Until Next Year

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The great hall was bustling with chatter and children and I shall tell you what most of those kids were chatting about well it was the fact that Harry Potter had gotten a new broom. A Firebolt to be exact "the fastest broom in the world" as the trickster twins described it.

"Who is it from" Harry asked completely bewildered

"It didn't say" the curly haired witch began "but it came with this" Alora finished and held up a quill which was made from a hippogriff feather which only made the three time travellers grin in understanding.

Harry was so excited to try his new broom so he took it walked outside only to be followed by not just his friends but his peers also. Getting asked questions like "can I have a go, after you of course" Seamus had asked this earlier

"Where did you get it?"

"The other quidditch teams have no chance now"

"Any idea who it's from?"

"How fast do you bet it'll be"

They were now all watching an awe, apart from Draco Malfoy and his goons who scowled as Harry mounted his broom trying to figure it out when it took off into the sky. There were cheers and surprised gasps as he whizzed around trying to get a grip when his three friends cheered the loudest.

"GO ON HARRY!" was heard from the mouths of his friends who were all grinning ear to ear

The next cheers came from the boy who lived himself as he got a grip and flew off around the castle grounds feeling as free as he did when riding Buckbeak at the start of the year. That was the thing about flying, it was so relaxing and joyous to him. It felt natural.


The quartet were on the train looking for an empty compartment so they could all leave one another for the summer minus the two Weasley children.

Alora wasn't sure where she was going for summer but decided it was a good idea if she split her time considering there were still house elves in her manor. The red headed girl had the idea to let them work at Hogwarts or she would allow them to be set free if that's what they wished. Dumbledore had already allowed them to work at Hogwarts so now it was just up to the elves wanted.

But now here they were in an empty compartment. Hermione was getting out a muggle book and beside her, Ron was eating some of his sweets that he had left before the trolley came around. Harry was sitting beside Alora and having small talk with Ron, Alora was beside the window and took out a leather bound book and her quill to write in. She used this book to write letters to her or someone else who would have interest in her life.

Despite only being in Hogwarts for a few months she was already close with Ron's friends who she would now call her own. She had also befriended many others in the other houses. Cedric Diggory a kind, brave and handsome Hufflepuff, Luna Lovegood an open minded, shy and intelligent Ravenclaw and Draco Malfoy a boy who is troubled and could be redeemed with the right person in his corner. Meeting Draco had made her friends with other Slytherins like Theodore Nott, Blaise Zambini and acquaintances with Pansy Parkinson.

Even though her brothers and many others had tried to tell her they were bad news she enjoyed their company and respected them. She had studied for her end-of-year exams with them and she was confident she passed all of them her best scores definitely in potions, transfiguration, charms and defence against the dark arts considering Professors Lupin was wonderful at teaching DADA.

Professor Snape was most likely annoyed he had to give her excellent marks but he couldn't deny her talent. Professor McGonagall was also overjoyed with her talent in her subject. Professor Flitwick also pleased with her work.

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