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[Third Person pov]

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[Third Person pov]

Jisung brought y/n to his home. Minho saw it and he quickly following Jisung. He waits outside the room. When Jisung comes out for the room, Minho stop him. "What in the world are you thinking?" he asked.

"Hyung, I'll explain to you later." Jisung said softly. "Why are you always say this. When will you explain? Why are you suddenly brought a girl without I'm knowing?" Minho couldn't accept the fact that it's y/n, his ex.

"Hyung, if she awake please cook for her. She wasn't in a good condition. She drinks soju too much recently. I want to take her belongings at her home." then Jisung leaves.

Suddenly Minho feels guilty,
Why is she drinking? Is it because of me? I never knew she drinks. Does she have problems?

Minho cooks for y/n. Deep inside his heart, yes he still loves her. But something makes he can't. He sighing and turn off the stove. "Minho...." he turned.
"Ah, you are awake." he quickly takes a bowl and pour the soup. "Why are you here. In Jisung house?" y/n asked. "because it's my house too." he replied.

y/n still dumbfounded. "You are his housemate?" and Minho replies with a nod. "Sit down and eat this." Minho is sitting and he's looking at y/n who refuse to sit and still standing. "Sit-" "No." she refused. "If you think why i am suddenly act nice it's because Jisung asked me to cook for you. He has to take your belongings." Minho sighing and he dig in without waiting for y/n

"Why..." everytime y/n asked more questions, more sighs come out from Minho. "You are talking too much. I'm taking care of you because of Jisung. I won't care about you if it's not Jisung. So now eat." Minho words are hurting y/n. She couldn't hide her sadness.

Minho knows he shouldn't said it but he doesn't want y/n to think he still care about her. He does but he has his own reasons to act childish like this.
Y/n sit down and start to eat. Same taste. Never change.

She gets flashback, when both of them were enjoying the foods cooked by Minho at y/n's house.





Jisung appears with some luggages. Both y/n and Minho at living room. "Jisung-ah" she still in shocked. Why Jisung suddenly brought her stuff?
"I can't stand it when i see you crying since first time we met. Now live with us. We'll take the rest of your belonging tomorrow."

"WHAT?!" y/n and Minho synchronised.

y/n took a glance to Minho. I'm gonna live with my ex?!!!! The heck!!!





[shin y/n pov]
We are at my house. I mean 'old' house. Jisung here and i don't understand why do we need to bring Minho as well. He's really act like I'm his acquaintance. Well yes i am but I'm his ex,it feels extremely weird.

I'm done putting my stuff in a box in front me. When i want to lift it, both of them come "Let me help you," they said in synchronisation. This is awkward. "No i can do it by myself. I'm not that weak." i said and lift it by myself. It wasn't heavy at all.

The atmosphere here is so freaking awkward. I need Hyunjin with me. I went outside for a while to make a phone call. "Hyunjin, can you come please. I need your help. Three of us aren't enough." i stated. Hyunjin agreed to come here help me.

I continue my works. About 15 minutes later, tall figure appear. His appearance makes me feel happy and relieved. I can escape from awkwardness.

[Hyunjin pov]
I appear in front of the door." Sup, y/n " i greeted. She's looking at me with bright smile like i am her saviour. I know what happened even if she doesn't tell me. I took a disgusting glance when i see the unsatisfied look from Minho boy.

And forcefully smile when i see Jisung. Just like the past, it's the same.

I start helping them. "ah I'm thirsty." y/n murmured out loud. Both of the guys take a mineral water and give it to her. A confused face drawn on her face.

This ain't work out.

I give y/n my water instead and of course she choose mine. Minho pretending to drink the water to avoid awkwardness. I'm observing both of them.

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