Pinky Promise

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The trio were now on Buckbeak's back celebrating their successful incantation, while flying to the topmost cell of the dark tower to finally save the innocent fugitive. Buckbeak had suddenly dived which made the two girl scream at the surprise.

Arriving at the cell door they saw the man curled up in the corner and at the noise of footsteps his head snapped to the cell door, which was then burst open by the Weasley girl.

"Bombarda!" she pointed her wand at the bars and the instantly fell down.

They were now a group of four on the hippogriff's back which was quite awkward but they made it work. The two girls up front, Sirius in the middle and Harry at the back. The only noises could be heard other than nature itself was Sirius's cheers and hollers of joy which caused the teens to grin, Harry's bigger than ever.

They landed in the courtyard where they all would sadly part ways for the time being.

"I'll be forever grateful to you" Sirius began "to all of you"

"I want to come with you" Harry told his guardian

"One day perhaps but for now my life will be too unpredictable" Black said sadly "besides you're meant to be here" he held his shoulders, the two girls just watched their final interaction sadly knowing neither of them wanted to leave the other

"But, but you're innocent" he sat down with Sirius's hands still on his shoulders

"And you know it, for now that's enough" he said softly

Hermione had wandered back over to Buckbeak to make sure he waited but Alora stayed behind wanting to talk to the grey eyed man. She watched as they talked about Harry looking exactly like James with the exception of having Lily's emerald green eyes. She had a sad expression as Sirius admitted to it being so sad that Harry got to spend barely any time with his parents when Sirius got to know James his short yet whole life.

"Sirius" Alora spoke gaining the attention of the man "I wanted to say I'm glad you found your way to me, I enjoyed having the company of a furry friend" she smiled at the man in front of her

"Ah yes and I must thank you, for being such a good hostess during my stay it was nice to see such kindness after my time alone" he smiled at her bringing her in for a quick hug

"I wouldn't change a thing, you better be off I'll miss little snuffles" Alora smirked at the name she had called him before knowing that he was an animagus who happened to be a criminal on the run.

"Neither would I" she grinned and he walked off towards the hippogriff

Alora turned to the boy who now had a solemn look on his face. She walked over to him and sat beside him, she then noticed his glasses which were slipping down his nose so she pushed them up.

"Wouldn't want them to fall and break now would we" She smiled lopsidedly

"No we wouldn't" he cracked a small smile but it quickly fell

"What's wrong,.... other than Sirius having to leave" She corrected herself

"That's just it" he looked up at her "everyone who is good in my life leaves, I fear that Ron and Hermione are next"

"How about I make a promise to you" she suggested making him look at her shining blue eyes "I promise to never leave you, I will always be there when needed and vice versa"

Harry now had a smile on his face and he stuck out his pinky to her "pinky promise" his eyes glistened

"Is this the child's equivalent of an unbreakable vow?" Alora had never heard of a pinky promise

"I'm not too sure but all I know is that if you break it you lose your pinky finger" Alora didn't want to lose her finger but she locked fingers with Harry anyway not wanting to disappoint him.

"Come on let's go and see Sirius off shall we" the red-headed girl stood up and got a reply which consisted of a nod and him following suit

Little did they both know Sirius was looking at the back of their heads as they sat together and all he could be reminded of was of how much they both looked like James and Lily Potter.

The Potter men seem to have a preference of red hair...........he mused Only if James could see them now, he'd probably be giving him advice from up above on how to treat her

This thought made him chuckle lightly, he then turned to Hermione and thanked her for playing a part in his rescue.

The trio of teens stood in the archway and watched as Sirius Black finally escaped on Buckbeak and flew off into the moonlight.

Snapping out of her trance Hermione noticed the chimes of the clock which made her to come to a realisation.

"Come on we need to go" she looked to her two friends and they all ran off back to the castle and to the doors of the hospital wing.

Running to the large doors of the infirmary they came to a stop when they came face to face with headmaster Albus Dumbledore

"Well" the bearded wizard inquired

"He's free , we did it" Harry replied panting

"Dis what?" the professor acted as if he didn't know or maybe he genuinely didn't know but if Alora learned anything, it was that Dumbledore seemed to know everything that went on in Hogwarts.

"Goodnight" he waved to the teens and went back yo descending the stairs. The young wtches and wizard just looked at each other weirdly and remembered that they had to get back into the hospital wing , they then saw their past selves disappearing.

When they walked back in they were then met with a terribly confused Ronald Weasley

"What? how did you get there I was just talking to you over there" he pointed to each spot

"What's he talking about" Hermione almost smirked at the other members of their group

"not a clue" and "no idea" were both heard at the same which made it hard for them not to laugh.

"Honestly Ron how can a person be two places at once" Harry quoted Hermione from earlier on in the year which made them all laugh a bit.

Alora had the best year even if it was only a month or so it was the most normal she'd ever felt..........

So I finally updated and if there are any grammar errors tag me.

Thank you for being patient and for all of you that have been voting  for the chapters and commenting it makes my day.

      Until the next chapter
                -Ella xoxo

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