a cake."i asked, trying to get confirmation." oh it's for my friend, he said today is his girlfriend birthday. " i only replied him with a nod.

Yea yea you care about someone's girlfriend but not yours. Geez."Oh great, we both have the same birthday." i exclaimed. "What? Today is your birthday? I.. Uh.." yea that's it. He is feeling guilty.

As he should

"I'm sorry that i forgot." he scratched his head. I smile and walk away. "You ruined her day, Jisung." i heard Nari said that.

Jisung followed me from behind. I open my door and- "Happy Birthday y/n." he gives me back hug and whispered it. My jaw drops. Since when my room is very pretty. There's a cake i saw earlier. "I thought you really forgot." i pouted. "Aww... Of course not. My girlfriend will upset if i forgot. I bet she won't talk to me for 5years." he pinched my cheek.

He is my happiness.


i forgot that i have wattpad 👁️👄👁️
Lmao why did i take a long time to update the last chapter.

I'm sorry if you are waiting.

Also i want to thank Oijosuke1999 for giving me motivation to finish this story. Your words really got me tears 🥺Thanks for sweet and courage words. I really appreciate it 🥰

Currently missing Hyunjin :( i hope he's doing
fine 🥺♥️ Of course he is, probably playing with kkami~

Thank you for 10k readers, appreciate it very much. I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes here ㅠㅠ I don't have time to correct it. Also thank you for some readers that corrected me <3

 Also thank you for some readers that corrected me <3

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