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"It's the big day," said Hunter. "How are you feeling your Majesty?"

Majesty. I was waiting for the day that didn't sound odd to my ears. Hunter, along with an entire crew of maids and butlers, was dressing me up to the T. My hair had been retouched at least a dozen times at my own request. A moist towelette that entered my room dry was sitting on a table to my left. I snapped my fingers, gesturing toward it to wipe my sweaty palms. The crown was placed on my head and I turned to look in the mirror. A feeling of bittersweetness filled me. I wish my parents were here to see my coronation. I did it I thought to them.

"I'm feeling good, H. Feeling good."

Suddenly we were just outside the doors. On the other side I knew there would be thousands of staring eyes, expectant faces and huge smiles. I was so damned nervous and excited I couldn't even think straight. I took a deep breath and gestured for the officers to open the doors.

"His Royal Majesty, King Maxon Schreave," called the announcer as I entered.

I began my stride up in aisle trying to keep my head up and a smile on my face. I looked around recognizing the faces of those who had been there to watch me grow up, those who helped raise me. My heart ached for my parents, especially my mother. She would have been so happy on this day. I thought of America as I made my way to my stand. I was getting married. Fulfilling the duty to my country and to my heart.

The music began and the doors opened yer again to reveal America's family. Gerad sprinted down the aisle, throwing the flowers like confetti in a less than graceful way. Magda looked ready to strangle someone underneath her tight smile and May was a ball of sunshine. I smirked as they made their way to their seats. Soon after, Marlee came down the aisle in a beautiful dress adorned with tiny sequins that made her look like an angel which was ironic. She gave me a knowing smile when she reached her place near the altar. Her eyes drifted to Carter who was seated in the front, beaming at her.

'Love you,' she mouthed.

'Love you,' he mouthed back.

Trumpets sounded, briefly interrupting the music.

"Her Royal Highness, Miss America Singer and Sir Aspen Ledger."

The world went quiet as my world made her way toward me. My breath caught. She looked so regal, so graceful, and so, so beautiful. My heart softened at the sight of her. When she looked at me, everything fell away. It was us. America and me. It took more than a few moment to get down the aisle due to Officer Ledger's injury, but I paid no mind. I respected him for doing this for her when her father could not. I nodded to him once they reached the altar.

At last she stood before me. I shook my head, smiling like a fool in love.

"Hello, my dear," I said with an impish grin.

"Don't start," she warned followed with a smile.

Life was beginning.

The One: MaxonWhere stories live. Discover now