The Grim

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The Golden Trio And Alora were on their way to Hagrid's before Buckbeak's execution to comfort the half giant. Arriving at Hagrid's hut they were greeted by the half giant himself with the kettle in the background boiling water for the tea the five friends were going to have.

"Look at 'im, he lives the trees when the wind blows trooo em" Hagrid looks out at the hippogriff who is happily munching on a dead ferret.

"What if we just set him free" Harry asked

"Nah-I they'd know it was me" Hagrid sighed "Dumbledore'd get in trouble, you know he's coming down because he wants to be with me when they um" he trailed off "when it happens"

Suddenly Hermione stood up "we'll stay with you too Hagrid"

"You'll do no such thing, don't wan' you see soming like that" he stated "you just drink your tea and be off"

"Ah and before you do Ron" he winked at Ron and walked over to the counter and opened a container to reveal the Weasley's family rat. Scabbers.

"Scabbers" Ron gets up in disbelief "you're alive" he took the rat from Hagrid's large hands smiling.

Alora on the other hand wasn't smiling, she was glaring holes into that rat's forehead like no tomorrow.

"Gotta keep a closer eye on your pets Ron" Hagrid said and that's when Hermione jumped up

"I supposed you owe someone an apology" she rode her eyebrows and the ginger imbecile in front of her.

"Ah ye next time I see Crookshanks I'll let him know" Ron nodded teasingly
The other two teenagers, Potter and Weasley just shook their heads at their friends bickering

"I meant me" Hermione deadpanned then a pot broke distracting the group inside the hut.

"What was tha'" hagrid asked and Alora picked up the stone that had broken the pot when Harry was hit by another
"Ow" he yelped rubbing the back of his head
Alora went to check on the scarred boy in front of her

"Harry you alright" she asked
"Ye ye I'm fine" he shook his head causing his messy hair to move about 

"Uh Hagrid they're here"Alora voiced

"You guys need to go" Hagrid helped the others get their things "if you're out after curfew o'specially you Harry" Hagrid led the four teenagers to the backdoor. 

The four teens said quick goodbyes to the half giant and ran into the pumpkin patch and hid behind the biggest ones closest to the forest.

The two girls had heard something within the woods behind them and had both turned around making the two oblivious boys look back at the two.

"What is it" Ron asked slightly worried he was gonna get eaten by something 

"Nothing just though I heard something" Alora brushed it off and then Hermione muttered something about leaving so they all just followed her back up, not wanting to be at the receiving end of that sharp axe.

Reaching the top of the hill the four adolescents turned back to look at the small hut seeing the view of the executioner walking to where the unknowing hippogriff lay. The axe swung upward and came down with a crunch making the two girls turn to the boys chests hoping to hide from what they had just witnessed. Hermione hiding her white as snow face in Ron's shoulder whilst the other ginger had hid her ivory coloured face within the safety of the scarred boy.

"OW!!" Ron exclaimed gaining the attention of his friends "Scabbers bit me" Ron held his bleeding finger and looking up to his friends before running off after his rat.

"Ron" The three friends ran after their bleeding friend 

"Scabbers come back"Ron had reached his battered looking rat not realising where he was sitting 

"Ron" Hermione shouted "The tree" Ron had now looked up at his friends only to be met with the snarling black dog of death.

"Guys" Ron gulped the dog then noticed what the scared boy was holding and pounced forward and biting Ron's trouser leg but Ron's leg was also bit in the process.

"Ron" They all ran to him grabbing his hands trying to get him out of the jaws of the dog who was dragging Ron into a hole which was in the Whomping Willow. They had almost had him but the tree had other plans, swinging its branches and flinging the teens elsewhere which had allowed ron to be dragged away by the Grim.

"Harry" Hermione shrieked she had been picked up by the raging tree and was now holding on for dear life. Harry on the other hand was on the floor trying to aimlessly search for his glasses.

"Hermione hold on" Alora stood up and then had to jump as branch came to sweep her off her feet. "ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Hermione had screamed again but when the tree's branches came back around and picked Alora up. Harry was finally found his glasses and was now trying to help the two girl but when he looked there was only Hermione. 

Harry had tried to get Hermione out of the clutches of the tree when he got an idea. He let the tree pick him up and he was beside Hermione.

"Hermione  I'm gonna try and get you to slide down into the hole ok" He looked at his distressed friend 

"Ok" she nodded and then harry had somehow gotten her to fall back on the ground and she then moved herself through the hole. Hermione had landed on something well more like someone. 

"Alor-" before she could finish Harry had landed on the both of them with an "oof"

"come on" Alora said after they had all gotten to their feet.

They followed the passage and had ended in an abandoned house which needed a heavy cleaning in Alora's opinion.

"I think this is the Shrieking Shack" Hermione though aloud 

"It is" Alora walked forward and opened a door which revealed a very terrified Ron.

"Ron" Harry breathed relieved his friend hadn't been killed 

"It's a trick Harry it's him he's the grim" Ron trembled 

The trio looked at each other before noticing the pawprints which had turned into footprints and as they looked up at where the trail ended they noticed a skinny and deranged looking Sirius Black.

Harry felt rage bubble within him from seeing this man.

Hermione felt scared yet slightly angry that, that man had ratted out the Potters

Alora on the other hand was worried her secret would get out but other than that she was happy. Why? you ask well now her little fuzzy friend can tell Harry the truth and become a free man.

I'm  sorry for being MIA for like weeks but i have been horribly busy with school work. Screw you online school anyways i have left this chapter on a cliffhanger, hope you dont get too mad at me. Anyways I will try to get the next chapter out ASAP.

Thanks for reading xoxo Ella.

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