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Shin y/n pov

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Shin y/n pov

I'm getting ready for my first magazine photoshoot. I put on simple makeup because i will have my own make up artist later.

Jisung saw me get out from my room. "First photoshoot?" he asked. I just replied with a nod. "I have nothing to do today. May i join you? As your handsome assistant." he said and then he laughed. I chuckled. "Sure, you may my handsome assistant . I gonna feel lonely if i go alone." i laughed.





I went to the photoshoot area. Jisung is looking at me with amusement. "What?" i smiled. "You look absolutely gorgeous." he compliment me shyly. "Thank you" i giggled as i noticed his cheek redden. "Ms Shin.. Please get ready." someone called me and i back to my professional mood.

Posing different style. Since my make up quiet strong i have to keep a tough image. With my red lace dress. I look hot ngl.

"Okay Ms Shin pls look at camera with strong gaze." the director said. My smokey brown eyeshadow is making my gaze stronger. My red lipstick also making me look more tough and hot.

Han Jisung pov

I am standing behind the director...watching my girl slay all the poses she made. I swear to God how can she look soft with me yet she's such a hottie here. My cheek burning when she make a strong gaze to camera. Then her eyes land on me.

I quickly look away with my cheek on fire. I can't stand with that gaze. Someone tap my shoulder. I flinched. "Oh.. Are you done?" why am i like this. I can't look straight to her eyes. "Hey.. are you okay? Your ears are red." y/n noticed it. I touched my ears and rubbed it.

"Ah.. Nothing.. It just.. Hot here...fuh! HAHA!" I'm trying to hide the fact that she's really intimidating and hot. I laugh awkwardly. "I have two more outfit... can you wait?" she smile. Gosh her smile. Thank God for making a girl which is y/n. * mom has left the chat *

"I will buy Iced Americano for you." i offered. She replied me with nods.

When I'm on my way out.. i saw Minho's mom. I turn my directions to her. I bow and greet her. "Oh Han Jisung? What a coincidence meeting you here. What are you doing here?" aunty asked. "Well, aunt.. just accompany a friend.How about you? "

"Oh..my model works here. She's doing photoshoot, probably." she answered. So y/n is work under her company. Does she know that y/n was Minho's ex? It seems like she doesn't.

"Ah.. aunt Lee. I have to buy my friend a drink. See you later." i bowed again and left.





Shin y/n pov

I saw Mrs Lee come to my way. My second last outfit photoshoot, finished a few minutes ago. "Shin y/n..can we have a talk?" she asked for permission. I smile and nod my head. I followed her to my waiting room.

"Stay away from Minho." she said. I look at her in confusion. Out of nowhere? What's her relationship with Minho?

"Pardon?" i asked in confusion. "You are his ex. You know that. He's madly in love with you. As long as you stay away from him.. He will be completely turn off. That's your main job with me." she explained. Wut??? Stay away from him? Perhaps... Mrs Lee is Minho's mom? "I want him to marry with Nari. If i ever heard anything about you and Minho.. I will not hesitate cancelling your upcoming runway." she threatened me.

I'm speechless. It's not like i love Minho now. I moved on. I guess. Maybe not completely move on but i moved on." Don't worry Mrs. Lee...i don't have any guts to get closer with him. You can trust me. " i smile."Good." Mrs Lee said before leave me.

i sighed. Crazy. We even live one roof. How am i supposed to avoid him?

It's my last outfit. My posing suddenly feels uncomfortable. I can't focus on photoshoot after the conversation with Mrs Lee. "Y/n please keep a strong gaze." the director said. I try my best but something distracting me. "y/n why do you keep on doing the same pose? Change your pose like you did before!" oh no.. He's mad.

The photoshoot finally ended. Jisung runs to me. "Are you okay? You look uncomfortable earlier." his hands place on my shoulder. I bet he noticed something distracting me. "ah... I'm tired. Let's go home." i walked away. "Hey, y/n.. Let's eat spicy tteokbokki okay?"he suggested.I want to be alone actually. Jisung pull my wrist."My treat. Come on." he whined. I can't resist it. "Fine."






We are eating tteokbokki right now. "It taste really good." i mumbled. Jisung smile and watch me eating. "Aren't you going to eat?" i asked and eat another tteokbokki. "It's really good. Let's eat together." i said. He just smiling and giggling. Stop.. Damn that's cute!!

"y/n." he called me. I hummed and looked at him. "After you finish your summer runway.. Can we have a date?" i almost choked on my soda. "Hey.. Are you okay? I-" "I'm okay.. Don't worry.Well.. What? A date?" i furrowed. I wipe my mouth with tissue and Jisung continue to talk. "Well.. More like honeymoon ? Let's go somewhere." my eyes widened.


i chuckle before agreeing it. "Sure."

A/n : sorry for late update ㅠㅠ i literally forgot i have wattpad jshdjsjs




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