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Arthur's POV-
   Molly has been a little off wondering and worrying about Alora I can't believe we forgot about her after ten years!

Dumbledore said that he has something to show us and he said we will be proud and that this is when we will tell the kids because they need to know especially Ron, I agree Molly is a little on edge by this but she knows we have to.

I decided to write a letter to Ron hopefully he gets it in time we really need a new owl but Molly says Errol is fine he's just a little old.

Dear Ronald,
   Hope all is well, your Mum and I are doing fine. There is also something important if you remember the letter you got a few days ago, well that meeting will be held on Sunday but on Saturday we are going somewhere with Dumbledore and before you ask I'm not sure if Hermione and Harry can come you will have to clear that up with him. Can't wait to see you a little early.



Ron's POV-

I was eating like a normal person should while Hermione kept giving me disgusted looks I swear I don't understand why she does that, hmmm maybe she loves me! WAIT no I'm too good for her I mean have you seen my hair.....

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Harry shoved me.

"Bloody Hell mate" I said disapproving of his ways to snap me out of my thoughts while rubbing my head

"Hermione and I were said your name like ten times you deserved it" he smirked

"Shove off both of you anyway what's so important you had to stop my thought of train" I grunted

"Tsk Tsk Ronald you said it backwards honestly can you even think, it's Train of though you idiot" Hermione huffed

I was about to snap at her but Harry butted in

"Whatever it doesn't matter while I was up in the Owlery Errol came in, well he banged straight into the glass but anyways here you are" he explained while handing me a letter

I snatched it and read it with Hermione practically on my shoulder trying to read it

"We have to go do Dumbledore to ask if you two can come with us somewhere, I think it's about that meeting remember" I said excitedly

"Oh yes Ronald I do now chop chop we better go now before afternoon classes begin" Hermione explained while getting up
Harry and I followed because as much as I hate to say it she's right.

At Dumbledores office-
Harry's POV-

I said the password since I was the only one of us three that knew it, Dumbledore was sitting in his chair as always while unwrapping a sweet.

"Ah, I've been expecting your visit, like a sweet?" He asked kindly

I of course took one while the other two declined, like how could you decline a sweet from him, the sweets turn into what you want(mine of course was a chocolate bar)

"Now before you ask your question, no they can't come but they can know what it is about" he paused "Now take a seat"

We all took a seat me right in front of Professor Dumbledore, Hermione on my left and Ron on my right.

"Why can't they come!" Ron complained

"This is a family matter and I know you are all family but it's more inner family Ronald" he turned to Ron  "it's quite personal especially for you" he said sympathetically

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