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Shin y/n pov

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Shin y/n pov

"y/n can you search a file for me?" Manager Kim asked me. I nodded my head and replied with 'okay'. I went to a storage room where they place files.

I'm rummaging a box. "where is the file.." i murmured.

The light suddenly turned off. I flinched.

What happened?

The light finally turn on again. I sigh as i feel relieved. I thought something happened.

But then the light started to on and off.

On off on off on off

My heartbeat beating fast. This...

I got flashback.

My legs weakening, i fell on the floor. The fears surrounding me. I shut my eyes tightly hoping for it to stop. I covered my ears and trembling in fear.

Mom... Help me.. I'm scare....

The light finally turned on and stop on and off like a few seconds ago. Someone is tapping my shoulder. "No... Go away.. Please don't touch me... Let me go.." i begged. My hand still trembling.

"Hey it's me." i opened my eyes as i heard a female voice. I turned my head and saw Kyura. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked me. I look around me in fear. "Hyunjin.. I- i need to-" Kyura is comforting me. I'm glad she came. "I saw something wrong with the lights here, that's why i went inside. I didn't expect to see you trembling in fear. What happened?" she asked me nicely. But i refused to tell her what happened.

Because it is related to my past.

I left Kyura and went to Hyunjin office. Hyunjin noticed something wrong happened. He quickly pull me into his warm hug." Hey what happened? Is everything okay?" he asked. I shake my head and I'm still in fear.

I'm not crying but I'm really scare. I feel weak. "The light..." i muttered. He sighed as he knew what am i talking about. Yes,Hyunjin knew about it. Traumatic moments.

"It's okay.. I'm here. Do you need rest?" he is caressing my head slowly. I'm thankful i have him. I might lost my way if he wasn't here.





I arrived at my home. Hyunjin sent me home today. I opened the door and walked in. I saw some delicious meals on the dining table. Minho came out from the kitchen. "Oh, hi y/n. Let's eat first? I cook for two of us today." he gave me a sweet smile.

What's wrong with him? Nowadays he act really nice to me. I don't understand him. "Where Jisung?" i asked as i sit down."He is meeting Chan." he answered. "Let's dig in." he suggested.

I tasted it. His cook never dissapointing. It always delicious. "I made this soup.. When our first night date." he said. Suddenly the atmosphere became awkward. Is it just me or he feel the same too?

Yes, all of this meals.. He made it on our first night date. I miss this. But why is he acting weird, today. We eat in this awkward atmosphere. It feels weird. I'm confused. Am i supposed to smile because he cooked for me? Or.. Am i supposed to be upset because he suddenly act nice to me when he seems to hate me before?

Both of us finished eating. He is staring at my face. "Something.. On your face." he pointed. I'm touching myself trying to get rid of the 'something' in my face. "No..." he whispered as he come closer to me.

I froze. My heartbeat started to beat faster. His face slowly approaching my face.

Unexpectedly, his lips land on mine. His soft lips is kissing mine.

I am surprised. Unable to breathe. He pulled away his lips. "I'm sorry but there's nothing on your face." he whispered.

He sit on where he sat earlier. "What are you doing?" i asked. I feel mad and i don't want to admit but yes i got butterflies on my stomach from his kiss. I miss it. "I.. I want everything back. I want you. I want us." he confessed.

But why do i feel hurt? I miss him but i didn't ask him to come back. I stand up. His eyes begging mine. I left him and went to my room. I'm throwing myself on my bed and hugging myself. My tears started to fall.

I'm crying to myself

Why does he want us back? I thought it's over. This hurt me more. Did he thinks I'm a toy? My feelings to him just a toy???

That when i felt a warm hand on my waist. Slowly wrapping me into his hug. "Why are you crying...." his hot breath brushed my neck.

It's Jisung.

He always appear whenever i cry. He's caressing my head. I turned my body to face him. He greeted me with the sweetest smile ever. "Jisung..." i called him before i start crying on his shirt. He pulled me closer to him. His hand is patting my back and the other one on my head. "I'm here." he whispered softly

And i fell asleep.





A/n : so...

What cause the trauma?

Who y/n will choose in the end? Lmao it's not ending yet

Who y/n will choose in the end? Lmao it's not ending yet

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