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[Third person pov]

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[Third person pov]

"Ah.. We finally done." y/n sighed. "Hey should we go eat at a restaurant?" Jisung suggested. All of them agree with him.

They arrived at restaurant. Jisung is sitting opposite to y/n and beside y/n is Hyunjin. They dig in the mouth-watering foods in front them. Hyunjin wants to feed y/n and y/n accept it without any doubts. Jisung and Minho watching them with jealousy. "Should i do that to our Sungie?" Minho clenched and take a wrap then push it into Jisung mouth. Jisung was shocked.

They finished eating. "Jisung, thank you for let me live in your house." y/n said. Jisung give her a smile. "But, why don't you let me live with Hyunjin?" she added.

"NO!" Jisung and Minho said in synch.

"Okay......." y/n lower her head and feel the awkwardness around her. "Calm down, dude. She's more comfortable with me." Hyunjin speak up. Y/n just nodding her head as agreement.

"By the way, i need to talk to y/n. You guys should go home first. I'll send her home later." Hyunjin throw a friendly smile to Jisung and he frown when he look at Minho. Minho noticed it and he just rolling his eyes. "Alright then. Lino-hyung let's go home." Jisung tapped his shoulder.





y/n and Hyunjin walking around the park. "Well... Why did you kidnapped me?" y/n joked. "Are you sure? Living with your ex and Jisung? I mean.. I will be absolutely fine if it is Jisung.. but-" y/n cut Hyunjin,"I will be fine. It's not like he left a big wound to me." y/n sighing after she finished her sentence.

"Why did you choose to live there?" Hyunjin asked. "I know i might not recover from heartbreaks but that shouldn't be a reason for me to not to live there. It because Jisung. I feel like my universe shaking you know." y/n confessed. Hyunjin let out a small chuckle. "When he said he doesn't want to see me crying again and he wants to take care of me." y/n added.

Hyunjin just be a listener to y/n. "I never see you cry." Hyunjin said. Y/n chuckling. "That's because i won't cry in front of people. Minho saw me crying for the first time when i was sick and he said he never hate our relationship." y/n reminiscing those moments where she was happy with Minho. Even there's a lot time they fighting but there's a sweet moment they had.

" And... Jisung saw me crying when it is our first meet. I don't know Hyunjin... I become emotionally weak when it's Jisung." y/n stated.

"Hyunjin, i still have a dream i haven't achieved yet." y/n said. Hyunjin sit down on a bench and y/n sit beside him. "Do you want to be a model in my company now?" Hyunjin offered.

Y/n wants to be a model for a long time but due to financial issues, she needs to put away her dream. But now she thinks it is the right time to achieve her dream. She wants to be a model because her mom was a famous Korean model and she even went overseas.

"I bring you to meet my dad tomorrow, will that be okay?" Hyunjin asked. "Well of course it is.. I need to be a model." y/n told him.





It's actually midnight and y/n has insomnia. She can't sleep well and she choose to take a walk outside home. She staring at the stars. "What are you doing here?" y/n flinched when she heard someone talking to her. "Minho." she murmured. He walks towards her.

"I have insomnia." she looks down. It surprising because y/n never told Minho. "You do?" y/n nods.
"How about you?" she asked Minho. "Do you think boys love to sleep early?" he joked and made y/n chuckles. The atmosphere become silent.

It's been a while since they talked. Since they become affectionate to each other. It's all in the past. "I'm sorry." y/n look at him. She kinda confused why is this man suddenly apologised. "what?" she said. "I couldn't tell you what's the reason... and I'm sorry. What happened between us it was all my fault." Minho really wants to say why he had to break up with her.

and everything he wanna tells...

but he can't...

"No, it's fine." y/n faking her chuckles and smile.

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