Before You Go

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Alora's POV

I had Poppy send out the invitations to the Willow ball secretly so my family wouldn't well what's the word find out but I've decided to tell them so that's why I'm here, in the study. This study is mine, my mother's and father's study is somewhere I haven't gone in awhile due to their passing.

"So since you are staying until dinner I decided to tell you something before" I began

"Dear is there something wrong" Mol-Mum started it's been hard for me to call them Mum and Dad because I barely know them and they barely know me

"No not exactly" I inhaled "It's a tradition that my family and I do well did and have done for as long as I can remember"

They all nodded at me, a sea of red hair bobbing around

"My parents would always host but now that I'm of age to host"

"But your only thirteen, how can you be of age to host a gathering" Ron asked

"Well it's a tradition it's been going on for generations, let me show you" I stood up and walked over to my bookshelf and grabbed one of the yearbooks

"Here look" I opened up a skimmed through a few pages looking for my father's first year to host

"This was my father when he was hosting, thirteen just like me" "we have help of course but it's up to us" I explained further

"A ball!" Ginny squealed "you are hosting a ball"

"Well yes I am it's not that big of a deal since I have had it planned for awhile" I took a deep breathe. I'm not good with emotions and I also didn't see the big thing about a ball I mean it happens all the time with pureblooded witches and wizards but I forget they aren't like the others.

"Are you serious we all have to get robes dear how are you gonna afford it" Molly concerned

"Oh don't worry we have tailors for a reason and it's my family's money it's not like I was left alone and poor" I mumbled the last part I didn't want to offend them or seem rude

"Oh well I mean you don't have to come it's just been on my chest and I have been a little secretive so I thought I would just get it off my chest" I rambled

"Why wouldn't you tell us" Arthur looked at me with soft eyes

"Oh uh I don't know I just don't tell people a lot of things and I didn't want to get my hopes up in case you had to go and couldn't make it" I pursed my lips

"Of course we'll come sweetheart" Molly hugged me

"Alright well I'm gonna head to bed I'm shattered I'll see you all in the morning" I placed the book back in it's rightful place and my index finger lingered on the spine before I walked out of the room and out of the study.

3rd person

"Is this her study" Fred Weasley asked whilst looking all around
"Yes Freddy it is I mean it has her name on a hood plate on the door" His brother teased

"Oh zip it" he glared "what's got your knickers in a twist" George laughed

Molly Weasley rolled her eyes at the bickering twins and looked around also, this was another one of the rooms she hadn't seen. Her daughter had a habit of sneaking around and she wouldn't make a sound it was almost like she was lurking in the shadows and this made Molly feel a little out of place in this manor.

"She's hiding something more" Ronald whispered to his younger sister

"Ron why are you always questioning things I mean she just found us and she might just be weirded out by you" Ginny scolded

"Wow, are you trying to turn into Hermione" Ron narrowed his eyes "unless you are Hermione in Ginny's body" he snapped his fingers

"Oh lay off will you, God I bet you thought your were smart" Ginny rolled her eyes while her brother looked offended

"It's true I saw her in the forest with a dog and she was talking to it" Ron defended "look I bet when I open this cupboard she'll have some kind of poisons and like murdering thingies"

Ron opened the cupboard which creaked and made Ginny look towards it. Inside the cuboid was bottles and vials of different potions it reminded the kids of Professor Snape's classroom.

"Omg..." Ron whispered but it caught everyone's attention to him and the opened cupboard which was filled with as Ron had said 'murdering thingies'

"Well I'm let's go everyone out" Arthur coughed

The four kids walked out and Molly walked over to inspect the cupboard.

"Look Arthur this is bloodroot poison" Molly pointed at a weird liquid

"I'm sure there is an explanation and look that is a blood-replenishing potion, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about" Arthur closed the cupboard and he and his wife walked out of his daughter's study and to the dining room to set the table for dinner.

Sorry this is a little short but they leave tomorrow. Will Alora be alone again or will she go to Hogwarts?

Hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for not posting for awhile but school is awful and I have exams at the moment so I've been studying. I'll live anyways have a good day.

Also thank you for 3.3k reads I can't believe that many people have read it so keep voting and don't forget you can ask for certain things to happen

-Ella xx

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