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So there was one thing bothering Molly Weasley and that was her newly found daughter's name. Not her name more what her some what middle is, when the house elf who Molly had learned to be Poppy had announced her name. Alora Lilith Black Willow. I mean it could be a coincidence but with Sirius Black out of Azkaban  it could mean anything.

Alora was a little on edge with so many people around the house, she hadn't seen so many people since the last Willow Ball that had announced she would be hosting the next one which was coming up in the next month or two. She had lost count of the days because of hiding out in her room but she now guessed she would have to wake up and face reality.....

Ron was happier than ever due to being reunited with his twin sister and he was glad that she wasn't as annoying as Ginny because that would be too much for him too handle.
Fred and George had been a little nicer than usual which was scaring him but he was letting it slide for now.

Fred and George were being less mischievous  than usual because....well it was because of Poppy, scaring them to behave. The Weasley Twins had been looking for secret passages because if Hogwarts had many than a pure-blooded castle definitely had to have some. So that's what they were busy with and they have found many already, Alora knew about their late night adventures around her house. Alora also knew that they would never find Her hiding place that she would use to hide from her parents and other things.....

Bill ,Charlie and Percy Weasley had been doing many of their old and new found hobbies with their sister that had been taken from them at such a young age.

Ginny Weasley was having fun gossiping and complaining about the boys she also had almost let it slip about Harry and Hermione but stopped herself and said Ron would introduce me. Ginny still told her about her crush on Harry which made Alora laugh, she told her younger sister that she sounded like the main character from one of her novels that is in love with her brother's best friend. Ginny found this funny especially when she showed her the many muggle books that contained this certain plot.
Ginny had a nagging thought in the back of her mind and that was 'what if Alora ends up liking Harry and he likes her too' she sometimes would think of this and feel angry towards Alora about this but decided that she doesn't even know Harry and that she can't be mad over something silly.

Arthur Weasley was being shown all of the muggle devices like earphones/headphones, phones and many others that were lying around the Willow Manor.

~>At Dinner~<

"Alora dear" Molly turned to her first daughter who tilted her head to the left a little to signal her to go on

"Well I have to ask" Molly began choosing her words carefully
"What's the deal with the name Black in your full name because we had never chosen it for particular reasons" she questioned but treading lightly

"Oh well if you must ask my parents had chosen it, it's completely legal if you must" Alora stated

"Is there a reason" Arthur tuned into the conversation

"Oh well" she stammered which Poppy noticed and nodded at her master
"If you excuse me I'm not feeling this conversation with my dinner" Alora stood up wiping her mouth "I'm off to bed" she announced and walked upstairs.

~>The Living Room~<

"How strange" Arthur thought allowed whilst reading the Daily Prophet
"Yes oh Arthur what if she won't speak to me again" Molly overthought

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