Chapter 9

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It was already Friday and time for the Report. The ladies all looked absolutely stunning as they were escorted on stage.

"Good evening, Illéa!" said Gavril into the cameras excitedly. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for informing us about your trip to France, and now we turn it over to the Elite. Lady Celeste, have you yet seen the princess's suite?" Celeste smiled brilliantly at the camera as I caught America smiling discreetly.

"Not yet, Gavril," she began. I got distracted as a servant came to my father with a wrapped message. I furrowed my brows, worried about what it may be. My father looked to the ground, a look of concern on his face. He stood suddenly, cutting off whatever Celeste was still muttering about.

"Your Majesty?" said Gavril.

"Pardon the interruption, Lady Celeste, but I have an urgent announcement." He turned toward the cameras. "Ladies and Gentlemen of Illéa, as many of you well know the rebel forces have been the bane of society for many years now, attacking the palace at random in hopes to incite violence and radical change. It appears they have sunk to new lows. As you can see, we are very fortunate to accommodate a very varied group of young ladies: A two, a three, a four and a five. It worries me that I, as your King, may not be able to protect you as best as I wish because...the rebels are attacking my caste."

There was a heavy silence that hung in the air. I turned to my face toward my mother who looked slightly paled, but composed. I cast my eyes to the ground, brows creased.

"If you are apart of any caste belonging to these young ladies, you may be subject to an attack based on that alone. The rebels intend to attack from the twos and work their way down."

"That is very sad news indeed," said Gavril with a morose tone.

"We are, of course, working on solutions, but the times are very dangerous. We encourage you to stay close to home and remain inside if possible," said the king.

"Very good advice, your Majesty. Ladies, anything to add?"

"Twos and threes, I do realize that you are being targeted right now," Kriss began, "but your homes are much safer than those of lower castes. If you can take in a family of fours or fives that you know well, I encourage you to do so."

"Do what the king says," I heard Celeste say. There was a beat of silence. I glanced up and realized everyone was waiting for America to speak.

"Fight," she muttered finally. All eyes stayed on her as the room remained quiet. "Fight," she said more boldly. "They're trying to bully you into doing what they want. What future can they offer you?" Her tone was angry, deadly even. "These tyrants want to destroy everything you work for so fight. Use whatever you can." Gavril wrapped up the Report and the cameras went down.

"Ladies," I said standing, "dinner will be taken to your room this evening. I will visit you all shortly." Everyone filtered out. I head to Elise's room first, seeing that she had fallen quiet after the news was delivered. I knocked on the door before be allowed in by her maid.

"Elise? How are you doing?" I asked. She looked up at me with glossy eyes.

"I cannot help but feel like this is my fault," she mumbled. I rushed toward her.

"Now why would you think that?" I asked, trying to meet her eyes.

"I'm not sure. I would actually prefer to be alone right now, your Highness," she said looking down. I nodded before departing. I hated to see her in pain. I made my way to Kriss's room shortly afterwards who seemed optimistic that this would all turn around for the better without any actual evidence of such. Her determination made me smile, although I knew it could not be guaranteed. Celeste was quieter than usual, but seemed pretty composed compared to the rest. Finally, after almost two hours, I went to America's room.

"It's late," she said.

"I know, I'm sorry about that darling. I had to speak with with everyone else and it's's been a lot." I ran my fingers through my hair and walked toward her bed to sit next to her.

"I can't believe you told them to fight," I said with a tired smile.

"We seem to do a whole lot of cowering," she said shrugging. I could tell she was worried. Her forehead was creased and her brows were slightly furrowed.

"You're right. You've no doubt changed the game," I said. She cocked her head to the side.

"I don't think a group killing people at random could be called a game,"

"No! That's...that's not what I meant." She smiled and nudged my shoulder to show she was joking. "For anything, they public has seen your true character now, the one I see everyday. Before, you were the girl who yelled at me when we first met, but now you're the girl who's not afraid of the rebels."

"I wasn't trying to do that," she said smiling to herself.

"I know. I was doing all this planning to get the people to like you more and you did it all on your own, unintentionally at that. It's so you." She looked up at me, face incredibly close. I peered at her lips for half a second before meeting her eyes again. She looked away and cast her eyes to her bedsheet. I sighed.

"America..." I said into the awkward silence. "America, I'm so tired. I'm tired of fighting with you. I like that we disagree, don't get me wrong, but I don't want us to argue anymore. I love your feisty attitude and I think it adds chemistry. I know that sometimes I have my father's temper as hard as I try to fight it and you! When you're upset, you're a force," I said with a laugh. America laughed along with me. "I'm looking at others, yes because I'm trying to be fair. It makes me nervous to feel somethings that I do, but just know that I'm looking at you, too. Always looking at you, darling. I miss you and I'm sure you know by now that I can't help it."

America looked up at me with an apologetic smile. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips before resting her head on my shoulder, moving closer to me. I took her hand in mine, rubbing circles on the back of it. I noticed the two bracelets on her wrist, competing for space. One had a gold button and looked homemade, while the other was my own. The homemade one look extremely familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen it.

"What do you say we spend the day together tomorrow," I suggested.

"I'd love that."

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