Getting Away

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The group of adults and teens were exiting the Whomping Willow, Alora and Hermione helping the still passed out professor Snape and Harry helping a limping Ron and the two old friends dragging the betrayer along.

Making it out of the calm tree the two girls set down the heavy professor and took Ron from Harry so he could go and talk to his godfather alone.

The twins and Hermione were talking about what had just happened within the haunted house until Remus started twitching.

"Professor are you ok?" Alora questioned the scared looking professor who was starting to look slightly wild. That's when she noticed that the moon was full just shining down on him.

"Harry!" Hermione called out to the boy who now could be happy without Dursley's. Harry turned around and saw Remus Lupin beginning to turn, Black ran to his friend trying to get him to stay strong but it was too late.

Lupin was a fully turned hairless werewolf who was going to attack anyone in sight, Sirius turned into his animagus to protect Harry and his friends. This to Pettigrew was the perfect time to escape, the teens tried to stop him but the betrayer turned into the rat and scarpered off.

Snape put himself in front of the trembling teens to protect them even if he hated them to a certain extent well that's what he told himself. He watches as the children run off minus his bully's child Harry James Potter. Harry had seen the black dog get knocked over and limp away after a howl caught the attention of the Lupin werewolf and chased the injured Sirius.

The other teens had not seen this encounter due to them running to the hospital wing where they were now watching Ron get bandaged up, even though it wasn't intentional it was a pretty nasty bite.

The trio were in the hospital worried, except for Ron he was sound asleep with his leg in a cast. The two curly headed girls were pacing scared for the raven haired boy. Alora had wanted to leave and go back to find Harry and see if he was ok but Hermione had protested and boy was she scary.

The girls were arguing in hushed tones when Harry was rushed onto a hospital bed and was being treated, he was so pale and he looked half dead which the once worried girls were now frightened for their friend's life.

"What happened" Alora asked Dumbledore who had just appeared, 'what a strange man' Alora thought.

"He went to save Black but ended up getting attacked by a dementor who were trying to get to Sirius" He explained briefly as Harry began to stir making the girls rush to his side.

"Harry!" the both chimed which happened to be loud enough to wake the snoring ginger

"Where's Sirius he's innocent sir you have to believe me" Harry hopped out of the bed stumbling slightly making Alora grab his arm to hold him up

"It's true professor Pettigrew is alive" Hermione reasoned

"Whilst I may believe you I doubt the others will the power of a teens voice can be quite questionable" he mused

"You must not ne seen and you will do what I feel before this last chime, if not the consequences are too ghastly to discuss" the bearded professor warned walking towards them "If you succeed tonight more than one innocent life will be spared"

"Three turns should do it I think" he reminded before exiting the hospital wing "When in doubt I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin" the doors now shut

The teens looked at each other and Harry looked at the girls to see if one of them knew what he was talking about. In reality Alora knew what the wise old professor was talking about due to Hermione telling her about the time turner and how she used it to get to her extra classes and how she kept it from the boys because she knew they'd wanna do something silly with it.

"What the bloody hell was that all about" Ron finally spoke up

"Sorry Ron seeing as you can't walk" The smart witch pulled the time turner from under her t-shirt and put it around all three of their necks. Harry went to touch it to which Alora slapped it away knowing Hermione didn't want to mess this up. The scarred boy just looked at her rubbing his hand slightly.

Hermione turned it exactly three times not looking away from the necklace as it brought them back in time. Harry and Alora however looked around seeing all the people in the hospital wing come and go at the speed of light until they got to where they were meant to be and it was now empty.

Hermione now removed the necklace carefully yet quickly as they needed to get a move on and tucked it under her t-shirt once again.

"What just happened" Harry looked around noticing his friend was no longer there "where's Ron" he asked again only to be ignored by the witch

"7:30 where were we at 7:30" Hermione turned back to the two as the clock chimed

"We were heading down to Hagrid's" Alora told her friend

"Ok come on we can't waste any time" she grabbed the confused boy and they began their journey to Hagrid's hut......................

OK this one is short but I'm writing the next chapter straight after this one as I'm on Spring break and have loads of time to kill when I'm procrastinating painting my room

I've been trying to fit Alora in the best I can which will hopefully get better as I go along

Until the next chapter..........

xoxo Ella

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