Chapter 1

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The ladies began filtering into the dining hall for breakfast. After last night, I was eager to see what kind of outfit America would be wearing this morning. After I left her room, I was unable to control myself behind my own closed doors, thinking of her.

She entered wearing a conservative dress with summery colours. I smiled to myself as I cut into my food. She glanced up at me and I winked at her with a smirk on my face. I could tell by the way her neck flushed that she was embarrassed about the night before. Moments later, a butler came in with a letter on a silver platter. My father read it and frowned.

"These damn Frenchies," he muttered under his breath. He turned toward my mother. "I'm sorry, my dear. It looks like I'll have to leave within the hour.

"Is it the trade agreement?" she asked quietly so the other ladies at the table wouldn't hear.

"That it is. I thought this was settled months ago, but apparently I was wrong." I remembered mumblings about a problem during the last UN meeting. My father stood and began to walk toward the door. I frowned and stood abruptly and placed a hand on his arm.

"Father, don't you want me to join you?" I asked a little too loudly. He turned around and shook my hand off him.

"When you are ready to behave like a king should, then perhaps you won't be treated like a clueless child," he said loudly and coldly. I flinched at his words as I felt my cheeks begin to heat out of embarrassment. He left me standing there like a fool. I turned to sit back down and chuckled.

"I didn't want to go anyway," I said mainly to my mother. She gave me a knowing smile and went back to her breakfast. As breakfast came to a close, the ladies made there way out. When it was just America and I left we met in the middle of the room.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi." She looked down and sighed. "It's my fault he's not taking you, isn't it," she said pouting. I shrugged.

"Perhaps. Don't worry about it, this isn't the first time he's tried to put me in my place. He just wants to maintain control and the closer the end of the selection comes, the less he has of it."

"You should just send me home," America whined. "He's never going to let you pick me, there isn't a point for this. Besides after last night I wouldn't be surprised if you secretly have my bags packed." I bit back a smile.

"I'm really sorry I laughed, darling, but what else was I supposed to do in that situation?"

"I had a few other ideas," she muttered. Damn. "I'm so embarrassed." She covered her face with her hands and whined. I laughed as I pulled her hands away.

"Don't be. It would be a lie to say I wasn't tempted, but it just wasn't like you."

"But shouldn't I be like that? Shouldn't that be part of what this is?" she motioned her hand between us.

"What so what happened in the safe room meant nothing to you?" I asked jokingly.

"But that was basically a goodbye."

I bent down next to her ear and lowered my voice. "Maybe we should be saying goodbye more often."

"Maxon," she groaned, attempting to swat me. I ducked out of the way and snickered.

"Let's just forget it happened. Besides, we have real work to do now."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You were right when you said the king hates- dislikes you. Now that he's gone, this would be the perfect opportunity to change that.


"Silly girl," I said touching her nose. "By making you the people's favourite, of course."

A/N I know it's a short chapter but I'm excited for this new book! Comment things you want to see in this book. Ships, character development, POVs, etc. I made sure the cover didn't have colour because I wanted it to be more ambiguous hehe.

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