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[Jisung Pov]

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[Jisung Pov]

It's been two days since my first meeting with y/n.

Chan and i went to a cafe to talk about Lino hyung situation. As soon as i entered the cafe i saw the guy. Yes.. The guy i met at bookshop two days ago. He works here?

We sat at our table. We are waiting for the waiter and a guy approaching us. "What would you like to drink?" he asked. "You?" he said. I furrow as i thought he won't recognise me. "You were the one at bookshop right?" he asked. Ahh...he remember me. "Yea, i am." i confirmed.

We ordered and now we wait for our drinks. "Jisung, are you sure that you don't have idea what happened to him? Minho seems helpless." Chan started the conversation about lino hyung. "You know how is he. He won't tell us anything. I feel sad seeing him like this. I mean... He's kind and a caring brother but something really bothering him lately." i confessed.

"We should try to persuade him." chan suggested. I nodding in agreement. The waiter come and give our drinks. "Ohh..y/n!" he said when he saw someone at the entrance. It is y/n. What a coincidence meeting her here? I guess. Y/n smile and walk to our direction.

"Huh, Han Jisung?" she asked. "Ah.. You know him?" the waiter guy asked y/n. "Yes i do."  she answered awkwardly. I hope he won't ask how we met.......

That was awkward.

"anyway I'm Hwang Hyunjin" the waiter introduced himself. "Ah.. Han Jisung." i said. "Bangchan." Chan introduced himself. "Umm y/n wait for a while, okay. I want to change. My shift almost over." he said and left. Someone is calling Chan. "Hello?"" ah yea okay.. I will back home. " Chan ended call.

" Uhm... Jisung, Jeongin want me to fetch him from school. I need to go. " he said." Oh yea sure. "

After Chan left, i offered the seat in front me to y/n.
" Well.. How are you?" i asked." Well I'm fine. "she replied. I am doubting if i could ask her about her problems."Was it hard?" i try to focus on her and try to be a listener. I'm not going to miss a chance. A chance to get close to her.

"What?" she heard me but she wasn't sure what she should say. "Was it hard holding it in? About your ex." i said. She smile bitterly. "Kinda." i nodded after i heard her simple replies.

Hyunjin appear and walk towards us. "Let's go y/n." he said. But then he's looking at me. "Would you like to join us? You seem alone." he offered. Yes i am alone, thanks for asking. "Should i?" I'm a bit unsure if i should join...

"Ohh come on Jisung" y/n beamed.





Eventually I'm joining them. Shopping.

We are at shopping mall. Y/n said she is invited to a party this weekend so we try..finding a suit clothes for her. But she also shop her own clothes as well.

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