Chapter 33

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I woke up to the sharp morning light piercing my eyes. I groaned and shifted in my bed. I slowly opened my eyes to realise I wasn't in my bed. The moment of confusion passed when I realized the source of my arm's discomfort. I moved my arm to hook America closer to me and she hummed as she woke up. I kissed her forehead, gazing at her.

"We could wake up like this every day," I mumbled in a croaky voice. She giggled.

"You just read my mind." This, everything about this felt surreal. I had been dreaming about this happening for so long with the nagging doubt that it would never happen, but here it was. My dream come true.

"How are you feeling this morning, my dear?" I asked, closing my eyes again. She brought her hand up to my bare chest, letting her fingertips dance across my skin. There was a small draft in the room but our bodies were creating heat between us.

"I feel like punching you for calling me 'my dear', mostly," she joked.

"I'll just add that to the long list of assaults you have against me then." She poked my bare stomach. "What would you have me call you then? My darling? My pet? My love?"

"Any of those are fine, so long as they are reserved solely for me," she said smiling. "What am I supposed to call you?"

"Your Royal Husbandness. It's required by law, I'm afraid," I said grinning. I lifted my arm that wasn't wrapped around her body and gently let my fingers glide over her neck.

"I love you," I whispered as if it were a secret.

"I love you," she whispered back. My heart jumped around in my chest at her words.

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that," I said. I mindlessly stroked my knuckles back and forth on her neck.

"Don't," she laughed softly, shying away. My eyes lit up in amusement.

"You're ticklish!" I exclaimed with a smile. I ran my fingers all around her neck and torso as she squealed with laughter.

"Maxon, please!" she yelled, laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't help myself. Having her wake up next to me and hearing her laugh like this put an irreversible smile on my face. I removed my arm from underneath her and sat up slightly, running my fingers all over her. She shrieked with delight, only to have it immediately turn into a scream as the door burst open. The guard outside her door, Officer Leger had barged in, gun drawn to the sound of screams. America pulled the sheet over herself in fear. She poked her head out as Leger holstered his gun seeing no imminent danger. He held a look in his eyes that I decided to ignore rather than decipher.

"I can assure you, she's okay Leger," I said chuckling. America's neck and face flushed as he bowed.

"Of course. My apologies, Your Majesty." He exited the room and America groaned into her pillow. I pulled her close while still in the bed, leaning on my elbow.

"Don't be embarrassed, love," I said kissing her forehead. "It's not like we were naked. And it's bound to happen at some point in the future."

"It's so humiliating," she cried. I immediately pulled back.

"To be caught in bed with me?"

"What? No! Definitely not, Maxon. It's just...this was meant to be private, I guess," she said ducking her head.

"I'm sorry. I know this will be hard to get used to. From now on, there will be people and cameras watching your every move, trying to see as much as possible. The first few years will probably have a lot of interference, especially because we'll be expected to produce an heir. So far, all the kings and queens have had only children. Some by choice, but after the luck my mother had..." My eyes dropped.

"Hey, don't worry about that. I'm one of five remember? I have really good genes in that department," she said.

I smiled weakly. "I hope so. Partly because we are bound by duty to produce an heir but mostly because I want everything with you America." I allowed myself to be completely vulnerable and bare with her. "I want the birthdays, the holidays, the busy seasons and lazy weekends. I want little peanut butter fingerprints on my desk. I want inside jokes and the laughs and the love and the fights. I want the awkward moments with our parents. I want a life with you."

"I want that, too," she said beaming from ear to ear. I took her hand and kissed her fingertips.

"How about we make it official in a few hours?" I suggested.

"Eh, I'll have to check my schedule, but I think I'm free," she said, nonchalant. I gave her a wicked smile and tackled her in the bed, kissing all over her face as she giggled. I got dressed quickly as she put on her robe. We walked to the front of her room but before I left, I pulled her in for another kiss as if she was leaving me when in reality, I was getting her for the rest of my life. I pulled away and smiled and gave one more peck before exiting the room.

I saw Leger standing there and leaned in. "The lady would appreciate your discretion, Officer." He simply nodded without words as I walked away. I was high on happiness and giddy wit excitement. I was going to have to tell Kriss before we announced it officially, so I ventured off to find her. I figured I could hold off from telling my father for a bit longer.

I noticed Kriss in the hall as I turned the corner. I didn't have to walk all the way to her room now.

"Kriss, my dear. Could you come with me a moment, please?"

"Of course, Maxon, what is it?" she asked a little excited. It didn't bring me any joy that I was about to let her down in a few minutes, but what else could I do?

"I've made my decision." She looked into my eyes and saw the answer there. Her posture dropped a little bit and the light in her eyes went flat. "I would like you and America to be in the same place as I announced it."

"Of course," she said in a sad tone. I gave her my best sympathetic look and embraced her in a hug.

"Thank you for everything," I said into her hair. "I mean it." She pulled back and I could tell she was holding back tears. I opened my mouth to say something comforting.

"It's okay, Maxon. I'll be okay," she said. I nodded.


She hooked her arm in mine as we walked back toward America's room to tell her the same thing. So far, this had turned into the best day of my life. I turned the corner and looked at the sight in front of me and in the literal blink of an eye, it turned into the worst.

My entire world came crashing down as I saw America and Officer Leger pressed against each other in front of her door, her hand on his chest. She noticed me and Kriss standing there and immediately sprung away from him, horror in her eyes. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. All I felt was the purest anguish and betrayal. America opened her mouth to say something and within a second, all I could see was red. My posture went rigid as I gave them a cold stare.

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