Marauders Map

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Harry was  in his bed looking over the Marauders Map seeing everyone and in bed and then the teachers and the prefects monitoring the halls when he saw a familiar name that shouldn't of been there. Peter Pettigrew. What's the catch you ask? He's dead. Well was dead.

Harry then went to get up when Ron started talking in his sleep.

"Get back spiders I tell you" he mumbled

"You tell those spiders Ron" Harry told him
"Yeah ye- I'll tell them" then he went back to snoring

Harry made his was into the common room when he spotted Alora still awake and reading.

"Harry what are you doing" Alora questioned the raven haired boy in front of her.

"Well I could ask you the- uh same" Harry felt proud of himself but then felt stupid at her response

"Well I'm not tired and I'm reading if you hadn't noticed and I'd you didn't well we're gonna have to do something about those glasses potter" Alora rose her eyebrow and marked her page and put her book down

"Right uh ye well uh just couldn't sleep" Harry rubbed the back of his neck

"It looks like you were sneaking off" Alora smirked

"Well uh ye I mean no- I mean come with me" he smiled lopsidedly nervously

"You know what I have to keep you out of trouble" she got up walked over to the portrait hole

"Well you just gonna stand there" Harry followed after her looking at the map to make sure the coast was clear and then explained what he was doing.

"So Sirius black is your godfather that led Voldemort to your parents and killed his other friend and 12 muggles" she summarised his explanation
"Then professor Lupin was also friends with Sirius but he believes that he sold them out and doesn't want anything to do with him. Now today you see Peter on the map when he's supposed to be dead. Correct," she finally took a breath after going over all of the information out loud to herself

"Well yes and he's heading this way" Harry looked down at the map again and pointed to the label reading Peter Pettigrew heading towards the two teens.

"Omg wait that could prove Sirius's innocence" Alora mumbled quietly

"What did you say" Harry whisperd
"Nothing omg is that sna-" before she finished her sentence the greasy haired teacher appeared.

"Mr.Potter" he spat "ah and Ms.Weasley what are you doing out of bed together"

Harry and professor Snape began to bicker and to be honest Alora blocked it out.

"Ans what is that" Snape pointed to the now plain map

"Just some spare parchment sir" Harry tried but Snape didn't buy it
"Reveal your secrets" he said in monotone

"Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their complements to professor Snape and requests that he keeps his abnormally large nose out of other people's business" the two recited

The two teenagers smirked proudly at the insult

"Why you insulant little-" he started

"Professor Snape" Lupin interrupted

"Well well, Lupin, out for a little walk in the moonlight are we?"

"Harry, Alora you alright" professor Lupin ignores Snape's question and Harry and Alora nod and then Professor Snape snatched the map from Harry's hand

"This remains to be seen, I have just confiscated a rather peculiar artefact from Mr. Potter" he hands the plain map to Lupin
"Here this seems to be your a expertise and it's full of dark magic"

"I seriously doubt it Serverus, it seems to be a piece of parchment that insults anyone who tries to read it" he laughed
"I suspect it's a Zonko product" Snape tried to take it but the scarred Professor moves it away

"Nevertheless I shall inspect it for any hidden qualities it may possess and as you said it is my expertise" Professor Lupin folded the map up and asked the two teens to follow him whilst bidding Snape a goodnight.

A few minutes of walking they were in the Defence Against Dark Arts classroom,

"Now I haven't the faintest idea of how you became in possession of this map and quite frankly I am astounded you didn't hand it in" he turned towards us

"Did it not occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius black is a map to you" he questioned

This situation to Alora seemed to be a lecture just to Harry because Lupin hadn't shared one look with her yet.

" sir" Harry stuttered quietly
"No" Lupin repeated louder than Harry and then he sighed. Lupin walked over and was now in front of Harry

"Your father was never one for the rules but he and your mother gave their lives to save yours yet you are gambling their sacrifice by wondering around the castle" his voice was getting slightly louder now
"Unprotected  would be a pretty poor way to repay them wouldn't it" he changed his tone

"Now I will not cover up for you again do you hear me" his voice was more stern

"Yes sir"they both mumbled

"I want you to return to your dormitories and stay there alright"

Harry turned to leave when Lupin spoke again

"And don't take any detours because if you do I'll know" he pointed to the map

Harry was walking out but Alora stayed in place so he turned back to her.

"Professor just thought I'd tell you this" she started and Professor Lupin just raised an eyebrow

"Well either the map isn't working because a name that is their shouldn't be there. Peter Pettigrew. He's in there and as you know black seems to have killed him but I think we both know that the map never lies does it Moony"Alora had lowered her voice so only he could hear her because she seemed to have walked in front of him.

Alora walked back to Harry and they both walked out of the classroom leaving a concerned and confused Professor Remus John Lupin behind.

So this chapter isn't great but I now have online school to do and there is lots to get done and I wrote this before my English teacher decided to call in half an hour so wish a girl good luck.

-Ella xoxo

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