Chapter 21

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Kriss POV

I forced my cheeks to crease as I plastered a fake smile on my face despite the nerves I was feeling. As we stepped into the light, I noticed that there were a lot more important looking people here, most likely officials of the land. Based on Silvia's brief description, I knew the Convicting was a test for us ladies to see if we can look regal in front of a camera as well as serve our country as would be our duty. That being said, America's words as shuddered through me. She was right, I didn't feel good about doing this. If these people were murderers and thugs, it would be a much easier task but seeing that they were most likely petty didn't sit right with me.

I had removed the north star pendant from my neck and replaced it with the beautiful gifts Maxon had adorned me with. They were my new favorites. I snuck a peek at him at we walked toward the thrones, toward the King. I placed my gift at his feet and went to our section to sit down. The music changed and the king stood to give a speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today the final four young ladies of the Selection come before us to present themselves to the law. The laws that uphold our nation and are the foundation of our peace. One of these ladies will stand before you one day, no longer a commoner, but a princess. As a member of the royal family, it will be her duty to uphold the law for the benefit of the people, not herself. Please join me in applauding these young ladies for their submission to the law."

The king sat back down as the room erupted in applause. His speech was bullshit and incredibly elitist but I kept those thoughts to myself. Of course people at the top would feel like this reality was "peace" but it's that bias that has people homeless, starving in the streets with no choices left to them. That bias was the reason young children would get beaten for stealing bread or fruit from the markets because they hadn't eaten in days, and thought it was their only reality. Even me, a child fortunately born into a higher caste could recognize my privilege and was actively doing something about it. At least I try to. I suppressed my eye roll and glanced around quickly at the faces of the other girls. My gaze caught America's who looked just as frustrated as I felt. I gave her a sympathetic half smile and shrug before turning around and sitting up straight. I still hadn't digested what I had seen days ago. Her and one of the guards in a dark hallways speaking in hushed tones. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions so I had been keeping to myself. America didn't seem guilty or act like she was hiding anything.

Gosh, I am so nervous.

Elise was first. She stood up and made her way to the center of the stage were a man kneeled, waiting. His wrists were bound with chains and was wearing clothes similar to the ones Marlee and Carter had on when they were caned. The traumatic memory caused me to flinch slightly.

"Jacob, what is your crime?" she asked, projecting excellently. I took note to do the same.

"Theft, my lady," he replied meekly.

"And how long is your sentence?"

"Twelve years, my lady," he said. My eyes widened as I subtly looked at America who held a melancholy look in her eyes. We were told that these men were convicted of petty theft and if that were true then their sentences were far too long.

"Go, faithful subject, and pay your debt to the King," said Elise touching his shoulder. The man looked at her and then the king before shuffling away. The audience erupted with applause. I was in shock. How could they support such a thing? It wasn't their fault, they had been brainwashed by this kingdom's corrupt rule so long that they hardly knew the difference between right and wrong. If I became Maxon's princess, there would be so much I could do to help the people, so much more access.

Celeste was next. She stood, sweeping her hair to the side in a dramatic way and walked to the center stage. I knew what her overbearing confidence looked like and today it was dampened. None of us took pleasure in this. The man who was brought out to her had a slight limp and had difficulty making he way to her. Before he reached the stage, he tripped and fell earning a collective gasp around the room. Two guards came almost immediately and dragged him to the front of the room, all the lights and cameras on him. He eventually bowed before her. Celeste delivered her lines as well as she could, projecting and standing tall.

I was next. I stood and smiled, making my way to the center of the stage and Celeste passed me to sit down. I couldn't tell from my seat, but when I was closer to her I could see the perspiration forming on her brow. I saw the man coming down toward the stage and as soon as his face and neck came into few, my face nearly fell. I immediately recognized the tattoo on his neck, the north star, but more specifically, the northern rebels symbol. He didn't know me and I didn't know him but we were fighting for the same cause. The only real difference between him and me was that he got caught. I glanced quickly toward the royal family, toward Maxon. I couldn't disappoint him, I just couldn't. I told myself this was better for the long term, that sentencing this man to prison would justify the ends.

I walked back to my seat as America stood to deliver her lines. She looked a beautiful wreck. The man was named Adam Driver and walked up to the stage with shame.

"Adam, what is your crime?"

"Theft, my Lady," he replied.

"And how long is your sentence?"

He paused before answering, "Life." There was a charged silence throughout the room. America let out a breath and deviated from her lines.

"How long did you say?" she asked.

"Life, my lady," he said regretfully. America leaned down and spoke to him again, softly I couldn't even hear it.

Suddenly America lifted her hands to her ears, removing the beautiful jewelry from her ears and placing them into the hands of a stunned Adam Driver. She then unclasped the bracelet from her wrist and put that in his hands. When she seemed like she was finished, she wrapped her fingers around the back of her neck and removed the bird necklace that she always wore. Since the time we arrived at the palace, I had never seen her take it off. She then placed it into the hands of the man.

"Go, faithful servant, and pay your debt to the king," she said with a sad but clipped tone. The man kneeled, frozen in place for a moment before making his way to the king.

All of us sat in our seats dumbfounded.

The king? Oh he was furious.

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