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After explaining to Harry about the time turner, what it does and the rules of not being seen and watching Hermione punch Draco. The time travelers were now hiding behind the pumpkins which they had done previously but this time watching themselves plus Ron converse with Hagrid.

It was until the executioner, Dumbledore and Fudge make their way down to the half giant's hut.

"They're coming let's go" Harry went to move towards Buckbeak but the ginger girl pulled him back down

"Harry Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we save him, they'll blame it on Hagrid otherwise" she scolded to which she got a mumbled right.

They were watching Ron get Sca-Pettigrew back that's what set Harry off "That's Pettigrew" he seethed

"Harry you can't" Hermione held him back and Alora kept staring into the window

"Hemione that's the man who betrayed my parents' tou dont expect me to just sit here" he lept up almost knocking the ginger girl who was in another world

"Yes I do" Hermione yanked him back down "Yes and you must" she pulled him down away from anyone to see them Alora now realising their absence followed them to the back of the pumpkins

"Look Harry you're in there right now and if you just go bursting in there now you'll think you're gone mad" she panted looking back at the hut

" Awful things happen to wizards who mess with time Harry" she looked back at the boy

"Hey guys why haven't we left yet?" Alora finally asked, it had been bugging her slightly

"They're here" Hermione announced making Harry look around

Alora moved past Hermione and notced the rocks that had flown through the window earlier that day. She picked one of them up and threw it through the window which hit something, that something she guessed to be the pot.

"Are you mad" Harry asked with furrowed brows

"Nope and sorry for this next one Harold" the ginger threw the next stone at Harry's head

"That was you how rude" Harry rubbed the back of his head subconsciously

"Nice shot" The smart witch complimented

"Why thank you now we better move before we're seen" Hermione nodded at her words and they ran towards the woods and hid behind a tree each.

Hermione peeked out from the leaves and had a look of disgust on her face "Is that what my hair looks like from the back"

"Hermione" Harry whisper shouted and she hid behind the tree once more causing a twig to sna causing the Weasley girl to immediately cringe.

As soon as their past selves plus Ron left they kept low and ran over to the oblivious hippogriff. Alora called Hermione and handed her a few dead ferrets for her to lure Buckbeak.

They had managed to lure the hippogriff with dead ferrets into the forest and now listened to them wondering where the hippogriff could of possibly gone to. That's when the executioner raised his axe to only hit a pumpkin which relieved the girls tremendously.

Leaving Buckbeak to his own devices to eat the ferrets the trio ran towards a clearing that showed them the whomping willow slashing about at a figure.

"Is that professor Lupin" Hermione looked at the others for confirmation to which they nodded. He immobilized the tree and only a few moments later did Snape come following him.

"There goes snape" Alora grumbled

"And now we wait" Harry concluded after a moment of silence

"And now we wait" the two girls repeated

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