Chapter 25

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I spent the rest of the day and the next morning in sorrow. I didn't know what to do or say or how to resolve this situation as delicately as possible. I was already up to speed on my dates with everyone, but something America had said stuck with me. She called me out on the fact that I could never truly be with her or anyone for that matter because of the way the Selection was set up. Although it wasn't something I could control, it made me feel dirty, like I was a player. That couldn't be farther from the truth, but nevertheless.

I found myself making my way down to the kitchen to speak to Marlee again. I talked with her at least twice a week mostly to check in, but in dire straights such as these, I would seek her advice.

"Your Majesty!" exclaimed Savana, one of our head chefs. "What brings you down here? Was something wrong with the food? I'll have it sorted out i-"

"You needn't worry so much, Savana. Everything is fine, I just came to, um, speak to someone in the back about a special request." I put on my best fake smile and sauntered away before she could as me any more questions. I walked to the very back of the kitchen and waited by the grocery trucks.

"Hey!" I whisper yelled. "Mar-Mallory, over here." Marlee heard my voice and turned and ran to me.

"Maxon? What are you doing here? This time of the day is really busy and if I don't look like I'm working, I could get into trouble."

"I know, but I really need you."

"Okay, we can go over-,"

"Mallory!" I voiced called from behind the truck, "Get your ass back here, girl! These boxes won't lift themselves." Marlee gave me a sympathetic look.

"Go, I'll be fine," I said smiling. She ran off leaving me there with my hands in my hair. I turned around to go mope in my room, but not before Marlee ran back to whisper something in my ear.

"Maybe go ask Carter for help. He's great with advice." With that she ran and disappeared behind a truck.  I sighed and set for the gardens.

"Your Highness, what brings you here?" Carter asked as I approached him.

"Hello Carter. Um, Marlee sent me here." I shifted my balance, slightly uncomfortable seeing that him and I never really talked or were close for that matter.

"What?" he said straightening up immediately. He winced slightly at the sharp movement. "Is she all right?"

"Yes, she's fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. It's just...I need some help. Some advice of what to do with America."
He made a motion to continue. I explained our fight in vague detail just in case word got back to my father that I was gossiping.

"Now Your Highness,-"

"Please, call me Maxon. We can drop the formalities now."

"Right uh, Maxon then. I'm no expert on women, but one thing I do know is that amongst other things, they appreciate vulnerability. Do something, show her apart of you that you haven't exposed yet, for whatever reason that is. Once you show her that you can be vulnerable too, she will trust you more and want to open up to you. You can't expect what you don't give."

I was on my way to America's room thinking about what Carter said. He was right. I was expecting and asking for things from her without actually showing her I could do the same thing. Ultimately, it was up to me to make the final move seeing that I could end the Selection whenever it suited me.

I knocked on her door, nervous as hell. She opened the door and it looked like a thousands thoughts ran through her head. She looked beautiful as always, but in this moment there was a quiet beauty she held. Almost regal. She opened her mouth to say something but before she could, I extended my hand.

"Come with me."

"Okay," she agreed. She took my hand and linked her arm with mine.

"You made a good point yesterday. I'm afraid of showing you every piece of myself. You get some, Kriss gets others, and so on. I've based that around what feels appropriate for each of you. With you, it feels like I always get a little piece of your world whenever I come to your room which is often and for some reason, it feels like if I do it enough, I'll get all of you. Does that make sense?"

"Kind of," she said.

"I want to show you a piece of myself, of my world and I feel ready to do so."


"My room." We stopped outside my door and I turned to her before opening it.

"Only Kriss has seen it which was sort of an impulsive decision. I'm not unhappy that I showed her, but I do think we moved a little too fast. You know how private I can be."

"I do," she said.

"It's not really that special, but it's mine and I want to share it with you." God, why was I so nervous? When I tried to wrap my hand around the handle, it squeaked from how sweaty my palms were. America giggled, hearing the noise and I gave her a shy smile.

"Well, here goes."

little short hehe. Next chapter will be here next week! thank you so much for commenting and voting, it means the world. Some of your comments are so funny!!! xx

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